It’s still a side dish. It’s my first time to share code. This is a PHP collection class I wrote before. I have been using it. I feel it is very simple and powerful. As long as you know a little bit about selectors, you can collect any page. It supports https pages, which is enough for simple collection.
- /**
- *General list collection class
- *Version V1.3
- *Author: JAE
- *Blog:
- */
- require_once '../phpQuery/phpQuery/phpQuery.php';
- class QueryList{
- private $pageURL;
- private $regArr = array();
- public $jsonArr = array();
- private $regRange;
- private $html;
- /**************************************************
- * Parameters: Page address selector array block selector
- * [Selector array] Description: Format array("name"=>array("selector", "type"),.....)
- * [Type 】Description: Values "text", "html", "attribute"
- *[Block Selector]: Refers to first selecting several large blocks according to the rules, and then making relevant selections in the blocks respectively
- ***** ********************************************/
- function QueryList($pageURL,$regArr=array(),$regRange='')
- {
- $this->pageURL = $pageURL;
- //为了能获取https://
- $ch = curl_init();
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$this->pageURL);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
- curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
- $this->html = curl_exec($ch);
- curl_close($ch);
- if(!empty($regArr))
- {
- $this->regArr = $regArr;
- $this->regRange = $regRange;
- $this->getList();
- }
- }
- function setQuery($regArr,$regRange='')
- {
- $this->jsonArr=array();
- $this->regArr = $regArr;
- $this->regRange = $regRange;
- $this->getList();
- }
- private function getList()
- {
- $hobj = phpQuery::newDocumentHTML($this->html);
- if(!empty($this->regRange))
- {
- $robj = pq($hobj)->find($this->regRange);
- $i=0;
- foreach($robj as $item)
- {
- while(list($key,$reg_value)=each($this->regArr))
- {
- $iobj = pq($item)->find($reg_value[0]);
- switch($reg_value[1])
- {
- case 'text':
- $this->jsonArr[$i][$key] = trim(pq($iobj)->text());
- break;
- case 'html':
- $this->jsonArr[$i][$key] = trim(pq($iobj)->html());
- break;
- default:
- $this->jsonArr[$i][$key] = pq($iobj)->attr($reg_value[1]);
- break;
- }
- }
- //重置数组指针
- reset($this->regArr);
- $i++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- while(list($key,$reg_value)=each($this->regArr))
- {
- $lobj = pq($hobj)->find($reg_value[0]);
- $i=0;
- foreach($lobj as $item)
- {
- switch($reg_value[1])
- {
- case 'text':
- $this->jsonArr[$i++][$key] = trim(pq($item)->text());
- break;
- case 'html':
- $this->jsonArr[$i++][$key] = trim(pq($item)->html());
- break;
- default:
- $this->jsonArr[$i++][$key] = pq($item)->attr($reg_value[1]);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function getJSON()
- {
- return json_encode($this->jsonArr);
- }
- }
Copy code
- require 'Query/QueryList.class.php';
- //Collect OSC code sharing list, title link author
- $url = " code/list";
- $reg = array("title"=>array(".code_title a:eq(0)","text"),"url"=>array(".code_title a:eq( 0)","href"),"author"=>array("img","title"));
- $rang = ".code_list li";
- $hj = new QueryList($url,$reg, $rang);
- $arr = $hj->jsonArr;
- print_r($arr);
- //If you also want to collect the TOP40 active contributor images on the right side of the current page and get the JSON data, you can write like this
- $reg = array("portrait"=>array(".hot_top img","src"));
- $hj->setQuery($reg);
- $json = $hj->getJSON();
- echo $ json . "
- //OSC content page content
- $url = "";
- $reg = array("title"= >array(".QTitle h1","text"),"con"=>array(".Content","html"));
- $hj = new QueryList($url,$reg);
- $ arr = $hj->jsonArr;
- print_r($arr);
- //Just give so many examples, is it very convenient to use for collection
Copy code
- /**
- *Baidu and Google search API written by myself
- *Version V2.0
- *Author: JAE
- *Blog:
- **/
- require_once 'QueryList_class.php';
- class Searcher
- {
- private $searcher;
- private $key;
- private $num;
- private $page;
- private $regArr ;
- private $regRange ;
- private $regZnum;
- public $jsonArr;
- //参数 搜索引擎 搜索关键字 返回的结果条数 第几页
- function Searcher($searcher,$key,$num,$page)
- {
- if($searcher=='baidu')
- {
- $this->regArr = array("title"=>array("h3.t a,#ting_singlesong_box a","text"),"tCon"=>array("div.c-abstract,font:slice(0,2),div#weibo,table tr:eq(0),div.c-abstract-size p:eq(0),div.vd_sitcom_new_tinfo","text"),"url"=>array("h3.t a,#ting_singlesong_box a","href"));
- $this->regRange = 'table.result,table.result-op';
- $this->regZnum=array("zNum"=>array("span.nums","text"));
- }
- else if($searcher=='google')
- {
- $this->regArr = array("title"=>array("h3.r a","text"),"tCon"=>array("","text"),"url"=>array("h3.r a","href"));
- $this->regRange = 'li.g';
- $this->regZnum=array("zNum"=>array("div#resultStats","text"));
- }
- $this->searcher = $searcher;
- $this->key = $key;
- $this->num = $num;
- $this->page = $page-1;
- $this->getList();
- }
- private function getList()
- {
- $s = urlencode($this->key);
- $num = $this->num;
- $start = $this->num*$this->page;
- if($this->searcher=='baidu')
- {
- $url = "$start&rn=$num&wd=$s";
- $reg_znum='/[d,]+/';
- }
- else if($this->searcher=='google')
- {
- $url="$num&start=$start&q=$s";
- $reg_znum='/([d,]+) result(s)?/';
- }
- $searcherObj = new QueryList($url,$this->regArr,$this->regRange);
- for($i=0;$ijsonArr);$i++)
- {
- if($this->searcher=='baidu')
- {
- $searcherObj->jsonArr[$i]['url'] = $this->getBaiduRealURL($searcherObj->jsonArr[$i]['url']);
- }
- else if($this->searcher=='google')
- {
- $searcherObj->jsonArr[$i]['url'] = $this->getGoogleRealURL($searcherObj->jsonArr[$i]['url']);
- }
- }
- $this->jsonArr = $searcherObj->jsonArr ;
- //获取总共结果条数
- $searcherObj->setQuery($this->regZnum);
- $zNum = $searcherObj->jsonArr[0]['zNum'];
- preg_match($reg_znum,$zNum,$arr)?$zNum=$arr[0]:$zNum=0;
- $zNum = (int)str_replace(',','',$zNum);
- //计算总页数
- $zPage = ceil($zNum/$this->num);
- $this->jsonArr=array('num'=>$this->num,'page'=>((int)$this->page+1),'zNum'=>$zNum,'zPage'=>$zPage,"s"=>"$this->key",'other'=>array('author'=>'JAE','QQ'=>'734708094','blog'=>''),'data'=>$this->jsonArr);
- }
- function getJSON()
- {
- return json_encode($this->jsonArr);
- }
- private function getBaiduRealURL($url)
- {
- //得到百度跳转的真正地址
- $header = get_headers($url,1);
- if (strpos($header[0],'301') || strpos($header[0],'302'))
- {
- if(is_array($header['Location']))
- {
- //return $header['Location'][count($header['Location'])-1];
- return $header['Location'][0];
- }
- else
- {
- return $header['Location'];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- return $url;
- }
- }
- private function getGoogleRealURL($url)
- {
- $reg_url = '/q=(.+)&/U';
- return preg_match($reg_url,$url,$arr)?urldecode($arr[1]):$url;
- }
- }
- // $hj = new Searcher('google','oschina',20,2);
- // print_r( $hj->jsonArr);
- //效果演示地址
- //