Home >Backend Development >Python Tutorial >Python obtains the hero skill statistics of the top 1000 players in Diablo 3 Battle.net
To be honest, I don’t have much interest in games, but I am very fond of Blizzard’s Diablo series. I started playing Diablo 3 at the beginning of last year, off and on. The most troublesome thing is choosing skills, which may happen every time the version is updated. A better build, this is not a good thing for an amateur player like me. Fortunately, there is a ladder after the Grand Rift. It is always right to learn from the top-ranked advanced players to build, so I spent some time writing this script. .
The script only counts the usage of active skills, passive skills and legendary gems. In theory, it is equally simple and feasible to count other information such as equipment. However, the generation mechanism of Diablo equipment makes the statistics meaningless. The same equipment attributes Each may have its own advantages and disadvantages, making it difficult to compare, and the drop rate of some equipment is not what you want.
As an aside, I have to say that Python is very suitable for writing scripts with relatively simple functions. In one word: fast.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Diablo3 排名前1000玩家英雄使用技能统计 python diablo.py help python diablo.py [barbarian|crusader|demon-hunter|monk'|witch-doctor|wizard] 默认使用的是亚服的数据,如果需要美服或欧服,更改`_rank_page`和`_api`变量地址即可 Copyright (c) 2015 JinnLynn <eatfishlin@gmail.com> Released under the terms of the MIT license. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function, absolute_import import os import sys import urllib2 import json import re __version__ = '1.0.0' __author__ = 'JinnLynn <eatfishlin@gmail.com>' __license__ = 'The MIT License' __copyright__ = 'Copyright 2015 JinnLynn' # 排名页面 _rank_page = 'http://tw.battle.net/d3/zh/rankings/' # api _api = 'http://tw.battle.net/api/d3/' _api_profile = os.path.join(_api, 'profile') _api_data = os.path.join(_api, 'data') _hero_classes = { 'barbarian': '野蠻人', 'crusader': '聖教軍', 'demon-hunter': '狩魔獵人', 'monk': '武僧', 'witch-doctor': '巫醫', 'wizard': '秘術師'} _retry = 5 _hero_class = '' _active_skills = {} _passive_skills = {} _unique_gems = {} def _clear_output(msg=''): sys.stdout.write('\r{:30}'.format(' ')) sys.stdout.write('\r{}'.format(msg)) sys.stdout.flush() def _process(stated, total): msg = '英雄数据分析中... {}/{}'.format(stated, total) _clear_output(msg) def _get(url, is_json=True): # print('GET: ', url) retry = 5 if _retry < 1 else _retry while retry > 0: try: req = urllib2.urlopen(url.encode('utf8'), timeout=10) return json.load(req) if is_json else req.read() except KeyboardInterrupt, e: raise e except Exception, e: retry -= 1 # print('retry', retry, e) # raise e def _api_url(*args, **kwargs): slash = kwargs.get('slash', False) args = [unicode(arg) for arg in args] url = os.path.join(*args).rstrip('/') return url + '/' if slash else url def get_era(): req = urllib2.urlopen(_rank_page) return req.geturl().split('/')[-2] def get_rank_page_url(era): url_part = 'rift-' if _hero_class == 'demon-hunter': url_part += 'dh' elif _hero_class == 'witch-doctor': url_part += 'wd' else: url_part += _hero_class return os.path.join(_rank_page, 'era', era, url_part) def fetch_rank_list(): tags = [] try: _clear_output('获取当前游戏纪元...') era = get_era() _clear_output('获取当前排名前1000的玩家...') url = get_rank_page_url(era) html = _get(url, is_json=False) # re parse lst = re.findall( r"a href=\"(.*)\" title=.*class=\"icon-profile link-first\">", html.decode('utf8'), re.UNICODE) # BeautifulSoup parse # import bs4 # soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html) # lst = soup.select('#ladders-table tbody tr .battletag a')['href'] for item in lst: try: tags.append(item.split('/')[-2]) except: pass except Exception, e: print('fetch rank list fail. {}'.format(_rank_page)) raise e return tags def get_hero(player_tag): url = _api_url(_api_profile, player_tag, slash=True) data = _get(url) hero_selected = None for hero in data.get('heroes', []): if hero['class'] != _hero_class: continue last_updated = hero_selected['last-updated'] # 最近使用的英雄 if hero_selected is None or last_updated < hero['last-updated']: hero_selected = hero if not hero_selected: raise Exception('{} hero missing.'.format(player_tag)) url = _api_url(_api_profile, player_tag, 'hero', hero_selected['id']) return _get(url) # 主动技能符文 def stat_active_skill_rune(skill_slug, rune): global _active_skills if not rune: return slug = rune.get('slug') if slug in _active_skills[skill_slug]['rune']: _active_skills[skill_slug]['rune'][slug]['count'] += 1 else: _active_skills[skill_slug]['rune'][slug] = { 'count': 1, 'name': rune.get('name') } # 主动技能 def stat_active_skill(active): global _active_skills slug = active.get('skill', {}).get('slug') # d3 API 返回的数据中可能存在空的数据 if not slug: return if slug in _active_skills: _active_skills[slug]['count'] += 1 else: _active_skills[slug] = { 'count': 1, 'name': active.get('skill').get('name'), 'rune': {} } stat_active_skill_rune(slug, active.get('rune')) # 被动技能 def stat_passive_skill(passive): global _passive_skills slug = passive.get('skill', {}).get('slug') # d3 API 返回的数据中可能存在空的数据 if not slug: return if slug in _passive_skills: _passive_skills[slug]['count'] += 1 else: _passive_skills[slug] = { 'count': 1, 'name': passive.get('skill').get('name') } def stat_unique_gem(items): global _unique_gems def get_gem(tooltip): if not tooltip: return None, None url = _api_url(_api_data, tooltip) data = _get(url) gems = data.get('gems') if not gems: return None, None gem = gems[0].get('item', {}) return gem.get('id'), gem.get('name') if not items: return lst = [items.get(s, {}) for s in ['leftFinger', 'rightFinger', 'neck']] for tooltip in [d.get('tooltipParams', None) for d in lst]: id_, name = get_gem(tooltip) if not id_: continue if id_ in _unique_gems: _unique_gems[id_]['count'] += 1 else: _unique_gems[id_] = { 'count': 1, 'name': name } def stat(hero): global _active_skills, _passive_skills map(stat_active_skill, hero.get('skills', {}).get('active', [])) map(stat_passive_skill, hero.get('skills', {}).get('passive', [])) items = hero.get('items', {}) stat_unique_gem(items) def output(hero_stated, hero_stat_failed): def sort(data, count=10): d = sorted(data.items(), key=lambda d: d[1]['count'], reverse=True) return d if count <= 0 else d[0:count] _clear_output() # print('======') # print(hero_stated, hero_stat_failed) # print('======') # pprint(_active_skills) # print('======') # pprint(_passive_skills) # print('======') # pprint(_unique_gems) # pprint(_active_skills.items()) # print('======') print('\n=== RESULT ===\n') print('统计英雄数\n') print(' 成功: {} 失败: {}\n'.format(hero_stated, hero_stat_failed)) print('主动技能使用排名: ') for _, d in sort(_active_skills): runes = [] for _, r in sort(d.get('rune', {})): runes.append('{name}[{count}]'.format(**r)) d.update({'rune_rank': ', '.join(runes)}) print(' {name}[{count}]: {rune_rank}'.format(**d)) print() print('被动技能使用排名: ') for _, d in sort(_passive_skills): print(' {name}[{count}]'.format(**d)) print() print('传奇宝石使用排名: ') for _, d in sort(_unique_gems): print(' {name}[{count}]'.format(**d)) print() def prepare(): global _hero_class def print_hc(): print('仅支持以下英雄类型, 默认 demon-hunter:\n') for c, n in _hero_classes.items(): print(c, ':', n) if len(sys.argv) == 1: _hero_class = 'demon-hunter' elif len(sys.argv) > 2: sys.exit('参数错误') else: arg = sys.argv[1] if arg == 'help': print_hc() print('\nTips: 运行中可随时Ctrl+C终止以获得已统计的数据结果') sys.exit() elif arg not in _hero_classes: print_hc() sys.exit() else: _hero_class = arg def main(): prepare() print('待分析的英雄类型:', _hero_classes[_hero_class]) hero_stated = 0 hero_stat_failed = 0 try: tags = fetch_rank_list() if not tags: raise Exception('parse battle.net rank page fail.') except Exception, e: print('error,', e) sys.exit() total = len(tags) for tag in tags: try: hero = get_hero(tag) if not hero: raise Exception('no hero data') stat(hero) hero_stated += 1 _process(hero_stated, total) except KeyboardInterrupt: break except Exception, e: # print('Fail: ', tag, e, hero) hero_stat_failed += 1 output(hero_stated, hero_stat_failed) if __name__ == '__main__': main()