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PHP package website online compression into zip

2016-07-23 08:54:51803browse
  1. ?//在URL后参加 ?pwd=密码 查看生成密码
  2. $password = '8baa717e6265d1c1d762cc896151f821'; //l23
  3. ?>
  4. php ZIP压缩程序
  5. 在线压缩ZIP文件程序

  6. 使用方法:选定要压缩的文件或目录(包含子目录),即可开始压缩。压缩的结果保留原来的目录结构。

  7. echo '当前目录:'. dirname(__FILE__) . ' 退出';
  8. else
  9. if(isset($_GET['pwd']) )
  10. echo '密码值:'. md5($_GET['pwd']) . '';
  11. else
  12. echo 'Tips:在URL后参加?pwd=密码 查看生成密码.';
  13. ?>
  • if(!isset($_REQUEST["myaction"])):
  • ?>
  • 验证密码:
  • elseif($_REQUEST["myaction"]=="dolist"):
  • if(!isset($_REQUEST['pwd']) || empty($_REQUEST['pwd']) )
  • die('请输入密码! Again');
  • if(md5($_REQUEST['pwd']) != $password)
  • die('输入的密码不正确!Again');
  • echo 'Select the directories to be excluded (relative paths, separated by commas):
  • echo '
  • echo "Select the file to be compressed Or directory:
  • $fdir = opendir('./');
  • while($file=readdir($fdir)){
  • if($file=='.'|| $file =='..' ) continue;
  • echo " ";
  • if(is_file($file)){
  • echo "File: $file
  • }else{
  • echo " Directory: $file
  • }
  • }
  • ?>

  • Save the compressed file to the directory:
  • (leave blank for this directory, must have write permission )
  • Compressed file name:
  • (.zip)

  • elseif($_REQUEST["myaction"]=="dozip" ):
  • // set_time_limit(0);
  • class PHPzip{
  • var $file_count = 0;
  • var $datastr_len = 0;
  • var $dirstr_len = 0;
  • var $filedata = ''; //This variable Only accessed by programs outside the class
  • var $gzfilename;
  • var $fp;
  • var $dirstr='';
  • /*
  • Returns the modification time format of the file.
  • Only called for internal functions of this class.
  • */
  • function unix2DosTime ($unixtime = 0) {
  • $timearray = ($unixtime == 0) ? getdate() : getdate($unixtime);
  • if ($timearray['year'] < 1980) {
  • $timearray[' year'] = 1980;
  • $timearray['mon'] = 1;
  • $timearray['mday'] = 1;
  • $timearray['hours'] = 0;
  • $timearray['minutes'] = 0;
  • $timearray['seconds'] = 0;
  • }
  • return (($timearray['year'] - 1980) << 25) | ($timearray['mon'] << 21) | ($timearray['mday'] << 16) |
  • ($timearray['hours'] << 11) | ($timearray['minutes'] << 5) | ($timearray[ 'seconds'] >> 1);
  • }
  • /*
  • Initialize the file, create the file directory,
  • and return the write permission of the file.
  • */
  • function startfile($path = 'myzip.zip') {
  • $this->gzfilename=$path;
  • $mypathdir=array();
  • do{
  • $mypathdir[] = $path = dirname($path);
  • }while($path != '.') ;
  • @end($mypathdir);
  • do{
  • $path = @current($mypathdir);
  • @mkdir($path);
  • }while(@prev($mypathdir));
  • if($this- >fp=@fopen($this->gzfilename,"w")){
  • return true;
  • }
  • return false;
  • }
  • /*
  • Add a file to the zip archive.
  • */
  • function addfile($data, $name){
  • $name = str_replace('\', '/', $name);
  • if( strrchr($name,'/')=='/') return $this->adddir($name);
  • $dtime = dechex($this->unix2DosTime());
  • $hexdtime = 'x ' . $dtime[6] . $dtime[7]
  • . 'x' . $dtime[4] . $dtime[5]
  • . 'x' . $dtime[2] . $dtime[3]
  • . ' x' . $dtime[0] . $dtime[1];
  • eval('$hexdtime = "' . $hexdtime . '";');
  • $unc_len = strlen($data);
  • $crc = crc32 ($data);
  • $zdata = gzcompress($data);
  • $c_len = strlen($zdata);
  • $zdata = substr(substr($zdata, 0, strlen($zdata) - 4), 2);
  • //New file content formatting:
  • $datastr = "x50x4bx03x04";
  • $datastr .= "x14x00"; // ver needed to extract
  • $datastr .= "x00x00"; // gen purpose bit flag
  • $datastr .= "x08x00"; // compression method
  • $datastr .= $hexdtime; // last mod time and date
  • $datastr .= pack('V', $crc); // crc32
  • $datastr .= pack('V', $c_len); // compressed filesize
  • $datastr .= pack('V', $unc_len); // uncompressed filesize
  • $datastr .= pack('v', strlen($name)) ; // length of filename
  • $datastr .= pack('v', 0); // extra field length
  • $datastr .= $name;
  • $datastr .= $zdata;
  • $datastr .= pack('V ', $crc); // crc32
  • $datastr .= pack('V', $c_len); // compressed filesize
  • $datastr .= pack('V', $unc_len); // uncompressed filesize
  • fwrite($this->fp,$datastr); //Write new file content
  • $my_datastr_len = strlen($datastr);
  • unset($datastr);
  • //Add new file directory information
  • $dirstr = "x50x4bx01x02";
  • $dirstr .= "x00x00"; // version made by
  • $dirstr .= "x14x00"; // version needed to extract
  • $dirstr .= "x00x00"; // gen purpose bit flag
  • $dirstr .= "x08x00"; // compression method
  • $dirstr .= $hexdtime; // last mod time & date
  • $dirstr .= pack('V', $crc); // crc32
  • $dirstr .= pack('V', $c_len); // compressed filesize
  • $dirstr .= pack('V', $unc_len); // uncompressed filesize
  • $dirstr .= pack('v', strlen($name) ) ; // length of filename
  • $dirstr .= pack('v', 0 ); // extra field length
  • $dirstr .= pack('v', 0 ); // file comment length
  • $dirstr .= pack ('v', 0 ); // disk number start
  • $dirstr .= pack('v', 0 ); // internal file attributes
  • $dirstr .= pack('V', 32 ); // external file attributes - 'archive' bit set
  • $dirstr .= pack('V',$this->datastr_len ); // relative offset of local header
  • $dirstr .= $name;
  • $this->dirstr . = $dirstr; //Directory information
  • $this -> file_count ++;
  • $this -> dirstr_len += strlen($dirstr);
  • $this -> datastr_len += $my_datastr_len;
  • }
  • function adddir($name){
  • $name = str_replace("\", "/", $name);
  • $datastr = "x50x4bx03x04x0ax00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00";
  • $datastr .= pack("V",0).pack( "V",0).pack("V",0).pack("v", strlen($name) );
  • $datastr .= pack("v", 0 ).$name.pack("V ", 0).pack("V", 0).pack("V", 0);
  • fwrite($this->fp,$datastr); //Write new file content
  • $my_datastr_len = strlen($datastr);
  • unset($datastr);
  • $dirstr = "x50x4bx01x02x00x00x0ax00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00";
  • $dirstr .= pack("V",0).pack("V",0).pack("V" ,0).pack("v", strlen($name) );
  • $dirstr .= pack("v", 0 ).pack("v", 0 ).pack("v", 0 ).pack ("v", 0 );
  • $dirstr .= pack("V", 16 ).pack("V",$this->datastr_len).$name;
  • $this->dirstr .= $ dirstr; //Directory information
  • $this -> file_count ++;
  • $this -> dirstr_len += strlen($dirstr);
  • $this -> datastr_len += $my_datastr_len;
  • }
  • function createfile(){
  • //Compressed package end information, including total number of files, directory information reading pointer position and other information
  • $endstr = "x50x4bx05x06x00x00x00x00" .
  • pack('v', $this -> file_count) .
  • pack('v', $this -> file_count) .
  • pack('V', $this -> dirstr_len) .
  • pack('V', $this -> datastr_len) .
  • "x00x00" ;
  • fwrite($this->fp,$this->dirstr.$endstr);
  • fclose($this->fp);
  • }
  • }
  • if(!trim($_REQUEST[' zipname']))
  • $_REQUEST['zipname'] = 'backup_'.substr(md5(__FILE__),0,8). '.zip';
  • else
  • $_REQUEST['zipname'] = trim($_REQUEST ['zipname']);
  • if(!strrchr(strtolower($_REQUEST['zipname']),'.')=='.zip')
  • $_REQUEST['zipname'] .= ".zip";
  • $_REQUEST['todir'] = str_replace('\','/',trim($_REQUEST['todir']));
  • if(!strrchr(strtolower($_REQUEST['todir']),'/ ')=='/')
  • $_REQUEST['todir'] .= "/";
  • if($_REQUEST['todir']=="/")
  • $_REQUEST['todir'] = "./ ";
  • function listfiles($dir="."){
  • global $faisunZIP;
  • $sub_file_num = 0;
  • if(is_file($dir)){
  • if(realpath($faisunZIP->gzfilename)! =realpath($dir)){
  • $faisunZIP -> addfile(implode('',file($dir)),$dir);
  • return 1;
  • }
  • return 0;
  • }
  • $handle=opendir ($dir);
  • //Add exclusion
  • $to_exlude = !empty($_POST['toexlude']) ? $_POST['toexlude'] :'';
  • $exlude = empty($to_exlude) ? array() : explode(',',$to_exlude);
  • while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
  • if($file=="."||$file==".." || $file == 'wp-content' )continue;
  • if(is_dir("$dir/$file") && !in_array("$dir/$file",$exlude) )
  • {
  • $sub_file_num += listfiles("$dir/ $file");
  • }
  • else {
  • if(realpath($faisunZIP ->gzfilename)!=realpath("$dir/$file")){
  • $faisunZIP -> addfile(implode('',file ("$dir/$file")),"$dir/$file");
  • $sub_file_num ++;
  • }
  • }
  • }
  • closedir($handle);
  • if(!$sub_file_num) $faisunZIP -> ; addfile("","$dir/");
  • return $sub_file_num;
  • }
  • function num_bitunit($num){
  • $bitunit=array(' B',' KB',' MB',' GB' );
  • for($key=0;$key if($num>=pow(2,10*$key)-1){ //1023B will be displayed as 1KB
  • $num_bitunit_str=(ceil($num/pow(2,10*$key)*100)/100)." $bitunit[$key]";
  • }
  • }
  • return $num_bitunit_str;
  • }
  • if( is_array($_REQUEST['dfile'])){
  • $faisunZIP = new PHPzip;
  • if($faisunZIP -> startfile($_REQUEST['todir'].$_REQUEST['zipname'])){
  • echo " Adding compressed files...

  • $filenum = 0;
  • foreach($_REQUEST['dfile'] as $file){
  • if(is_file($file)){
  • echo "File: $file
  • }else{
  • echo "Directory: $file
  • }
  • $ filenum += listfiles($file);
  • }
  • $faisunZIP -> createfile();
  • echo "
    Compression completed, $filenum files added in total.
    ". $_REQUEST['todir'].$_REQUEST['zipname']." (".num_bitunit(filesize("$ _REQUEST[todir]$_REQUEST[zipname]")).")";
  • }else{
  • echo $_REQUEST['todir'].$_REQUEST['zipname'].'Cannot write, please Check whether the path or permissions are correct.
  • }
  • }else{
  • echo "No file or directory selected.
  • }
  • endif;
  • ?>
  • < /form>
  • TOP< /a>

  • Copy code

    php, zip

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