/** - * Image similarity comparison
- *
- * @version $Id: ImageHash.php 4429 2012-04-17 13:20:31Z jax $
- * @authorjax.hu
- * www.osxue.com
- *//Sample_1
- *$aHash = ImageHash::hashImageFile('wsz.11.jpg');
- *$bHash = ImageHash::hashImageFile('wsz.12.jpg');
- *var_dump(ImageHash::isHashSimilar($aHash, $bHash));
- *
- *//Sample_2
- *var_dump(ImageHash::isImageFileSimilar('wsz.11.jpg', 'wsz.12.jpg'));
- *
- */
class ImageHash {
- /**Sampling rate 1~10
- * @access public
- * @staticvar int
- **/
- public static $rate = 2;
/**Similarity allowed value 0~64
- * @access public
- * @staticvar int
- **/
- public static $similarity = 80;
/**The opening function corresponding to the image type
- * @access private
- * @staticvar string
- **/
- private static $_createFunc = array(
- IMAGETYPE_GIF =>'imageCreateFromGIF',
- IMAGETYPE_JPEG=>'imageCreateFromJPEG',
- IMAGETYPE_PNG =>'imageCreateFromPNG',
- IMAGETYPE_BMP =>'imageCreateFromBMP',
- IMAGETYPE_WBMP=>'imageCreateFromWBMP',
- IMAGETYPE_XBM =>'imageCreateFromXBM',
- );
/**Create an image from a file
- * @param string $filePath file address path
- * @return resource When the image is successfully opened, the image resource ID is passed, and if it fails, it is false
- **/
- public static function createImage($filePath){
- if(!file_exists($filePath)){ return false; }
- $type = exif_imagetype($filePath);
- if(!array_key_exists($type,self::$_createFunc)){ return false; }
$func = self::$_createFunc[$type];
- if(!function_exists($func)){ return false; }
return $func($filePath);
- }
/**hash image
- * @param resource $src image resource ID
- * @return string image hash value, false on failure
- **/
- public static function hashImage($src){
- if(!$src){ return false; }
- $delta = 8 * self::$rate;
- $img = imageCreateTrueColor($delta,$delta);
- imageCopyResized($img,$src, 0,0,0,0, $delta,$delta,imagesX($src),imagesY($src));
- $grayArray = array();
- for ($y=0; $y<$delta; $y++){
- for ($x=0; $x<$delta; $x++){
- $rgb = imagecolorat($img,$x,$y);
- $col = imagecolorsforindex($img, $rgb);
- $gray = intval(($col['red']+$col['green']+$col['blue'])/3)& 0xFF;
$grayArray[] = $gray;
- }
- }
- imagedestroy($img);
- $average = array_sum($grayArray)/count($grayArray);
/*计算 hash 值*/
- $hashStr = '';
- foreach ($grayArray as $gray){
- $hashStr .= ($gray>=$average) ? '1' : '0';
- }
- return $hashStr;
- }
/**hash image file
- * @param string $filePath file address path
- * @return string image hash value, false on failure
- **/
- public static function hashImageFile($filePath){
- $src = self::createImage($filePath);
- $hashStr = self::hashImage($src);
- imagedestroy($src);
return $hashStr;
- }
/**Compare two hash values to see if they are similar
- * @param string $aHash The hash value of picture A
- * @param string $bHash The hash value of picture B
- * @return bool If the pictures are similar, true will be passed, otherwise false
- **/
- public static function isHashSimilar($aHash, $bHash){
- $aL = strlen($aHash); $bL = strlen($bHash);
- if ($aL !== $bL){ return false; }
- $allowGap = $aL*(100-self::$similarity)/100;
/*计算两个 hash 值的汉明距离*/
- $distance = 0;
- for($i=0; $i<$aL; $i++){
- if ($aHash{$i} !== $bHash{$i}){ $distance++; }
- }
return ($distance<=$allowGap) ? true : false;
- }
/**Compare two image files to see if they are similar
- * @param string $aHash The path of image A
- * @param string $bHash The path of image B
- * @return bool When the images are similar, true is passed, otherwise false
- **/
- public static function isImageFileSimilar($aPath, $bPath){
- $aHash = ImageHash::hashImageFile($aPath);
- $bHash = ImageHash: :hashImageFile($bPath);
- return ImageHash::isHashSimilar($aHash, $bHash);
- }
- }>