Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >PHP5+UTF8 multiple file upload class_PHP tutorial
There are still some functions that have not been added, such as automatic name change, image processing, etc. You can add them as needed.
$up = new upfile(ROOT_PATH.'data/'.date("Ym" ,time()),array('gif','jpg','jpeg'),true);
$fileimg = $up->upload($_FILES['img']);//Return to upload After the file name array, $_FILES['img'] is the uploaded file
You can use $up->log to view the upload information.
//====== ==============================================
/ / FileName: upfile.class.php
// Summary: File upload class
// Author: millken (Lost Lincoln)
// LastModifed: 2008-6-4
// copyright (c )2008 millken@gmail.com
//======================================== ==============
if(!defined('OK'))exit(__FILE__.'Access Denied');
class upfile {
public $ExtensionFileFormat = array();
public $returninfo = array();
private $ImageFileFormat = array('gif','bmp','jpg','jpe','jpeg','png');
private $OtherFileFormat = array('zip','pdf','rar','xls','doc','ppt','csv');
private $savePath;
private $attachment_path = './upfiles/';
private $overwrite = false; # Whether to overwrite the same name
private $maxSize = 0; # The maximum size of the file, if it is 0, there is no size limit
private $ext;
private $errno = 0;
/* Constructor
* (string)$savePath file saving path, the default is $attachment_path
* (array)$extensionFileFormat Customize the extension of the uploaded file, When not set, it is $ImageFileFormat || $OtherFileFormat
* (bool)$overwrite Whether to overwrite the file with the same name
public function __construct($savePath='',$extensionFileFormat = array(),$overwrite = false) {
$this->savePath = empty($savePath)?$this->attachment_pathsavePath.'/';
$this->extensionFileFormat = is_array($extensionFileFormat)?$extensionFileFormat: array();
$this->overwrite = is_bool($overwrite)?$overwrite:false;
/*Upload function
* (array)$files Array of files to be uploaded $_FILES['attach']
* (number)$maxSize The maximum number of bytes of the file, the default is 0, no limit on upload size
public function upload($files,$maxSize=0) {
$this->maxSize = is_numeric($maxSize)?$maxSize:0;
if(isset($files) && is_array($files)) {
if(is_array($files[ 'name'])) {
foreach($files as $key => $var) {
foreach($var as $id => $val) {
$attachments[$id] [$key] = $val;
} else {
$attachments[] = $files;
self::check_file_type($ attachments);
if(empty($this->filelist)) {
$this->log .= "The list of files to be uploaded is empty. n";
return array();
if(!self::makeDirectory() || !@is_writable($this->savePath)) {
$this-> log .= $this->savePath . "Cannot create or its permission is not writable. n";
return array();
$filearray = array();
foreach($this->filelist as $k=>$f) {
if ($this->maxSize && $f['size']>$this->maxSize) {
$this->log .= $f['name'] . "The size exceeds the set value Defined value: " . $this->maxSize ."n";
}elseif($this->overwrite == false && file_exists($this->savePath . $f['name']) ) {
$this->log .= $f['name'] . "Already exists in the directory:" . $this->savePath . "n";
@ unlink($this->savePath . $f['name']);
if(@move_uploaded_file($f['tmp_name'],$this->savePath . mb_convert_encoding($f['name'] ,'gbk','utf-8'))) {//Without encoding conversion, Chinese will not be supported
$this->log .= $f['name'] . "Successfully uploaded to directory : ".$this->savePath ."n";
$filearray[$k] = $this->savePath . $f['name'];
$this ->log .= $f['name'] . "Upload failed. n";
return $filearray;
/*Detect file type
*(array)$files file array
* /
private function check_file_type($files) {
$this->filelist = array();
foreach($files as $key=>$file) {
if($file ['error'] == 0) {
$ext = strtolower(substr($file['name'], strrpos($file['name'], '.') + 1));
$str = @file_get_contents($file['tmp_name'],FALSE,NULL,0,20);
if((in_array($ext,array('jpg','jpeg')) && substr($str ,0, 3) !== "xFFxD8xFF") || ($ext == 'gif' && substr($str ,0, 4) !== 'GIF8') || ($ext == 'png' && substr($str ,0, 8) !== "x89x50x4Ex47x0Dx0Ax1Ax0A") || ($ext == 'bmp' && substr($str ,0, 2) !== 'BM') || ($ext == 'swf' && (substr($str ,0, 3) !== 'CWS' || substr($str ,0, 3) !== 'FWS')) || ($ext == 'zip' && substr($str ,0, 4) !== "PKx03x04") || ($ext == 'rar' && substr($str ,0, 4) !== 'Rar!') || ($ext = = 'pdf' && substr($str ,0, 4) !== "x25PDF") || ($ext == 'chm' && substr($str ,0, 4) !== 'ITSF') || ($ext == 'rm' && substr($str ,0, 4) !== "x2ERMF") || ($ext == 'exe' && substr($str ,0, 2) !== "MZ ") || (in_array($ext,array('doc','xls','ppt')) && substr($str ,0, 4) !== "xD0xCFx11xE0")) {
$this- >log .= $file['name'] . "The file type does not match the file content.n";
}elseif((!empty($this->extensionFileFormat) && in_array($ext,$this->extensionFileFormat)) || (empty($this->extensionFileFormat) && (in_array($ext,$this->ImageFileFormat) || in_array($ext,$this->OtherFileFormat)))) {
$this->filelist[$key] = $file;
$this->log .= $file['name'] . "不符合上传文件的类型。n";
private function makeDirectory() {
$directoryName = str_replace("\","/", $this->savePath);
$dirNames = explode('/', $directoryName);
$total = count($dirNames);
$temp = '';
for($i=0; $i<$total; $i++)
$temp .= $dirNames[$i].'/';
if (!is_dir($temp))
$oldmask = @umask(0);
if (!@mkdir($temp, 0777)) return false;
if(is_dir($this->savePath)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;