Import the fonts yourself and modify them according to your needs. It is recommended to use bold font
- class Imagecode{
- private $width ;
- private $height;
- private $counts;
- private $distrubcode;
- private $fonturl;
- private $fonturlbg;
- private $session;
- /* *
- * Enter description here...
- *
- * @param unknown_type $width width
- * @param unknown_type $height height
- * @param unknown_type $counts number of characters
- * @param unknown_type $distrubcode random character range
- * @param unknown_type $fonturl Severe code font
- * @param unknown_type $fonturlbg Interference character font
- */
- function __construct($width = 120,$height = 30,$counts = 5,$distrubcode="1235467890qwertyuipkjhgfdaszxcvbnm",$fonturl="msyhbd.ttf",$fonturlbg='f.ttf') {
- $this->width=$width;
- $this->height=$height;
- $this->counts=$counts;
- $this->distrubcode=$distrubcode;
- $this-> ;fonturl=$fonturl;
- $this->fonturlbg=$fonturlbg ? $fonturlbg :$fonturl;//Use when interference font is not set
- $this->session=$this->sessioncode();
- session_start ();
- $_SESSION['code']=$this->session;
- }
- function imageout(){
- $im=$this->createimagesource();
- $this->setbackgroundcolor($ im);
- $this->set_code($im);
- $this->setdistrubecode($im);
- ImageGIF($im);
- ImageDestroy($im);
- }
- private function createimagesource() {
- return imagecreate($this->width,$this->height);
- }
- private function setbackgroundcolor($im){
- $bgcolor = ImageColorAllocate($im, rand(200,255),rand(200,255), rand(200,255));//±3?°??é?
- imagefill($im,0,0,$bgcolor);
- }
- private function setdistrubecode($im){
- $count_h=$this-> height;
- $cou=floor($count_h*2);
- for($i=0;$i<$cou;$i++){
- $x=rand(0,$this->width);
- $ y=rand(0,$this->height);
- $jiaodu=rand(0,360);
- $fontsize=rand(8,15);
- $fonturl=$this->fonturlbg;
- $originalcode = $ this->distrubcode;
- $countdistrub = strlen($originalcode);
- $dscode = $originalcode[rand(0,$countdistrub-1)];
- $color = ImageColorAllocate($im, rand(40,140),rand( 40,140),rand(40,140));//Interference text color
- imagettftext($im,$fontsize,$jiaodu,$x,$y,$color,$fonturl,$dscode);
- }
- }
- private function set_code($im){
- $width=$this->width;
- $counts=$this->counts;
- $height=$this->height;
- $scode=$this->session;
- $y=floor($height/2)+floor($height/4);
- $fontsize=rand(30,35);
- $fonturl=$this->fonturl;
- $counts=$this- >counts;
- for($i=0;$i<$counts;$i++){
- $char=$scode[$i];
- $x=floor($width/$counts)*$i+8 ;
- $jiaodu=rand(-20,30);
- $color = ImageColorAllocate($im,rand(0,200),rand(50,200),rand(100,240));//Text color
- imagettftext($im,$fontsize ,$jiaodu,$x,$y,$color,$fonturl,$char);
- }
- }
- private function sessioncode(){
- $originalcode = $this->distrubcode;
- $countdistrub = strlen ($originalcode);
- $_dscode = "";
- $counts=$this->counts;
- for($j=0;$j<$counts;$j++){
- $dscode = $originalcode[rand( 0,$countdistrub-1)];
- $_dscode.=$dscode;
- }
- return $_dscode;
- }
- }
- Header("Content-type: image/GIF");
- $imagecode=new Imagecode( 160,50);
- $imagecode->imageout();
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