- * $str original string
- * $encoding encoding of the original string, defaults to GBK
- * $prefix encoded prefix, defaults to ""
- * $postfix encoded suffix, defaults to ";"
- */
- function unicode_encode($str, $encoding = 'GBK', $prefix = '', $postfix = ';') {
- $str = iconv($encoding, 'UCS-2', $str);
- $arrstr = str_split($str, 2);
- $unistr = '';
- for($i = 0, $len = count($arrstr); $i $dec = hexdec(bin2hex($arrstr[$i]));
- $unistr .= $prefix . $dec . $postfix;
- }
- return $unistr;
- } // 脚本学堂 bbs.it-home.org
- /**
- * $str Unicode encoded string
- * $encoding The encoding of the original string, the default is GBK
- * $prefix The prefix of the encoded string, the default is ""
- * $postfix The suffix of the encoded string, the default is "; "
- */
- function unicode_decode($unistr, $encoding = 'GBK', $prefix = '', $postfix = ';') {
- $arruni = explode($prefix, $unistr);
- $unistr = '';
- for($i = 1, $len = count($arruni); $i if (strlen($postfix) > 0) {
- $arruni[$i] = substr($arruni[$i], 0, strlen($arruni[$i]) - strlen($postfix));
- }
- $temp = intval($arruni[$i]);
- $unistr .= ($temp }
- return iconv('UCS-2', $encoding, $unistr);
- }
- $str = '哈哈';
- echo $str.'
- $unistr = unicode_encode($str);
- echo $unistr.'
'; // 哈哈
- $str2 = unicode_decode($unistr);
- echo $str2.'
'; //哈哈
- //UTF-8字符串测试
- $utf8_str = iconv('GBK', 'UTF-8', $str);
- echo $utf8_str.'
'; // 鍝堝搱 注:UTF在GBK下显示的乱码!可切换浏览器的编码测试
- $utf8_unistr = unicode_encode($utf8_str, 'UTF-8');
- echo $utf8_unistr.'
'; // 哈哈
- $utf8_str2 = unicode_decode($utf8_unistr, 'UTF-8');
- echo $utf8_str2.'
'; // 鍝堝搱
- //其它后缀、前缀测试
- $prefix_unistr = unicode_encode($str, 'GBK', "\u", '');
- echo $prefix_unistr.'
'; // u60u98u62u21704u21704u60u47u98u62
- $profix_unistr2 = unicode_decode($prefix_unistr, 'GBK', "\u", '');
- echo $profix_unistr2.'
'; //哈哈