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Chapter 4 Data Processing - PHP Regular Expressions - Zheng Aqi (continued)_PHP Tutorial

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表4.3 POSIX正则表达式语法格式列表

字 符

描 述














n是一个非负整数。匹配确定的n次。例如,'o{2}'不能匹配"Bob"中的'o',但是能匹配"food" 中的两个'o'


n是一个非负整数。至少匹配n次。例如,'o{2,}'不能匹配"Bob"中的'o',但能匹配"foooood" 中的所有'o'。'o{1,}'等价于'o+'。'o{0,}'则等价于'o*'




当该字符紧跟在任何一个其他限制符(*, +, ?, {n}, {n,}, {n,m})后面时,匹配模式是非贪婪的。非贪婪模式尽可能少地匹配所搜索的字符串,而默认的贪婪模式则尽可能多地匹配所搜索的字符串。例如,对于字符串"oooo",'o+?'将匹配单个"o",而'o+' 将匹配所有'o'


匹配除"\n"之外的任何单个字符,要匹配包括'\n' 在内的任何字符,可以使用'[.\n]'的模式


匹配pattern并获取这一匹配。所获取的匹配保存到相应的数组中。要匹配圆括号字符,请使用 '\(' 或 '\)'




正向预查,在任何匹配pattern的字符串开始处匹配查找字符串。这是一个非获取匹配,也就是说,该匹配不需要获取供以后使用。例如,'Windows(?=95|98|NT|2000)'能匹配"Windows 2000"中的"Windows",但不能匹配"Windows 3.1"中的"Windows"。预查不消耗字符,也就是说,在一个匹配发生后,在最后一次匹配之后立即开始下一次匹配的搜索,而不是从包含预查的字符之后开始


负向预查,在任何不匹配pattern的字符串开始处匹配查找字符串。这是一个非获取匹配,也就是说,该匹配不需要获取供以后使用。例如'Windows(?!95|98|NT|2000)'能匹配"'Windows 3.1"中的"Windows",但不能匹配"Windows 2000"中的"Windows"。预查不消耗字符,也就是说,在一个匹配发生后,在最后一次匹配之后立即开始下一次匹配的搜索,而不是从包含预查的字符之后开始


匹配x或y。例如,'z|food' 能匹配"z"或"food",'(z|f)ood'则匹配"zood"或"food"






字符范围。匹配指定范围内的任意字符。例如,'[a-z]'可以匹配'a'到'z' 范围内的任意小写字母字符


负值字符范围。匹配不在指定范围内的任意字符。例如,'[^a-z]'可以匹配不在'a' 到'z'范围内的任意字符

The following are several examples of simple regular expressions:
●'[A-Za-z0-9] ': represents all uppercase letters, lowercase letters and numbers from 0 to 9.
●'^hello': Represents a string starting with hello.
●'world$': represents a string ending with world.
●'.at': Represents a string starting with any single character except "n" and ending with "at", such as "cat", "nat", etc.
●'^[a-zA-Z]': Represents a string starting with a letter.
●'hi{2}': Indicates the letter h followed by two i's, i.e. hii.
●'(go)+': Indicates a string containing at least one 'go' string, such as 'gogo'
ID card numbers generally consist of 18 digits or 17 digits followed by an X or Y letter To match the ID number, you can write:
The regular expression of the email address can be written:
2. String matching
ereg() and eregi() functions
Use the ereg() function to find when a string matches a substring, and return the length of the matching string. You can also return an array of matching characters with the help of parameters. The syntax format is as follows:
int ereg(string ($pattern) , string $string [, array $regs ])
Copy code The code is as follows:

/*This example checks whether the string is a date in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD) */
$date="1988-08-09" ;
$len=ereg ('([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2})', $date , $regs);//The date format is YYYY-MM-DD
if ($len)
echo "$regs[3].$regs[2].$regs[1]" . "
"; //Output "09.08.1988"
echo $regs[0] ."
"; //Output "1988-08-09"
echo $len; //Output 10
echo "Wrong date format: $date";

3 .String replacement
ereg_replace() function syntax format is as follows:
string ereg_replace(string $pattern, string $replacement, string $string)
Description: The function uses string $replacement to replace string $string The part that matches $pattern and returns the replaced string. If no match is found,
Copy code The code is as follows:

$str ="hello world";
echo ereg_replace('[aeo]', 'x',$str). "
"; //Output 'hxllx wxrld'
echo ereg_replace('hello', $res,$str); //Use hyperlink to replace 'hello'



array split(string $pattern , string $string [, int $limit ])




表4.4 Perl兼容正则表达式扩充的语法格式

字 符

描 述


匹配一个单词边界,也就是指单词和空格间的位置。例如,'er\b'可以匹配"never"中的 'er',但不能匹配"verb"中的'er'
















匹配任何空白字符,包括空格、制表符、换页符等。等价于' [ \f\n\r\t\v] '


匹配任何非空白字符。等价于' [^ \f\n\r\t\v] '










匹配n,其中n为十六进制转义值。十六进制转义值必须为确定的两个数字长。例如,'\x41' 匹配"A"。'\x041'则等价于'\x04' & "1"。正则表达式中可以使用ASCII编码






标志一个八进制转义值或一个后向引用。如果\nm之前至少有nm个获取得子表达式,则 nm为后向引用。如果\nm之前至少有n个获取,则n为一个后跟文字m的后向引用。如果前面的条件都不满足,若 n和m均为八进制数字(0~7),则\nm将匹配八进制转义值nm





2. String matching
preg_match() function performs string search. The syntax format is as follows:
int preg_match(string $pattern, string $subject [, array $matches [, int $flags ]])
Description: The structure of this function is similar to the ereg() function, which searches the $subject string for content that matches the regular expression given by $pattern.
The preg_match() function returns the number of times $pattern is matched. Either 0 times (no match) or 1 time, because the preg_match() function will stop searching after the first match
There is also preg_match_all(), which continues to search from the end of the first match until the search is completed. the entire string.
The value of the preg_match_all() function parameter $flags can take the following three values:
●PREG_PATTERN_ORDER. The default item means that $matches[0] is an array of all pattern matches,
$matches[1] is an array of strings matched by the subpattern in the first bracket, and so on.
●PREG_SET_ORDER. If this flag is set, $matches[0] is the array of the first set of matches, $matches[1] is the array of the second set of matches, and so on.
●PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE. PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE can be used in combination with the other two tags.
If this tag is set, the associated string offset will also be returned for each matching result that occurs.
3. String replacement
Using the preg_replace() function can accomplish the same function as the function ereg_replace(), find matching substrings in the string, and replace the substring with the specified string.
The syntax format is as follows:
mixed preg_replace(mixed $pattern, mixed $replacement, mixed $subject [, int $limit])
4. String splitting
preg_split() function can use regular expressions The expression is used as a boundary to split a string, and the substring is stored in an array and returned. The function is similar to the split() function.
The syntax format is as follows:
array preg_split(string $pattern, string $subject [, int $limit [, int $flags ]])
Description: This function is case-sensitive and returns an array containing Substrings in $subject split along boundaries that match $pattern.
$limit is an optional parameter. If specified, up to $limit strings will be returned. If omitted or -1, there is no limit.
The value of $flags can be the following three:
●PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY. If this flag is set, the function only returns a non-empty string.
●PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE. If this flag is set, matches of bracket expressions in delimiter patterns are also captured and returned.
PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE. If this flag is set, the associated string offset will also be returned for each occurrence of a match.
4.3 Example - Verify form content
[Example 4.4] Use regular expressions to verify whether the form content entered by the user meets the format requirements.
Create a new EX4_4_Hpage.php file and enter the following code.
Copy code The code is as follows:

include 'EX4_4_Hpage.php'; //Include files EX4_4Hpage.php
$Email =$_POST['EMAIL'];
$checkid=preg_match('/^w{1,10}$/',$id); //Check whether the string is within 10 characters
$checkpwd =preg_match('/^d{4,14}$/',$pwd); //Check whether it is between 4 and 14 numbers
$checkphone=preg_match('/^1d{10}$/' ,$phone); //Check whether it is an 11-digit number starting with 1
//Check the validity of the email address
$checkEmail=preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+ @[a-zA-Z0-9-]+.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$/',$Email);
if($checkid&&$checkpwd&&$checkphone&&$checkEmail) //If If both are 1, the registration is successful
echo "Registration successful!";
echo "Registration failed, wrong format";

2. String matching
preg_match() function performs string search. The syntax format is as follows:
int preg_match(string $pattern, string $subject [, array $matches [, int $flags ]])
Description: The structure of this function is similar to the ereg() function, which searches the $subject string for content that matches the regular expression given by $pattern.
The preg_match() function returns the number of times $pattern is matched. Either 0 times (no match) or 1 time, because the preg_match() function will stop searching after the first match
There is also preg_match_all(), which continues to search from the end of the first match until the search is completed. the entire string.
The value of the preg_match_all() function parameter $flags can take the following three values:
●PREG_PATTERN_ORDER. The default item means that $matches[0] is an array of all pattern matches,
$matches[1] is an array of strings matched by the subpattern in the first bracket, and so on.
●PREG_SET_ORDER. If this flag is set, $matches[0] is the array of the first set of matches, $matches[1] is the array of the second set of matches, and so on.
●PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE. PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE can be used in combination with the other two tags.
If this tag is set, the associated string offset will also be returned for each matching result that occurs.
3. String replacement
Using the preg_replace() function can accomplish the same function as the function ereg_replace(), find matching substrings in the string, and replace the substring with the specified string.
The syntax format is as follows:
mixed preg_replace(mixed $pattern, mixed $replacement, mixed $subject [, int $limit])
4. String splitting
preg_split() function can use regular expressions The expression is used as a boundary to split a string, and the substring is stored in an array and returned. The function is similar to the split() function.
The syntax format is as follows:
array preg_split(string $pattern, string $subject [, int $limit [, int $flags ]])
Description: This function is case-sensitive and returns an array containing Substrings in $subject split along boundaries that match $pattern.
$limit is an optional parameter. If specified, up to $limit strings will be returned. If omitted or -1, there is no limit.
The value of $flags can be the following three:
●PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY. If this flag is set, the function only returns a non-empty string.
●PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE. If this flag is set, matches of bracket expressions in delimiter patterns are also captured and returned.
PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE. If this flag is set, the associated string offset will also be returned for each occurrence of a match.
4.3 Example - Verify form content
[Example 4.4] Use regular expressions to verify whether the form content entered by the user meets the format requirements.
Create a new EX4_4_Hpage.php file and enter the following code.
Copy code The code is as follows:

include 'EX4_4_Hpage.php'; //Include files EX4_4Hpage.php
$Email =$_POST['EMAIL'];
$checkid=preg_match('/^w{1,10}$/',$id); //Check whether the string is within 10 characters
$checkpwd =preg_match('/^d{4,14}$/',$pwd); //Check whether it is between 4 and 14 numbers
$checkphone=preg_match('/^1d{10}$/' ,$phone); //Check whether it is an 11-digit number starting with 1
//Check the validity of the email address
$checkEmail=preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+ @[a-zA-Z0-9-]+.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$/',$Email);
if($checkid&&$checkpwd&&$checkphone&&$checkEmail) //If If both are 1, the registration is successful
echo "Registration successful!";
echo "Registration failed, wrong format";

复制代码 代码如下:

include 'EX4_4_Hpage.php'; //包含文件EX4_4Hpage.php
$checkid=preg_match('/^\w{1,10}$/',$id); //检查字符串是否在10个字符以内
$checkpwd=preg_match('/^\d{4,14}$/',$pwd); //检查是否在4-14个字符之间
$checkphone=preg_match('/^1\d{10}$/',$phone); //检查是否是以1开头的11位数子
if($checkid&&$checkpwd&&$checkphone&&$checkEmail) //如果都为1,则注册成功
echo "注册成功!";
echo "注册失败,格式不对";

www.bkjia.comtruehttp: //www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/323889.htmlTechArticle1. Basic knowledge of regular expressions meaning: a string composed of ordinary characters and (a-z) and some special characters Mode function: validity verification. Replacement text. Extract a...
from a string
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