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Installation examples of PHP4 on IIS and Apache2 servers under WinXP_PHP tutorial

2016-07-21 16:07:03883browse

   在安装之间,你必须先弄懂PHP安装的两种不同模式,一种是Cgi模式(CGI executable),另一种是模块化安装方式。可以这样来区别:在CGI模式下,如果客户机请求一个php文件,Web服务器就调用php.exe去解释这个文件,然后再把解释的结果以网页的形式返回给客户机;而在模块化中,PHP是与Web服务器一起启动并运行的,所以从某种角度上来说,以apache模块方式安装的PHP4有着比CGI模式更好的安全性以及更好的执行效率和速度。

   正所谓"工欲善其事 必先利其器",要想在你的机器上运行PHP得首先准备需要的软件。


   1.IIS(Internet Infomation Server)
       IIS想必大家都不陌生吧,在Window2000中,IIS默认是被安装的。你可以通过 “开始->设置->控制面板->管理工具->Internet 信息服务”来打开它。如果你没有安装,可以通过Windows的“添加删除组件”来安装它。关于IIS的安装网上的介绍有很多,这里就不再介绍了。




    好了。软件都准备好了,下面就开始我们的PHP安装之旅吧 :)


       2. 打开刚才解压的PHP目录,你会发现有一个叫做"php.ini-dist"的文件,这就是PHP的配置文件了,你需要把它改名成"php.ini",然后复制到系统目录中(如果你的系统装在C盘,XP下就是"C:\windows",Windows2000下是"C:\winnt")。

   点击"配置"按钮,你会看到又跳出一个选项卡,上面是已经定义的文档类型。点击"添加"按钮,在出来的对话框的可执行文件文本框中敲入你的php.exe所在的绝对路径加上"%s %s",在这里是"c:\php\php.exe %s %s",扩展名文本框中写上你要求php程序处理的后缀名,在这里我们写入".php",下面的选项按默认设置即可。


Security Alert! The PHP CGI cannot be accessed directly.
This PHP CGI binary was compiled with force-cgi-redirect enabled. This means that a page will only be served up if the REDIRECT_STATUS CGI variable is set, e.g. via an Apache Action directive.

For more information as to why this behaviour exists, see the manual page for CGI security.

For more information about changing this behaviour or re-enabling this webserver, consult the installation file that came with this distribution, or visit the manual page.

不用怕,这是因为现在PHP在IIS中是以Cgi方式运行的,而你的php配置文件中这一项又没有打开。如果你看到上面的一段警告,你需要打开你的php.ini文件,然后查找"cgi.force_redirect = 1"这样一句,把这一句前面的分号去掉,然后把1改成0就OK了,现在再来刷新一下你刚才的页面,如果没有什么意外的话,你的屏幕上的结果应该和我下面的截屏差不多。到此,PHP在IIS上的安装过程已经完成了。



        现在再看你的任务栏的右侧,应该有一个类似于这个小图标的图标,这就是Apache2的服务管理器,也是Apache1.X版本所没有的。注意这个图片的状态,如果有一个绿色的小三角,说明你的服务器已经安装成功,如果是红色的,则说明你的Apache没有安装成功,你需要进一步去找一下失败的根源。一般最常见的错误就是端口有冲突,Apache默认的端口是80,如果你的80端口被另一个程序(如IIS)占用了的话,就会出现无法启动的情况。出现这种情况,你可以按照下面的方法来修改:点击"开始->程序->Apache HTTP Server 2.0.40->Configure Apache Server->Edit the Apache httpd.conf Configuration File"会打开一个Apache的配置文件,你可以用文本编辑器来打开它。然后在这个文件的第120行左右,你会发现类似于"Listen 80"的字样。现在只要把这个80改成你想要的端口即可,当然在你用浏览器浏览的时候也不要忘了加上端口哦。

 打开Apache2的配置文件(http.conf),可以通过点击"开始->程序->Apache HTTP Server 2.0.40->Configure Apache Server->Edit the Apache httpd.conf Configuration File"打开.

Or open the Conf directory in your Apache installation directory, you will find a file named http.conf, that's it, you can use any text editor to open it. Around line 121 of this file, you should be able to find the words "LoadModule", followed by a string of paths. This is the module that Apache loads by default. Similarly, we can also add a sentence after it to let him do it. Load the PHP module.
Actually, it’s that simple. You just need to add this sentence: "LoadModule php4_module C:/php/sapi/php4apache2.dll". Here we need to explain that "php4_module" is the name of the module, and the path that follows is up to you. Change according to the PHP installation directory. These three strings are separated by spaces.

Next, there is another step, which many friends who have failed to install have ignored it. At the beginning, the author could not start Apache after adding the above sentence no matter what. Later, after several experiments, I discovered that "php4ts.dll" in your PHP installation directory must be copied to the system32 directory of the Windows system, otherwise, it will be impossible to start.
Now try again to see if everything is normal. Okay, let's review our installation process under Apache.

(1) Add "LoadModule php4_module C:/php/sapi/php4apache2.dll".
(2) Copy "php4ts.dll" to the system32 directory.

Yes, It's that simple, PHP is already running on your machine. You can see this by double-clicking the Apache server icon on the taskbar.

3. Let’s test it again.
Save the following code as an info.php file and place it in the htdocs directory under your Apache installation directory.
Then type http://localhost/info.php in the browser (if your port is not 80, please enter localhost/ After adding ":port number"), do you see a screen similar to the one below? If so, congratulations, you have successfully installed PHP in a modular manner

The things described above in the Apache section may be a bit unclear to friends who are not familiar with Apache configuration, but as long as you click on If you follow the step-by-step instructions mentioned above, there should be no major problems. If you don't know which part you changed that prevents Apache from starting, you can switch to the Conf folder in the Apache installation directory, delete the http.conf file, and then change Apache's default configuration file httpd.default. Just rename conf to http.conf. If you want to know more about Apache configuration.

4. Postscript
The installation of PHP is originally a very simple matter, especially the process of installing PHP in a modular manner as mentioned later. If you have time, you might as well try it yourself so that you can experience the joy of success.
Finally, I wish everyone a smooth installation of PHP. :P

www.bkjia.comtruehttp: //www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/315250.htmlTechArticleRecently, many friends have asked me about the installation process of PHP under WindowsXp. I happened to have successfully installed it on my own machine recently. PHP4.23 is installed in a modular way. Since so many friends need it, I...
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