class Page{
private $total; //数据表中总记录数
private $listRows; //每页显示的条数
private $limit; //SQL语句中使用limit从句,限制获取记录数
private $uri; //自动获取url的请求地址
private $pageNum; //总页数
private $page; //当前页
private $config = array(
'head' => '条记录',
'prev' => '上一页',
'next' => '下一页',
'first' => '首页',
'last' => '末页'
private $listNum = 5; //默认分页列表显示的个数
* 构造方法,可以设置分页类的属性
* @param int $total计算分页的总记录数
* @param int $listRows 可选的,设置每页显示的记录数,默认25
* @param mixed $query可选的,为向目标页面传递参数,可以是数组,也可以是查询字符串格式
* @param bool $ord 默认是true,页面从第一页开始显示,false则从最后一页开始显示
public function __construct($total, $listRows=25, $query='', $ord=true){
$this->total = $total;
$this->listRows = $listRows;
$this->uri = $this->getUri($query);
$this->pageNum = ceil($this->total/$this->listRows);
$page = $_GET['page'];
$page = 1;
$page = $this->pageNum;
if($total > 0){
if(preg_match('/\D/', $page)){
$this->page = 1;
$this->page = $page;
//$this->limit = 'LIMIT '.$this->setLimit();
$this->limit = $this->setLimit();
* 用于设置显示分页的信息,可以进行连贯操作
* @param string $param 成员属性数组config的下表
* @param string $value 用于设置config下标对应的元素值
* @return object 返回本对象自己$this,用于连贯操作
function __set($param, $value){
if(array_key_exists($param, $this->config)){
$this->config[$param] = $value;
//return $this;
function __get($args){
if($args == 'limit' || $args == 'page'){
return $this->$args;
return null;
* 按指定的格式输出分页
* @param int 0-7的数字分别作为参数,用于自定义输出分页结构和调整结构的顺序,默认输出全部结构
* @return string 分页信息内容
function fpage(){
$arr = func_get_args();
$html[0] = " 共 {$this->total} {$this->config['head']} ";
$html[1] = " 本页".$this->disnum()." 条 ";
$html[2] = " 本页从{$this->start()} - {$this->end()} 条 ";
$html[3] = " {$this->page}/{$this->pageNum} 页 ";
$html[4] = $this->firstprev();
$html[5] = $this->pageList();
$html[6] = $this->nextlast();
$html[7] = $this->goPage();
$fpage = '';
if(count($arr)<1){ $arr = array(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7); } for($i=0; $i$fpage .= $html[$arr[$i]];} $fpage .= ' ';
return $fpage;
/*Used inside the object to automatically obtain the current url accessed*/
private function getUri($query){
$request_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$url = strstr($request_uri, '?') ? $request_uri : $request_uri.'?';
$url .= http_build_query($query);
}else if ($query != ''){
$url .= '&'.trim($query, '?&');
$arr = parse_url($url);
if(isset($arr ['query'])){
parse_str($arr['query'], $arrs);
$url = $arr['path'].'?' .http_build_query($arrs);
if(strstr($url, '?')){
if(substr($url, -1) != '?'){
$url = $url.' &';
$url .= '?';
return $url;
/*Private method, set limit*/
private function setLimit(){
if($this ->page > 0){
return ($this->page - 1)*$this->listRows.", {$this->listRows}";
return 0;
/*Private method used inside the object to get the number of records at the beginning of the current page*/
private function start(){
if($this->total == 0){
return 0 ;
return ($this->page-1) * $this->listRows + 1;
/*Used to get the number of records at the end of the current page*/
private function end (){
return min($this->page * $this->listRows, $this->total);
/*Used to get the number of records displayed on this page*/
private function disnum(){
if($this->total > 0){
return $this->end() - $this->start() + 1;
return 0;
/*Used to get the operation information of the previous page and home page*/
private function firstprev(){
if($this->page > 1){
$str = " {$this->config['first']} ";
$str .= "{$this->config['prev']} ";
return $str;
private function pageList(){
$linkPage = ' ';
$pageSub = $this->page%$this->listNum;
if($pageSub==0 && $ this->page>0){
$pageSub = $this->listNum;
/*The list in front of the current page*/
for($i=$pageSub-1; $i >= 1; $i--){
$page = $this->page-$i;
if($page >= 1){
$linkPage .= "{$page} ";
/*Information of the current page*/
if($this->pageNum > 1){
$linkPage .= "{$this->page} ";
/*Current List after page*/
for($i=1; $i<=$this->listNum-$pageSub; $i++){
$page = $this->page + $i;
if($ page<=$this->pageNum){
$linkPage .= "{$page} " ;
$linkPage .= '';
return $linkPage;
/*Used to get page list information*/
private function pageListBak (){
$linkPage = ' ';
$inum = floor($this->listNum/2);
/*The list in front of the current page*/
for($i=$inum; $i >= 1; $i--){
$page = $this->page-$i;
if($page >= 1){
$linkPage .= "{$page} ";
/*Information of the current page*/
if($this-> pageNum > 1){
$linkPage .= "{$this->page} ";
/*List behind the current page*/
for($i=1; $i<=$inum; $i++){ $page = $this->page + $i;
if($ page<=$this->pageNum){
$linkPage .= "{$page} " ;
$linkPage .= '';
return $linkPage;
/*Get the operation information of the next page and the last page*/
private function nextlast(){
if($this->page != $this->pageNum){
$str = " {$this->config['next']} ";
$str .= " {$this->config['last']} ";
return $str;
private function goPage(){
if($this->pageNum > 1){
return ' ';