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PHP image upload class code_PHP tutorial

2016-07-21 15:45:40780browse

Let’s start with a simple one:

Copy the code The code is as follows:

//http:// www.jb51.net
class upLoad{
public $length; //Limit file size
public $file; //Determine whether this class is used for image upload or file upload
public $fileName; //File name
public $fileTemp; //Upload temporary file
public $fileSize; //Upload file size
public $error; //Whether there is an error in uploading the file, php4 does not have it
public $ fileType; //Upload file type
public $directory; //
public $maxLen;
public $errormsg;
function __construct($length,$file=true,$directory)
$this->file=$file; //true is a general file, false For image judgment
public function upLoadFile($fileField)
$this->fileName=$fileField['name '];
$this->fileType=$ fileField['type'];
if($this->file) // General file upload
$path = $this->_isCreatedDir($this->directory);//Get the path
if($path)//http://www.jb51. net
$createFileType = $this->_getFileType($this->fileName); //Set the file category
$createFileName=uniqid(rand()); //Randomly generate file names
if(@move_uploaded_file($this->fileTemp,$thisDir)) //Move the temporary file Move to the specified path
return $thisDir;
}else{ //Image upload
$path = $this->_isCreatedDir($this ->directory);//Get the path
if($path)//The path exists//http://www.jb51.net
$createFileType = $this->_getFileType( $this->fileName);//Set the file category
return @move_uploaded_file($this->fileTemp,$this->directory.$pathSign. $createFileName.".".$createFileType) ? true : false;
public function _isBig($length,$fsize) //Returns whether the file exceeds the specified size
return $fsize>$length ? true : false;
public function _getFileType($fileName) //Get the suffix of the file
return end(explode(". ",$fileName));
public function _isImg($fileType) //Whether the uploaded image type is allowed
$type=array("jpeg","gif","jpg ","bmp");
return in_array($file_type,$type);//http://www.jb51.net
public function _isCreatedDir($path) //Whether the path exists, create it if it does not exist
return @mkdir($path,0755)?true:false; //Permissions 755//
return true;
public function showError() //Display error message
echo " n";
class multiUpLoad extends upLoad{
public $FILES;
function __construct($arrayFiles,$length,$file=true,$directory)
$this->FILES= $arrayFiles;
function upLoadMultiFile()
if ($this->_judge()||$this->_judge()=="no") //All files meet the specifications, start uploading
foreach($this->FILES as $key=>$value)
array_push($arr, $strDir);
return $arr;
return false;
function _judge()
foreach($this->FILES as $key=>$value)
$this->errormsg="File exceeds $this->maxLen K" ;
//$this->errormsg="Upload file appears Error";
return "no";
return true;
/ /http://www.jb51.net
foreach($this->FILES as $key=>$value)
if($this->_isBig($this-> ;length,$value['size']))
$this->errormsg="Image exceeds $this->maxLen";
$this->errormsg="An error occurred while uploading the image";
$this->errormsg="The image format is incorrect";
parent:: showError();
return true;

Let’s take a more complicated PHP upload class that can automatically generate thumbnails.
Start the first step:
Create a folder, layout:
annex: attachment (uploaded files are stored in this directory Original image)
|— smallimg: stores thumbnail images
|— mark: stores watermark images
include: stores class files and fonts (this program code uses: 04B_08__.TTF)
| — upfile.php: Integrate simple upload, generate class file information of thumbnails and watermarks
|— 04B_08__.TTF: font file
test.php: test file
The second step is to upload the class
Copy code The code is as follows:

class UPImages {
var $annexFolder = "annex";//Attachment storage point, the default is: annex
var $smallFolder = "smallimg";// Thumbnail storage path, note: must be placed in a subdirectory under $annexFolder, the default is: smallimg
var $markFolder = "mark";//Watermark image storage location
var $upFileType = "jpg gif png ";//Upload type, the default is: jpg gif png rar zip
var $upFileMax = 1024;//Upload size limit, the unit is "KB", the default is: 1024KB
var $fontType;// Font
var $maxWidth = 500; //Maximum image width
var $maxHeight = 600; //Maximum image height
function UPImages($annexFolder,$smallFolder,$includeFolder) {
$this ->annexFolder = $annexFolder;
$this->smallFolder = $smallFolder;
$this->fontType = $includeFolder."/04B_08__.TTF";
function upLoad ($inputName) {
$imageName = time();//Set the current time to the image name
if(@empty($_FILES[$inputName]["name"])) die(error(" There is no image information uploaded, please confirm"));
$name = explode(".",$_FILES[$inputName]["name"]);//Separate the files before uploading with "." to obtain the files Type
$imgCount = count($name);//Get the number of interceptions
$imgType = $name[$imgCount-1];//Get the type of file
if(strpos($this- >upFileType,$imgType) === false) die(error("The uploaded file type only supports ".$this->upFileType." does not support ".$imgType));
$photo = $imageName. ".".$imgType;//The file name written to the database
$uploadFile = $this->annexFolder."/".$photo;//The uploaded file name
$upFileok = move_uploaded_file( $_FILES[$inputName]["tmp_name"],$uploadFile);
if($upFileok) {
$imgSize = $_FILES[$inputName]["size"];
$kSize = round ($imgSize/1024);
if($kSize > ($this->upFileMax*1024)) {
die(error("The uploaded file exceeds" .$this->upFileMax."KB"));
} else {
die(error("Failed to upload image, please make sure your uploaded file does not exceed $upFileMax KB or the upload time Timeout"));
return $photo;
function getInfo($photo) {
$photo = $this->annexFolder."/".$photo;
$imageInfo = getimagesize($photo);
$imgInfo["width"] = $imageInfo[0];
$imgInfo["height"] = $imageInfo[1];
$ imgInfo["type"] = $imageInfo[2];
$imgInfo["name"] = basename($photo);
return $imgInfo;
function smallImg($photo, $width=128,$height=128) {
$imgInfo = $this->getInfo($photo);
$photo = $this->annexFolder."/".$photo;// Get the picture source
$newName = substr($imgInfo["name"],0,strrpos($imgInfo["name"], "."))."_thumb.jpg";//New picture name
if($imgInfo["type"] == 1) {
$img = imagecreatefromgif($photo);
} elseif($imgInfo["type"] == 2) {
$img = imagecreatefromjpeg($photo);
} elseif($imgInfo["type"] == 3) {
$img = imagecreatefrompng($photo);
} else {
$img = " ";
if(empty($img)) return False;
$width = ($width > $imgInfo["width"]) ? $imgInfo["width"] : $width ;
$height = ($height > $imgInfo["height"]) ? $imgInfo["height"] : $height;
$srcW = $imgInfo["width"];
$ srcH = $imgInfo["height"];
if ($srcW * $width > $srcH * $height) {
$height = round($srcH * $width / $srcW);
} else {
$width = round($srcW * $height / $srcH);
if (function_exists("imagecreatetruecolor")) {
$newImg = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $ height);
ImageCopyResampled($newImg, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $imgInfo["width"], $imgInfo["height"]);
} else {
$newImg = imagecreate($width, $height);
ImageCopyResized($newImg, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $imgInfo["width"], $ imgInfo["height"]);
if ($this->toFile) {
if (file_exists($this->annexFolder."/".$this->smallFolder. "/".$newName)) @unlink($this->annexFolder."/".$this->smallFolder."/".$newName);
ImageJPEG($newImg,$this-> annexFolder."/".$this->smallFolder."/".$newName);
return $this->annexFolder."/".$this->smallFolder."/".$newName;
} else {
return $newName;
function waterMark($photo,$text) {
$imgInfo = $this->getInfo($photo);
$photo = $this->annexFolder."/".$photo;
$newName = substr($imgInfo["name"], 0, strrpos($imgInfo["name"], ".")) . "_mark.jpg";
switch ($imgInfo["type"] ) {
case 1:
$img = imagecreatefromgif($photo);
case 2:
$img = imagecreatefromjpeg($photo);
case 3:
$img = imagecreatefrompng($photo);
return False;
if (empty($img)) return False;
$width = ($this->maxWidth > $imgInfo["width"]) ? $imgInfo["width"] : $this->maxWidth;
$height = ($this->maxHeight > $imgInfo["height"]) ? $imgInfo["height"] : $this->maxHeight;
$srcW = $imgInfo["width"];
$srcH = $imgInfo["height"];
if ($srcW * $width > $srcH * $height) {
$height = round($srcH * $width / $srcW);
} else {
$width = round($srcW * $height / $srcH);
if (function_exists("imagecreatetruecolor")) {
$newImg = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
ImageCopyResampled($newImg, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $imgInfo["width"], $imgInfo["height"]);
} else {
$newImg = imagecreate($width, $height);
ImageCopyResized($newImg, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $imgInfo["width"], $imgInfo["height"]);
$white = imageColorAllocate($newImg, 255, 255, 255);
$black = imageColorAllocate($newImg, 0, 0, 0);
$alpha = imageColorAllocateAlpha($newImg, 230, 230, 230, 40);
ImageFilledRectangle($newImg, 0, $height-26, $width, $height, $alpha);
ImageFilledRectangle($newImg, 13, $height-20, 15, $height-7, $black);
ImageTTFText($newImg, 4.9, 0, 20, $height-14, $black, $this->fontType, $text[0]);
ImageTTFText($newImg, 4.9, 0, 20, $height-6, $black, $this->fontType, $text[1]);
if($this->toFile) {
if (file_exists($this->annexFolder."/".$this->markFolder."/".$newName)) @unlink($this->annexFolder."/".$this->markFolder."/".$newName);
return $this->annexFolder."/".$this->markFolder."/".$newName;
} else {
return $newName;

复制代码 代码如下:

$annexFolder = "annex";
$smallFolder = "smallimg";
$markFolder = "mark";
$includeFolder = "include";
$img = new UPImages($annexFolder,$smallFolder,$includeFolder);
$text = array("www.jb51.net","all rights reserved");
if(@$_GET["go"]) {
$photo = $img->upLoad("upfile");
$img->maxWidth = $img->maxHeight = 350;//设置生成水印图像值
$img->toFile = true;
$newSmallImg = $img->smallImg($photo);
$newMark = $img->waterMark($photo,$text);
echo "

echo "

echo "继续上传";
} else {


www.bkjia.comtruehttp://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/320288.htmlTechArticle先来个简单的: 复制代码 代码如下: ? //http://www.jb51.net class upLoad{ public $length; //限定文件大小 public $file; //判断此类是用于图片上传还是文件...
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