<?class helloWorld{
var $hellow_str = "Hello World!";
function helloWorld(){
echo $this->hellow_str;
$p = new helloWorld;
很明显,这是一个类,很简单的类,只有一个构造函数。目的就是输出"Hello World";首先我们定义了一个类成员变量,通过一个特殊的$this对象,输出该变量,oop思想我不是很精,仅仅在于php开发方面用到,其他的也只是借鉴,但是我想对于php开发者已经足够了。
类,桌子都有桌面,桌脚,这些“都有”的东西,就是桌子全体的共有特征,在程序类里面我们就可以定义其为 桌子类的一个成员变量。
class desktop{
var $desktop;#桌子面;
var $baluster;#桌子腿;
class desktop{
var $desktop;#桌子面;
var $baluster;#桌子腿;
function move(){
function largen(){
class desktop{
var $desktop;#桌子面;
var $baluster;#桌子腿;
function move(){
function largen(){
$d = new desktop;#“实例化,这个时候我们就是针对一个特定的桌子拉!
$d->largen();#哈哈,把这个特定桌子面放大点。其实$d = $this;明白吗,$d就是那个特定的桌子,$d->largen就是用那个特定桌子[桌子群大家都有的变大方法]把特定桌子面放大了点。
接下来,我们隆重推出 构造函数 来拉。要说到构造函数啊,话多啊,就不多说了,他就是给我们桌子面和桌子腿确定大小的。
class desktop{
var $desktop;#桌子面;
var $baluster;#桌子腿;
function desktop(){
$this->desktop = 100;
$this->baluster = 100;
function move(){
function largen(){
class desktop{
var $desktop;#桌子面;
var $baluster;#桌子腿;
function desktop(){
$this->desktop = 100;
$this->baluster = 100;
function move(){
function largen(){
$d = new desktop;
But the result is: Call to a member function desktop() on a non-object in
Unlucky, the author must be cheating on clicks, bs is so small, TT.
In fact I was wrong, I know I was wrong. It turns out that the function we just added
function desktop(){
$this->desktop = 100;
$this->baluster = 100;
It is a constructor. What is a constructor? Oops, it turns out that the constructor is a class-specific function. After the class is instantiated, the class will automatically execute the constructor in the first step, which is opening up a memory unit for the class.
In order to verify whether it is executed from the beginning, please focus on the first code in this tutorial. Wow, you see a method and a constructor with the same name as the class. We have already output the code after instantiation, which proves that I am not wrong yet.
Okay, back to our table world, you found that all the table tops and legs are 100 at this time.
Execution code
class desktop{
var $desktop;#Desktop;
var $baluster;#Table legs;
function desktop(){
$this->desktop = 100; $this->desktop."Size!<br />";
function move(){
function largen(){
$this->desktop++;#Enlarge the desktop
echo "7~, I renovated the small desk today, so I won’t blame you, haha, I have more face than you now, I have ".$this->desktop." "Quack";
$d = new desktop;
Small table, escaped from the table family, Because our reputation is not as big as that of a small table. The old man at the table can't stand it any more. It's up to me to show you the demo.
class desktop{
var $desktop;#Desktop;
var $baluster;#Table legs;
function desktop($desktop){
$this->desktop = $desktop;
$this->baluster = 100;
echo "Our desk family orders everyone to give me the same face on the table In ".$this->desktop." size!
$this->desktop++;#Enlarge the desktop
echo "7~, I renovated the small desk today, so I don’t mind you, haha, I have more face than you now, I have".$this-> desktop."Gaga";
$d = new desktop;
Small table, turn left I turned, turned right and looked around for a long time. I was tired of shopping and felt that I had evolved now and it was time to see the new kind. So after the table transformation was executed, I found...
$d = new desktop(101);
My tmd is still a small table.
http: // is a weak variable scripting language, which means you don’t need to define it first, which is very flexible. A lot of freedom can also be given, but freedom is not a good thing for a program. Because after giving...