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56.com video collection interface program (PHP)_PHP tutorial

2016-07-21 15:54:471089browse

There is also a so-called 56-site program downstairs, which is extremely deceptive. If you don’t like being fooled, you should make your own site!
I will give you a collection interface. If you like to collect by yourself, you can use your own FLASH player to directly play the flv of 56.com! Don’t be so stupid as to help others with free advertising!

Copy code The code is as follows:

$url = "http://www.56.com/u75/v_MTkwMTIwMjQ.html";
$html = @file_get_contents($url);
preg_match_all("/var _oFlv_o = '([S|s]+)'/isU", $html, $matches);
$o = decode56($matches[1][0]);
include_once "json.php"; //Useful when php is not configured to support json
$o = str_replace("'", '"', $o);
$o = json_decode($o);
$swf = "http://www.56.com/n_" . str_replace(":88", "", str_replace(".56.com", " ", $o->img_host)) .
"_/" . str_replace(".56.com", "", $o->URL_host) .
"_/" . $o- >URL_pURL .
“_/” . $o->URL_sURL . . $o->URL_URLid .
$flv = "http://hot-chinacache.56.com/flvdownload/" . $o->URL_pURL .
"/" . $o->URL_sURL .
"/" . $o->user_id . br>";
echo "FLV file path: " . $flv;

$de = 0;
function decode56($str) {
global $de;
$ c1 = "";
$c2 = "";
$c3 = "";
$c4 = "";
$c5 = array(-1,-1,-1,- 1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 ,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,62,-1,-1,-1,63,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60, 61,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 ,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,26,27,28,29 ,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40, 41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,-1,-1 ,-1,-1,-1);
$c6 = charCodeAt($str, 0);
$c7 = "";
$i = "";
$len = " ";
$out = "";
if(!$de) {
$de = 1;
$c7 = decode56($str);
$str = substr($ c7, $c6);
$len = strlen($str);
$i = 1;
$out = "";
while ($i < $len ) {
do {
$c1 = $c5[charCodeAt($str, $i++) & 0xff];
while($i < $len && $c1 == -1 );
if ($c1 == -1) break;
do {
$c2 = $c5[charCodeAt($str, $i++) & 0xff];
        while ($i < $len && $c2 == -1);
        if($c2 == -1) break;
        $out .= chr(($c1 << 2) | (($c2 & 0x30) >> 4));
        do {
            $c3 = charCodeAt($str, $i++) & 0xff;
            if($c3 == 61) return $out;
            $c3 = $c5[$c3];
        while ($i < $len && $c3 == -1);
        if($c3 == -1) break;
        $out .= chr((($c2 & 0XF) << 4) | (($c3 & 0x3C) >> 2));
        do {
            $c4 = charCodeAt($str, $i++) & 0xff;
            if($c4 == 61) return $out;
            $c4 = $c5[$c4];
        while ($i < $len && $c4 == -1);
        if ($c4 == -1) break;
        $out .= chr((($c3 & 0x03) << 6) | $c4);
    return $out;

function charCodeAt($str, $i){
    return ord(substr($str, $i, 1));

//该程序仅为技术交流,交流可加QQ群: 1714987

复制代码 代码如下:

define('HTML_AJAX_JSON_SLICE',   1);
define('HTML_AJAX_JSON_IN_STR',  2);
define('HTML_AJAX_JSON_IN_ARR',  4);
define('HTML_AJAX_JSON_IN_OBJ',  8);
define('HTML_AJAX_JSON_IN_CMT', 16);

        $this->use = $use;

    function encode($var)
        switch(gettype($var)) {
            case 'boolean':
                return $var ? 'true' : 'false';

            case 'NULL':
                return 'null';

            case 'integer':
                return sprintf('%d', $var);

            case 'double':
            case 'float':
                return sprintf('%f', $var);

            case 'string': // STRINGS ARE EXPECTED TO BE IN ASCII OR UTF-8 FORMAT
                $ascii = '';
                $strlen_var = strlen($var);

                for($c = 0; $c < $strlen_var; $c++) {

                    $ord_var_c = ord($var{$c});

                    if($ord_var_c == 0x08) {
                        $ascii .= 'b';

                    } elseif($ord_var_c == 0x09) {
                        $ascii .= 't';

                    } elseif($ord_var_c == 0x0A) {
                        $ascii .= 'n';

                    } elseif($ord_var_c == 0x0C) {
                        $ascii .= 'f';

                    } elseif($ord_var_c == 0x0D) {
                        $ascii .= 'r';

                    } elseif(($ord_var_c == 0x22) || ($ord_var_c == 0x2F) || ($ord_var_c == 0x5C)) {
                        $ascii .= '\'.$var{$c}; // double quote, slash, slosh

                    } elseif(($ord_var_c >= 0x20) && ($ord_var_c <= 0x7F)) {
                        // characters U-00000000 - U-0000007F (same as ASCII)
                        $ascii .= $var{$c}; // most normal ASCII chars

                    } elseif(($ord_var_c & 0xE0) == 0xC0) {
                        // characters U-00000080 - U-000007FF, mask 110XXXXX, see http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/unicode.html#utf-8
                        $char = pack('C*', $ord_var_c, ord($var{$c+1})); $c+=1;
                        $ascii .= sprintf('u%04s', bin2hex(mb_convert_encoding($char, 'UTF-16', 'UTF-8')));

                    } elseif(($ord_var_c & 0xF0) == 0xE0) {
                        // characters U-00000800 - U-0000FFFF, mask 1110XXXX, see http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/unicode.html#utf-8
                        $char = pack('C*', $ord_var_c, ord($var{$c+1}), ord($var{$c+2})); $c+=2;
                        $ascii .= sprintf('u%04s', bin2hex(mb_convert_encoding($char, 'UTF-16', 'UTF-8')));

                    } elseif(($ord_var_c & 0xF8) == 0xF0) {
                        // characters U-00010000 - U-001FFFFF, mask 11110XXX, see http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/unicode.html#utf-8
                        $char = pack('C*', $ord_var_c, ord($var{$c+1}), ord($var{$c+2}), ord($var{$c+3})); $c+=3;
                        $ascii .= sprintf('u%04s', bin2hex(mb_convert_encoding($char, 'UTF-16', 'UTF-8')));

                    } elseif(($ord_var_c & 0xFC) == 0xF8) {
                        // characters U-00200000 - U-03FFFFFF, mask 111110XX, see http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/unicode.html#utf-8
                        $char = pack('C*', $ord_var_c, ord($var{$c+1}), ord($var{$c+2}), ord($var{$c+3}), ord($var{$c+4})); $c+=4;
                        $ascii .= sprintf('u%04s', bin2hex(mb_convert_encoding($char, 'UTF-16', 'UTF-8')));

                    } elseif(($ord_var_c & 0xFE) == 0xFC) {
                        // characters U-04000000 - U-7FFFFFFF, mask 1111110X, see http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/unicode.html#utf-8
                        $char = pack('C*', $ord_var_c, ord($var{$c+1}), ord($var{$c+2}), ord($var{$c+3}), ord($var{$c+4}), ord($var{$c+5})); $c+=5;
                        $ascii .= sprintf('u%04s', bin2hex(mb_convert_encoding($char, 'UTF-16', 'UTF-8')));

                return sprintf('"%s"', $ascii);

            case 'array':
                if(is_array($var) && (array_keys($var) !== range(0, sizeof($var) - 1)))
                    return sprintf('{%s}', join(',', array_map(array($this, 'name_value'), array_keys($var), array_values($var))));

                return sprintf('[%s]', join(',', array_map(array($this, 'encode'), $var)));

            case 'object':
                $vars = get_object_vars($var);
                return sprintf('{%s}', join(',', array_map(array($this, 'name_value'), array_keys($vars), array_values($vars))));

                return '';

    function name_value($name, $value)
        return (sprintf("%s:%s", $this->encode(strval($name)), $this->encode($value)));

    function reduce_string($str)
        $str = preg_replace('#^s*//(.+)$#m', '', $str); // eliminate single line comments in '// ...' form
        $str = preg_replace('#^s*/*(.+)*/#Us', '', $str); // eliminate multi-line comments in '/* ... */' form, at start of string
        $str = preg_replace('#/*(.+)*/s*$#Us', '', $str); // eliminate multi-line comments in '/* ... */' form, at end of string
        $str = trim($str); // eliminate extraneous space

        return $str;

    function decode($str)
        $str = $this->reduce_string($str);

        switch(strtolower($str)) {
            case 'true':
                return true;

            case 'false':
                return false;

            case 'null':
                return null;

                if(is_numeric($str)) {
                    return ((float)$str == (integer)$str)
                        ? (integer)$str
                        : (float)$str;

                } elseif(preg_match('/^".+"$/s', $str) || preg_match('/^'.+'$/s', $str)) {
                    $delim = substr($str, 0, 1);
                    $chrs = substr($str, 1, -1);
                    $utf8 = '';
                    $strlen_chrs = strlen($chrs);

                    for($c = 0; $c < $strlen_chrs; $c++) {

                        $substr_chrs_c_2 = substr($chrs, $c, 2);
                        $ord_chrs_c = ord($chrs{$c});

                        if($substr_chrs_c_2 == 'b') {
                            $utf8 .= chr(0x08); $c+=1;

                        } elseif($substr_chrs_c_2 == 't') {
                            $utf8 .= chr(0x09); $c+=1;

                        } elseif($substr_chrs_c_2 == 'n') {
                            $utf8 .= chr(0x0A); $c+=1;

                        } elseif($substr_chrs_c_2 == 'f') {
                            $utf8 .= chr(0x0C); $c+=1;

                        } elseif($substr_chrs_c_2 == 'r') {
                            $utf8 .= chr(0x0D); $c+=1;

                        } elseif(($delim == '"') && (($substr_chrs_c_2 == '\"') || ($substr_chrs_c_2 == '\\') || ($substr_chrs_c_2 == '\/'))) {
                            $utf8 .= $chrs{++$c};

                        } elseif(($delim == "'") && (($substr_chrs_c_2 == '\'') || ($substr_chrs_c_2 == '\\') || ($substr_chrs_c_2 == '\/'))) {
                            $utf8 .= $chrs{++$c};

                        } elseif(preg_match('/\u[0-9A-F]{4}/i', substr($chrs, $c, 6))) { // single, escaped unicode character
                            $utf16 = chr(hexdec(substr($chrs, ($c+2), 2))) . chr(hexdec(substr($chrs, ($c+4), 2)));
                            $utf8 .= mb_convert_encoding($utf16, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16');

                        } elseif(($ord_chrs_c >= 0x20) && ($ord_chrs_c <= 0x7F)) {
                            $utf8 .= $chrs{$c};

                        } elseif(($ord_chrs_c & 0xE0) == 0xC0) {
                            $utf8 .= substr($chrs, $c, 2); $c += 1;

                        } elseif(($ord_chrs_c & 0xF0) == 0xE0) {
                            $utf8 .= substr($chrs, $c, 3); $c += 2;

                        } elseif(($ord_chrs_c & 0xF8) == 0xF0) {
                            $utf8 .= substr($chrs, $c, 4); $c += 3;

                        } elseif(($ord_chrs_c & 0xFC) == 0xF8) {
                            $utf8 .= substr($chrs, $c, 5); $c += 4;

                        } elseif(($ord_chrs_c & 0xFE) == 0xFC) {
                            $utf8 .= substr($chrs, $c, 6); $c += 5;
                    return $utf8;

                } elseif(preg_match('/^[.*]$/s', $str) || preg_match('/^{.*}$/s', $str)) {

                    if($str{0} == '[') {
                        $stk = array(HTML_AJAX_JSON_IN_ARR);
                        $arr = array();
                    } else {
                        if($this->use == HTML_AJAX_JSON_LOOSE_TYPE) {
                            $stk = array(HTML_AJAX_JSON_IN_OBJ);
                            $obj = array();
                        } else {
                            $stk = array(HTML_AJAX_JSON_IN_OBJ);
                            $obj = new stdClass();

                    array_push($stk, array('what' => HTML_AJAX_JSON_SLICE, 'where' => 0, 'delim' => false));
                    $chrs = substr($str, 1, -1);
                    $chrs = $this->reduce_string($chrs);

                    if($chrs == '') {
                        if(reset($stk) == HTML_AJAX_JSON_IN_ARR) {
                            return $arr;

                        } else {
                            return $obj;


                    $strlen_chrs = strlen($chrs);

                    for($c = 0; $c <= $strlen_chrs; $c++) {

                        $top = end($stk);
                        $substr_chrs_c_2 = substr($chrs, $c, 2);

                        if(($c == $strlen_chrs) || (($chrs{$c} == ',') && ($top['what'] == HTML_AJAX_JSON_SLICE))) {
                            $slice = substr($chrs, $top['where'], ($c - $top['where']));
                            array_push($stk, array('what' => HTML_AJAX_JSON_SLICE, 'where' => ($c + 1), 'delim' => false));

                            if(reset($stk) == HTML_AJAX_JSON_IN_ARR) { // we are in an array, so just push an element onto the stack
                                array_push($arr, $this->decode($slice));

                            } elseif(reset($stk) == HTML_AJAX_JSON_IN_OBJ) { // we are in an object, so figure out the property name and set an element in an associative array, for now
                                if(preg_match('/^s*(["'].*[^\]["'])s*:s*(S.*),?$/Uis', $slice, $parts)) { // "name":value pair
                                    $key = $this->decode($parts[1]);
                                    $val = $this->decode($parts[2]);

                                    if($this->use == HTML_AJAX_JSON_LOOSE_TYPE) {
                                        $obj[$key] = $val;
                                    } else {
                                        $obj->$key = $val;
                                } elseif(preg_match('/^s*(w+)s*:s*(S.*),?$/Uis', $slice, $parts)) { // name:value pair, where name is unquoted
                                    $key = $parts[1];
                                    $val = $this->decode($parts[2]);

                                    if($this->use == HTML_AJAX_JSON_LOOSE_TYPE) {
                                        $obj[$key] = $val;
                                    } else {
                                        $obj->$key = $val;


                        } elseif((($chrs{$c} == '"') || ($chrs{$c} == "'")) && ($top['what'] != HTML_AJAX_JSON_IN_STR)) { // found a quote, and we are not inside a string
                            array_push($stk, array('what' => HTML_AJAX_JSON_IN_STR, 'where' => $c, 'delim' => $chrs{$c}));
                            //print("Found start of string at {$c}n");

                        } elseif(($chrs{$c} == $top['delim']) && ($top['what'] == HTML_AJAX_JSON_IN_STR) && (($chrs{$c - 1} != "\") || ($chrs{$c - 1} == "\" && $chrs{$c - 2} == "\"))) { // found a quote, we're in a string, and it's not escaped
                            //print("Found end of string at {$c}: ".substr($chrs, $top['where'], (1 + 1 + $c - $top['where']))."n");

                        } elseif(($chrs{$c} == '[') && in_array($top['what'], array(HTML_AJAX_JSON_SLICE, HTML_AJAX_JSON_IN_ARR, HTML_AJAX_JSON_IN_OBJ))) { // found a left-bracket, and we are in an array, object, or slice
                            array_push($stk, array('what' => HTML_AJAX_JSON_IN_ARR, 'where' => $c, 'delim' => false));
                            //print("Found start of array at {$c}n");

                        } elseif(($chrs{$c} == ']') && ($top['what'] == HTML_AJAX_JSON_IN_ARR)) { // found a right-bracket, and we're in an array
                            //print("Found end of array at {$c}: ".substr($chrs, $top['where'], (1 + $c - $top['where']))."n");

                        } elseif(($chrs{$c} == '{') && in_array($top['what'], array(HTML_AJAX_JSON_SLICE, HTML_AJAX_JSON_IN_ARR, HTML_AJAX_JSON_IN_OBJ))) { // found a left-brace, and we are in an array, object, or slice
                            array_push($stk, array('what' => HTML_AJAX_JSON_IN_OBJ, 'where' => $c, 'delim' => false));
                            //print("Found start of object at {$c}n");

                        } elseif(($chrs{$c} == '}') && ($top['what'] == HTML_AJAX_JSON_IN_OBJ)) { // found a right-brace, and we're in an object
                            //print("Found end of object at {$c}: ".substr($chrs, $top['where'], (1 + $c - $top['where']))."n");

                        } elseif(($substr_chrs_c_2 == '/*') && in_array($top['what'], array(HTML_AJAX_JSON_SLICE, HTML_AJAX_JSON_IN_ARR, HTML_AJAX_JSON_IN_OBJ))) { // found a comment start, and we are in an array, object, or slice
                            array_push($stk, array('what' => HTML_AJAX_JSON_IN_CMT, 'where' => $c, 'delim' => false));
                            //print("Found start of comment at {$c}n");

                        } elseif(($substr_chrs_c_2 == '*/') && ($top['what'] == HTML_AJAX_JSON_IN_CMT)) { // found a comment end, and we're in one now

                            for($i = $top['where']; $i <= $c; $i++)
                                $chrs = substr_replace($chrs, ' ', $i, 1);

                            //print("Found end of comment at {$c}: ".substr($chrs, $top['where'], (1 + $c - $top['where']))."n");



                    if(reset($stk) == HTML_AJAX_JSON_IN_ARR) {
                        return $arr;

                    } elseif(reset($stk) == HTML_AJAX_JSON_IN_OBJ) {
                        return $obj;


if ( !function_exists("json_encode") || !function_exists("json_decode") ) {
    include_once "json.php";
    function json_encode($data) {
        $json = new HTML_AJAX_JSON();
        return $json->encode($data);
    function json_decode($data) {
        $json = new HTML_AJAX_JSON();
        return $json->decode($data);

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