It can accept any number of special numbers (excluding 0) and output (1~xxx) in any number range. In fact, you can also use the strategy mode to make the algorithm independent. I won’t write about this topic yet (lazy~~)
class FizzBuzzWhizz{- private $_special=array();
- private $_words=array();
- public function __construct(array $special,array $words){
- if(in_array(0 ,$special)){
- exit('Special numbers cannot contain 0');
- }
- $this->_special=$special;
- $this->_words=$words;
- }
- public function run( $num){
- $output='';
- for($i=1;$i<=$num;$i++){
- $output.=$this->_calculate($i);
- }
- echo $output;
- exit();
- }
- private function _calculate($number){
- $str='';
- if(strpos($number,$this->_special[0]) > 0){
- return $this->_words[0]."
- }
- foreach($this->_special as $k=>$v){
- if($number%$v === 0){
- $str.=$this->_words[$k];
- }
- }
- return $str==''?$number.'
': $str.' ';
- }
- }
- $special=array(3,5,7);
- $words=array('Fizz','Buzz','Whizz');
- $obj=new FizzBuzzWhizz($special,$ words);
- $obj->run(100);
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