function getsubcategory(bigclassid){ if(bigclassid==0){ document.getElementById("subclass").innerHTML=""; return; }; var xmlhttpobj = createxmlhttp(); if(xmlhttpobj){//如果创建对象xmlhttpobj成功 xmlhttpobj.onreadystatechange=handle;'get',"getsubcategory.asp?bigclassid="+bigclassid+"&number="+Math.random(),true);//get方法 加个随机数。
xmlhttpobj.send(null); } }
function handle(){//客户端监控函数 //if(xmlhttpobj.readystate==4){//服务器处理请求完成 if(xmlhttpobj.status==200){ //alert('ok'); var html = xmlhttpobj.responseText;//获得返回值 document.getElementById("subclass").innerHTML=html; }else{ document.getElementById("subclass").innerHTML="对不起,您请求的页面有问题..."; } //} //else{ //document.getElementById("subclass").innerHTML=xmlhttpobj.readystate;//服务器处理中 //} //}
getsubcategory.asp 代码
复制代码 代码如下:
<%@language="vbscript" codepage="936"%>
<% response.charset="gb2312" bigclassid=safe(request.querystring("bigclassid")) if bigclassid<>"" then set re=new regexp re.ignorecase=true re.pattern = "^[0-9]{1,3}$" if not re.test(bigclassid) then response.write "非法参数" response.end end if%>
<%on error resume next set p = conn.execute("select * from smallclass where bigclassid=" & bigclassid) if err then err.clear response.write "查询出错" response.end end if if not p.eof then html = ""&vbnewline do while not p.eof html = html&""&vbnewline p.movenext loop html = html&"" else html = "" end if p.close set p = nothing conn.close set conn = nothing response.write html html = "" end if %> // Page code copy code is as follows: !--#include file="conn.asp" -- % set cmd = conn.execute("select bigclassid,bigclassname from bigclass") tempid=cmd("bigclassid") %...
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