The following is a function for filtering HTML code:
Copy code The code is as follows:
function ihtmlspecialchars($string) {
if(is_array($string)) {
foreach($string as $key => $val) {
$string[$key] = ihtmlspecialchars($val);
} else {
$string = preg_replace('/&((#(d{3,5}|x[a-fA-F0-9]{4})|[a-zA-Z][a-z0 -9]{2,5});)/', '&\1',
str_replace(array('&', '"', '<', '>'), array('& ', '"', '<', '>'), $string));
return $string;
php Below is the function to filter HTML code
Copy code The code is as follows:
function htmlEncode($string) {
$string =trim($string);
$string=str_replace("""," "",$string);
$string=str_replace("<","<",$string) ;
$string =str_replace(" "," ",$string);
return $string;
} // following is the function for filtering HTML code: Copy the code as follows: function ihtmlspecialchars($string) { if(is_array( $string)) { foreach($string as $key = $val) { $string[$key] = ihtm...