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A good class for searching and replacing files or directories--very practical_PHP tutorial

2016-07-21 16:03:16765browse

This is a very useful program that can perform specific searches on text files and replace specified text with specific text. For example, if I have a typo in this article, there are dozens of them. It is very troublesome to find and modify them one by one. You can easily do it with the following method.--teaman.oso.com.cn
Class file search_replace.inc

              class search_replace{            var $replace;
var $files;
var $directories;
var $include_subdir;
var $ignore_lines; > var $ignore_sep;
var $occurences;
var $
search_function; 1, $ignore_lines = array()){

$this->find = $find;
$this->replace = $replace;
                                                                                                   ​ files;
$this->directories = $directories; $this->include_subdir = $inc_subdir;lude $this->ignore_lines = $ignore_lines;

$this- >occurences = 0;
$this->search_function = 'search';
last_error = '';

function get_num_occurences(){
                                                                         //Get the last error
                  function get_last_error(){
return $this->last_error;

//Set the replace variable
              function set_replace($replace){
                                                                                                               FILE variable
function set_files($files){
$this->files = $files;
                                                                                               $this->directories = $directories;
                                                                                                                        this->include_subdir = $include_subdir;
                                                                                                           ignore_lines variable
function set_ignore_lines($ignore_lines){
$this->ignore_lines = $ignore_lines;

                function set_search_function($search_function){
                                case 'normal': $this->search_function = 'search';
                                               return TRUE;

                                case 'quick' : $this->search_function = 'quick_search';
                                               return TRUE;

                                case 'preg'  : $this->search_function = 'preg_search';
                                               return TRUE;

                                case 'ereg'  : $this->search_function = 'ereg_search';
                                               return TRUE;

                                default      : $this->last_error      = 'Invalid search function specified';
                                               return FALSE;

                function search($filename){

                        $occurences = 0;
                        $file_array = file($filename);

                        for($i=0; $i                                $continue_flag = 0;
                                if(count($this->ignore_lines) > 0){
                                        for($j=0; $jignore_lines); $j++){
                                                if(substr($file_array[$i],0,strlen($this->ignore_lines[$j])) == $this->ignore_lines[$j]) $continue_flag = 1;
                                if($continue_flag == 1) continue;
                                $occurences += count(explode($this->find, $file_array[$i])) - 1;
                                $file_array[$i] = str_replace($this->find, $this->replace, $file_array[$i]);
                        if($occurences > 0) $return = array($occurences, implode('', $file_array)); else $return = FALSE;
                        return $return;


//When using the quick search method, there is no igonre_lines function
function quick_search($filename){


$file = fread ($fp = fopen($filename, 'r'), filesize($filename)); fclose($fp); $ File = Str_replace; CES, $ file); else $return = FALSE;
                                                        return $return;                                                                      function preg_search($filename){

                                                                                                                   🎜> $occurences = count($matches = preg_split($this->find, $file)) - 1;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The /ereg search method does not support ignore_lines
function ereg_search($filename){

clearstatcache(); $file = fread($fp = fopen($filename, 'r' ), filesize($filename)); fclose($fp); = ereg_replace($this->find, $this->replace, $file);

                                                                              ​= FALSE;
                             return $return;                               

                                                                                                                  fwrite($fp, $contents);
                                                                 $this->last_error = 'Could not open file: '.$filename;                                                        🎜>
                                                                                                If(!is_array($this->files)) $this->files = explode(',', $this->files);
for($i=0; $ifiles); $i++){
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 if ($this->files[$i] == '.' OR $this->files[$i] == '..') continue; -> files[$i]) == TRUE) continue;
                                                          is_array($newfile) == TRUE){
                                                                                 $this->occurences += $newfile[0];

                function do_directories($ser_func){
                        if(!is_array($this->directories)) $this->directories = explode(',', $this->directories);
                        for($i=0; $idirectories); $i++){
                                $dh = opendir($this->directories[$i]);
                                while($file = readdir($dh)){
                                        if($file == '.' OR $file == '..') continue;

                                        if(is_dir($this->directories[$i].$file) == TRUE){
                                                if($this->include_subdir == 1){
                                                        $this->directories[] = $this->directories[$i].$file.'/';

                                                                                    If(is_array($newfile) == TRUE){
$this->writeout($this->directories[$i].$file, $newfile[1]);
                                                                                                                                                              }                                      🎜>} }

// Call this do_search () to start searching the file or directory
Function Do_search () {
If ($ This- & GT ;find != ''){
                                                                      🎜>                                                                                                                // End of class

//The following is an example of calling this class, please save it as example.php

include('search_replace.inc'); //Include the file

//Create a new object, set the search conditions, and finally return the search results

$sr = new search_replace('asp' , 'php', array('test.txt')); // Call search and replace
$sr->set_search_function('quick'); //Set search conditions
$sr->do_search ();


//The following is the customized return information
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
echo 'Find and replace the following places: '.$sr->get_num_occurences()."rn";
echo 'Ah, an error occurred As follows.............: '.$sr->get_last_error()."rn";

//Save the following text as test .txt, please note that text.txt must be readable and writable
"I like ASP very much. It is easy to learn and has powerful functions. I heard that ASP has accounted for most of the market. ASP is really good."

At this time, if you open exame.php, the following will appear:
Discover and replace the following places:3
Ah, the error occurred as follows...: In the test.txt file, as expected, the place where asp appears was replaced by php.

http://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/316312.htmlwww.bkjia.comtruehttp: //www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/316312.htmlTechArticleThis is a very useful program that can perform specific searches on text files and replace specified text with specific text. Text, for example, if I type one word in this article...
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