Generate multiple types of thumbnails
- /***************************************
- *Author: Dreaming Scorpio (beluckly)
- *Complete Time: 2006-12-18
- *Class name: CreatMiniature
- *Function: Generate multiple types of thumbnails
- *Basic parameters: $srcFile, $echoType
- *Parameters used in the method:
- $toFile, generated file
- $toW, the generated width
- $toH, the generated height
- $bk1, the background color parameter is 255 as the highest
- $bk2, the background color parameter
- $bk3, the background color parameter
- *Example:
- include("thumb. php");
- $cm=new CreatMiniature();
- $cm->SetVar("1.jpg","file");
- $cm->Distortion("dis_bei.jpg",150,200);
- $cm->Prorate("pro_bei.jpg",150,200);
- $cm->Cut("cut_bei.jpg",150,200);
- $cm->BackFill("fill_bei.jpg",150,200);
- *******************************************/
- class CreatMiniature
- {
- //Public variable
- var $srcFile=""; //Original image
- var $echoType; //Output image type , link--do not save as a file; file--save as a file
- var $im=""; //Temporary variable
- var $srcW=""; //Original image width
- var $srcH=""; // Original image height
- //Set variables and initialize
- function SetVar($srcFile,$echoType)
- {
- $this->srcFile=$srcFile;
- $this->echoType=$echoType;
- $info = "";
- $data = GetImageSize($this->srcFile,$info);
- switch ($data[2])
- {
- case 1:
- if(!function_exists("imagecreatefromgif")){
- echo " Your GD library cannot use GIF format images, please use Jpeg or PNG format! Return";
- exit();
- }
- $this->im = ImageCreateFromGIF($this->srcFile);
- break;
- case 2:
- if(!function_exists("imagecreatefromjpeg")){
- echo "Your GD library cannot use images in jpeg format , please use pictures in other formats!返回";
- exit();
- }
- $this->im = ImageCreateFromJpeg($this->srcFile);
- break;
- case 3:
- $this->im = ImageCreateFromPNG($this->srcFile);
- break;
- }
- $this->srcW=ImageSX($this->im);
- $this->srcH=ImageSY($this->im);
- }
- //生成扭曲型缩图
- function Distortion($toFile,$toW,$toH)
- {
- $cImg=$this->CreatImage($this->im,$toW,$toH,0,0,0,0,$this->srcW,$this->srcH);
- return $this->EchoImage($cImg,$toFile);
- ImageDestroy($cImg);
- }
- //生成按比例缩放的缩图
- function Prorate($toFile,$toW,$toH)
- {
- $toWH=$toW/$toH;
- $srcWH=$this->srcW/$this->srcH;
- if($toWH< =$srcWH)
- {
- $ftoW=$toW;
- $ftoH=$ftoW*($this->srcH/$this->srcW);
- }
- else
- {
- $ftoH=$toH;
- $ftoW=$ftoH*($this->srcW/$this->srcH);
- }
- if($this->srcW>$toW||$this->srcH>$toH)
- {
- $cImg=$this->CreatImage($this->im,$ftoW,$ftoH,0,0,0,0,$this->srcW,$this->srcH);
- return $this->EchoImage($cImg,$toFile);
- ImageDestroy($cImg);
- }
- else
- {
- $cImg=$this->CreatImage($this->im,$this->srcW,$this->srcH,0,0,0,0,$this->srcW,$this->srcH);
- return $this->EchoImage($cImg,$toFile);
- ImageDestroy($cImg);
- }
- }
- //生成最小裁剪后的缩图
- function Cut($toFile,$toW,$toH)
- {
- $toWH=$toW/$toH;
- $srcWH=$this->srcW/$this->srcH;
- if($toWH< =$srcWH)
- {
- $ctoH=$toH;
- $ctoW=$ctoH*($this->srcW/$this->srcH);
- }
- else
- {
- $ctoW=$toW;
- $ctoH=$ctoW*($this->srcH/$this->srcW);
- }
- $allImg=$this->CreatImage($this->im,$ctoW,$ctoH,0,0,0,0,$this->srcW,$this->srcH);
- $cImg=$this->CreatImage($allImg,$toW,$toH,0,0,($ctoW-$toW)/2,($ctoH-$toH)/2,$toW,$toH);
- return $this->EchoImage($cImg,$toFile);
- ImageDestroy($cImg);
- ImageDestroy($allImg);
- }
- //生成背景填充的缩图
- function BackFill($toFile,$toW,$toH,$bk1=255,$bk2=255,$bk3=255)
- {
- $toWH=$toW/$toH;
- $srcWH=$this->srcW/$this->srcH;
- if($toWH< =$srcWH)
- {
- $ftoW=$toW;
- $ftoH=$ftoW*($this->srcH/$this->srcW);
- }
- else
- {
- $ftoH=$toH;
- $ftoW=$ftoH*($this->srcW/$this->srcH);
- }
- if(function_exists("imagecreatetruecolor"))
- {
- @$cImg=ImageCreateTrueColor($toW,$toH);
- if(!$cImg)
- {
- $cImg=ImageCreate($toW,$toH);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $cImg=ImageCreate($toW,$toH);
- }
- $backcolor = imagecolorallocate($cImg, $bk1, $bk2, $bk3); //填充的背景颜色
- ImageFilledRectangle($cImg,0,0,$toW,$toH,$backcolor);
- if($this->srcW>$toW||$this->srcH>$toH)
- {
- $proImg=$this->CreatImage($this->im,$ftoW,$ftoH,0,0,0,0,$this->srcW,$this->srcH);
- /*
- if($ftoW< $toW)
- {
- ImageCopyMerge($cImg,$proImg,($toW-$ftoW)/2,0,0,0,$ftoW,$ftoH,100);
- }
- else if($ftoH<$toH)
- {
- ImageCopyMerge($cImg,$proImg,0,($toH-$ftoH)/2,0,0,$ftoW,$ftoH,100);
- }
- */
- if($ftoW<$toW)
- {
- ImageCopy($cImg,$proImg,($toW-$ftoW)/2,0,0,0,$ftoW,$ftoH);
- }
- else if($ftoH<$toH)
- {
- ImageCopy($cImg,$proImg,0,($toH-$ftoH)/2,0,0,$ftoW,$ftoH);
- }
- else
- {
- ImageCopy($cImg,$proImg,0,0,0,0,$ftoW,$ftoH);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ImageCopyMerge($cImg,$this->im,($toW-$ftoW)/2,($toH-$ftoH)/2,0,0,$ftoW,$ftoH,100);
- }
- return $this->EchoImage($cImg,$toFile);
- ImageDestroy($cImg);
- }
- function CreatImage($img,$creatW,$creatH,$dstX,$dstY,$srcX,$srcY,$srcImgW,$srcImgH)
- {
- if(function_exists("imagecreatetruecolor"))
- {
- @$creatImg = ImageCreateTrueColor($creatW,$creatH);
- if($creatImg)
- ImageCopyResampled($creatImg,$img,$dstX,$dstY,$srcX,$srcY,$creatW,$creatH,$srcImgW,$srcImgH);
- else
- {
- $creatImg=ImageCreate($creatW,$creatH);
- ImageCopyResized($creatImg,$img,$dstX,$dstY,$srcX,$srcY,$creatW,$creatH,$srcImgW,$srcImgH);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $creatImg=ImageCreate($creatW,$creatH);
- ImageCopyResized($creatImg,$img,$dstX,$dstY,$srcX,$srcY,$creatW,$creatH,$srcImgW,$srcImgH);
- }
- return $creatImg;
- }
- //输出图片,link---只输出,不保存文件。file--保存为文件
- function EchoImage($img,$to_File)
- {
- switch($this->echoType)
- {
- case "link":
- if(function_exists('imagejpeg')) return ImageJpeg($img);
- else return ImagePNG($img);
- break;
- case "file":
- if(function_exists('imagejpeg')) return ImageJpeg($img,$to_File);
- else return ImagePNG($img,$to_File);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- ?>