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php your verification code security code? _PHP Tutorial

2016-07-21 15:58:121035browse





td><input type="text" name="username" />td>
td><input type="password" name="password" />td>
td><input type="text" name="captcha" onkeyup="pressCaptcha(this)" />td>
td colspan="2" align="right">
img src="index.php?act=captcha&1628020115" width="145" height="20" alt="CAPTCHA" border="1" onclickthis.src="index.php?act=captcha&"+Math.random() style="cursor: pointer;" title="看不清?点击更换另一个验证码。" />

/*--------------------------------- --------------------- */
//-- Verify login information
/*------------ ------------------------------------------ */
if ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'signin' )

/ * Check whether the verification code is correct */
$validator = new captcha();
if (!
sys_msg($_LANG['captcha_error'], 1);

/* 检查密码是否正确 */
$sql "SELECT user_id, user_name, password, action_list FROM " .$ecs->table('admin_user'). 
" WHERE user_name='$_POST[username]' AND password='" .md5($_POST['password']). "'";
$row $db->GetRow($sql);

    if (
// 登录成功
set_admin_session($row['user_id'], $row['user_name'], $row['action_list']);

// 更新最后登录时间和IP
$db->Execute("UPDATE " .$ecs->table('admin_user'). 
" SET last_time='" .date('Y-m-d H:i:s'time()). "', last_ip='" .real_ip(). "'".
" WHERE user_id=$_SESSION[admin_id]") OR die($db->ErrorMsg());

        if (isset(
setcookie('ECSCP[admin_id]',    $row[0], time() + 3600 24 360);
setcookie('ECSCP[admin_pass]', md5( $row['password'] . $_CFG[ 'hash_code']), time() + 3600 * 24 * 360);

); } else { $_LANG[


1); }}?>The problem lies in the above code. After checking the password error, the verification code is not updated, so we can change the login page The verification code image part is removed, and as long as you use the URL to access the verification code page, you can only submit the user name, password, and the verification code you just obtained to achieve brute force cracking. Using this method, you can also implement water injection, ticket fraud, etc. You can look at the pictures below to enhance your intuitive understanding.
=700) window.open('http://www.bkjia.com/uploads/allimg/131016/05251961K-0.gif');" src="http: //www.bkjia.com/uploads/allimg/131016/05251961K-0.gif" onload="if(this.width>'700')this.width='700';if(this.height>'700' )this.height='700';" border=0>

Solution: We need to update the verification code after checking for password errors. For messages and other types, we also need to update the verification code after the submission is successful.
Safety is like this. We always want to make our programs safer, but generally, we always stick to conventional thinking and cannot jump out, which leads to many "unconventional" problems in our programs. "Loopholes", or "defects", in short, are not perfect. In addition to pointing out the above problem, I write this article and hope that everyone can take action and re-examine their own programs with an "unconventional" perspective. Post more small problems that you have not noticed before, so that everyone can improve together

http://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/317687.htmlphp your verification code security code? _PHP TutorialThe main functions of the verification code are to prevent brute force cracking, malicious watering, automatic submission, etc. I won’t explain it here. Too much to say. The types of verification codes also include numbers, letters, etc., which are even more powerful...

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