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TOracleViewPagev 2.0
Date: 2000-9-23
Class for displaying Oracle database records in paging
Updated date: 2000-10-19
Add the function of displaying TopRecord, allowing the first This page displays a different number of records than other pages.
Author: sharetop
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class TOracleViewPage {
var $Table; //Table name
var $MaxLine; //Display rows per page Number
var $LinkId; //Database connection number
var $Id; //Sort reference field
var $Offset; //Record offset
var $Total ; //Total number of records
var $Number; //Number of records read on this page
var $TopNumber; //Number of records actually taken out when reading new records
var $Result; //Read out The result
var $TopResult;//The result when reading a new record
var $TheFirstPage;//Specially specify the link of the first page
var $StartRec; //Specify the link of the second page Starting record number
var $TPages; //Total number of pages
var $CPages; //Current number of pages
var $TGroup;
var $PGroup; // The number of page numbers displayed on each page
var $CGroup;
var $Condition; //Display conditions such as: where id='$id' order by id desc
var $PageQuery; / /Paging displays the parameters to be passed
//The following constructors, destructors and initialization functions
//--------------------------------- ------
//Parameters: table name, maximum number of rows, paging reference fields, page number displayed on each page
function TOracleViewPage ($TB,$ML,$id){
global $offset;
if(isset($offset)) $this->Offset=$offset;
else $this->Offset=0;
//Parameters: username, password, database
function InitDB($user,$password,$db){
if (PHP_OS == " WINNT") $dllid=dl("php3_oci80.dll");
$this->LinkId = OCILogon($user,$password,$db);
//Break Open
function Destroy(){
//------------------ ------
// Set function
/ /Set display conditions
//For example: where id='$id' order by id desc
//The requirement is a string, conforming to SQL syntax (this string will be added after the SQL statement)
function SetCondition($s){
//Set the display number of each group
function SetNumGroup($pg) {
//Set the home page, or NULL if none
function SetFirstPage($fn){
$this->TheFirstPage =$fn;
//Set the start record, if none, take the default of 0
function SetStartRecord($org){
//Set the transmission parameters
// key parameter name value parameter value
// For example: setpagequery("id",$id); If there are multiple parameters to be passed, you can add more Call this function times.
function SetPageQuery($key,$value){
$tmp[key]=$key; $tmp[value]=$value;
$this->PageQuery[]=$ tmp;
// Get function
//Get the total number of records
function GetTotalRec(){
$SQL="SELECT Count(*) AS total FROM ".$this->Table." ".$this->Condition;
$ stmt = OCIParse($this->LinkId,$SQL);
$bool = OCIExecute($stmt);
if (!$bool) {
echo "Connection failed!";
else {
$this->Total=OCIResult($stmt,1) ;
//Get the total number of pages and the current page
function GetPage(){
$this->TPages =ceil($this->Total/$this->MaxLine);
//Get the total number of groups, current group
function GetGroup() {
$this->TGroup=ceil($this->TPages/$this->PGroup) ;