Copy code The code is as follows:
////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////
// Zhang Shulin - Huijia Studio
// Module Name: woods-bhtml.php
// Abstract: Generate static HTML handler tail end
// Version: 2.0
// Date 1006-11-25
// msn:
// Copyright 1001-1006, Hoojar Studio All Rights Reserve
// All copyright protection
//The software for free software, allowing use, copy,
//modify and distribute the software and files. Any
//use of this software must place a copy of all the
/ /above copyright notice. By the software Huijia studio
//maintenance, if you have any queries please contact us.
//Thank you.
//This software is free software, You are allowed to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation.
//All copies of the above copyright notice must appear wherever this software is used. This software is maintained by
//Huijia Studio. If you have any questions, please contact us. Thank you for using it.
//////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////
//This file can only be loaded in the program Last
/*______________Generate HTML file____________________beign____________________________*/
if ($make_html)
$buffer = ob_get_flush();
if ($go_html)//Is it direct Switch to HTML file display or PHP read content output (0:php read content output 1: direct transfer)
$search = array(
"/./ ./e",
"/'. '/e",
"/ ../javascript:/ies");
$replace = array(
"' .'",
buffer = prep_replace($search, $replace, $buffer); fopen(HTML_FILE, "w");
if ($fp)
fwrite($fp, $buffer);
fclose($fp); 🎜> }
/*______________Generate HTML file____________________beign____________________________*/
//////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////
// Zhang Shulin - Huijia Studio
// Module Name: woods-thtml.php
/ /Abstract: Generate static HTML handler headers
// Version: 2.0
// Date 1006-11-25
// Author: woods·zhang
// Website: http://www
// email:
// msn:
// Copyright 1001-1006, Hoojar Studio All Rights Reserved
// <🎜 🎜>//Copyright 1001-1006, all copyright protection by Huijia Studio
//The software for free software, allowing use, copy,
//modify and distribute the software and files. Any
//use of this software must place a copy of all the
//above copyright notice. By the software Huijia studio
//maintenance, if you have any queries please contact us.
// Thank you.
//This software is free software, and you are allowed to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation.
//All copies of the above copyright notice must appear wherever this software is used. This software is maintained by
//Huijia Studio. If you have any questions, please contact us. Thank you for using it.
//////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////
//This file can only be loaded in the program Beginning
/*___________ determines whether the HTML file has been generated. If so, jump to the HTML page___________begin__________*/
$qstring = isset($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING" ]) ? $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] : "";
if ($qstring)//The program adds GET request processing
$qstring = str_replace("=", "", $qstring);
define("HTML_FILE", "./h/{$efilename}-{$qstring}.html");
define(" HTML_FILE", "./h/{$efilename}.html");
if (file_exists(HTML_FILE))
$lcft = filemtime(HTML_FILE);//last create file time
if (($lcft + 3600) > time())//Judge whether the last time the HTML file was generated was 1 time in the past, if not, directly output the file content
if ($ show_html)//Whether to display as an HTML static page (0 not to display in HTML 1 to display in html)
(0:php read content output 1: direct transfer)
file_get_contents(HTML_FILE));//Read the display
/*___________ determine whether the HTML file has been generated. If so, jump to the HTML page___________end__________*/
/// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////
// Zhang Shulin - Huijia Studio
// Module Name: index.php
// Abstract: Home Information
// Version: 1.0
// Date Date 2006-11-7
//Author: woods·zhang
/ /Website:
// cemail:
// msn:
// Copyric Rights Reserved
// Copyright 2001-2006, Huijia Studio All copyright protection
//The software for free software, allowing use, copy,
//modify and distribute the software and files. Any
//use of this software must place a copy of all the
//above copyright notice. By the software Huijia studio
//maintenance, if you have any queries please contact us.
//Thank you.
//This software is free software, and you are allowed to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation.
//All copies of the above copyright notice must appear wherever this software is used. This software is maintained by
//Huijia Studio. If you have any questions, please contact us. Thank you for using it.
//////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////
require("woods-thtml.php") ;//Generate HTML processing header
//if (count($_GET) < 1 && count($_POST) < 1){require("woods-thtml.php");}//Generate HTML processing Header
require("{$exec_file}");//Register language definition file
foreach ($lang as $key => $value)
$atpl[strtoupper ($key) ."_LANG"] = $value;
/*______________________________ List common sense items going up __________________end_______________*/
$tpl = new WoodsTpl("./templates/");
$tpl- >block("EBCORP", $scorp);
$tpl->block("NEWS", $news);
$tpl->block("PRODUCT", $product) ;
$tpl->block("EBPNAME_MSG", $spname);
$tpl->block("LORE", $lore);
$tpl->require_tpl( "footer.html");
$tpl->parse($atpl, true);
$tpl = NULL;
/*______________Template operation_______________________________end___________________________________*/
require(" woods-bhtml.php");//Generate HTML processing tail
?> // the code as follows: ?php ///////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////// // //Zhang Shulin-Huijia Studio// //ModuleName:woods-bhtml.php //Abs...