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Brand new PDO database operation php version (only applicable to Mysql)_PHP tutorial

2016-07-21 15:17:01688browse

Copy code The code is as follows:

* Author: Hu Rui
* Date: 2012/07/21
* Email: hooray0905@foxmail.com

class HRDB{
protected $pdo;
protected $res;
protected $config;

function __construct($config){
$this->Config = $config;

public function connect(){
$this->pdo = new PDO($this->Config['dsn'], $this->Config['name'], $this->Config['password']);
$this->pdo->query('set names utf8;');
//$this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
$this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);

public function close(){
$this->pdo = null;

public function query($sql){
$res = $this->pdo->query($sql);
$this->res = $res;
public function exec($sql){
$res = $this->pdo->exec($sql);
$this->res = $res;
public function fetchAll(){
return $this->res->fetchAll();
public function fetch(){
return $this->res->fetch();
public function fetchColumn(){
return $this->res->fetchColumn();
public function lastInsertId(){
return $this->res->lastInsertId();

* Parameter description
* int $debug Whether to enable debugging, if it is enabled, the sql statement will be output
* 0 Disable
* 1 Enable
* 2 Enable and terminate the program
* int $ mode return type
* 0 returns multiple records
* 1 returns a single record
* 2 returns the number of rows
* string/array $table database table, two value-passing modes
* normal Pattern:
* 'tb_member, tb_money'
* Array pattern:
* array('tb_member', 'tb_money')
* string/array $fields Database fields to be queried, allowed to be empty , the default is to search all, two value-passing modes
* Normal mode:
* 'username, password'
* Array mode:
* array('username', 'password')
* string/array $sqlwhere query conditions, empty allowed, two value-passing modes
* Normal mode:
* 'and type = 1 and username like "%os%"'
* Array mode :
* array('type = 1', 'username like "%os%"')
* string $orderby sorting, the default is id reverse order
public function select($debug, $mode, $table, $fields="*", $sqlwhere="", $orderby="tbid desc"){
$table = implode(', ', $table);
$fields = implode(', ', $fields);
$sqlwhere = ' and '.implode(' and ', $sqlwhere);
if($debug === 0){
if($mode === 2){
$this->query("select count(tbid) from $table where 1=1 $sqlwhere");
$return = $this->fetchColumn();
}else if($mode === 1){
$this->query("select $fields from $table where 1=1 $sqlwhere order by $orderby");
$return = $this->fetch();
$this->query("select $fields from $table where 1=1 $sqlwhere order by $orderby");
$return = $this->fetchAll();
return $return;
if($mode === 2){
echo "select count(tbid) from $table where 1=1 $sqlwhere";
}else if($mode === 1){
echo "select $fields from $table where 1=1 $sqlwhere order by $orderby";
echo "select $fields from $table where 1=1 $sqlwhere order by $orderby";
if($debug === 2){

* Parameter description
* int $debug Whether to enable debugging, if it is enabled, the sql statement will be output
* 0 Disable
* 1 Enable
* 2 Enable and terminate the program
* int $ mode return type
* 0 No return information
* 1 Return the number of execution entries
* 2 Return the id of the last inserted record
* string/array $table database table, two value-passing modes
* Normal mode:
* 'tb_member, tb_money'
* Array mode:
* array('tb_member', 'tb_money')
* string/array $set fields to be inserted and Content, two value-passing modes
* Normal mode:
* 'username = "test", type = 1, dt = now()'
* Array mode:
* array('username = "test"', 'type = 1', 'dt = now()')
public function insert($debug, $mode, $table, $set){
$table = implode(', ', $table);
$set = implode(', ', $set);
if($debug === 0){
if($mode === 2){
$this->query("insert into $table set $set");
$return = $this->lastInsertId();
}else if($mode === 1){
$this->exec("insert into $table set $set");
$return = $this->res;
$this->query("insert into $table set $set");
$return = NULL;
return $return;
echo "insert into $table set $set";
if($debug === 2){

* Parameter description
* int $debug Whether to enable debugging, if it is enabled, the sql statement will be output
* 0 Disable
* 1 Enable
* 2 Enable and terminate the program
* int $ mode return type
* 0 No return information
* 1 Return number of execution entries
* string $table database table, two value-passing modes
* Normal mode:
* 'tb_member, tb_money '
* Array mode:
* array('tb_member', 'tb_money')
* string/array $set fields and contents that need to be updated, two value-passing modes
* Normal mode:
* 'username = "test", type = 1, dt = now()'
* Array mode:
* array('username = "test"', 'type = 1', 'dt = now()')
* string/array $sqlwhere Modify conditions, allow empty, two value-passing modes
* Normal mode:
* 'and type = 1 and username like "%os% "'
* Array mode:
* array('type = 1', 'username like "%os%"')
public function update($debug, $mode, $table, $set, $sqlwhere=""){
$table = implode(', ', $table);
$set = implode(', ', $set);
$sqlwhere = ' and '.implode(' and ', $sqlwhere);
if($debug === 0){
if($mode === 1){
$this->exec("update $table set $set where 1=1 $sqlwhere");
$return = $this->res;
$this->query("update $table set $set where 1=1 $sqlwhere");
$return = NULL;
return $return;
echo "update $table set $set where 1=1 $sqlwhere";
if($debug === 2){

* Parameter description
* int $debug Whether to enable debugging, if it is enabled, the sql statement will be output
* 0 Disable
* 1 Enable
* 2 Enable and terminate the program
* int $ mode return type
* 0 no return information
* 1 return number of execution entries
* string $table database table
* string/array $sqlwhere deletion condition, empty allowed, two value-passing modes
* Normal mode:
* 'and type = 1 and username like "%os%"'
* Array mode:
* array('type = 1', 'username like "%os %"')
public function delete($debug, $mode, $table, $sqlwhere=""){
$sqlwhere = ' and '.implode(' and ', $sqlwhere);
if($debug === 0){
if($mode === 1){
$this->exec("delete from $table where 1=1 $sqlwhere");
$return = $this->res;
$this->query("delete from $table where 1=1 $sqlwhere");
$return = NULL;
return $return;
echo "delete from $table where 1=1 $sqlwhere";
if($debug === 2){



  ① insert语句太复杂,fields与values对应容易出现误差


复制代码 代码如下:
insert into tb_member (username, type, dt) values ('test', 1, now())



复制代码 代码如下:
insert into tb_member set username = "test", type = 1, lastlogindt = now()


  ② 部分参数可以用数组代替


复制代码 代码如下:
delete from tb_member where 1=1 and tbid = 1 and username = "hooray"

复制代码 代码如下:

$where = array(
'tbid = 1',
'username = "hooray"'
$db->delete(1, 0, 'tb_member', $where);

No matter how many conditions you have, it will not disrupt your thinking. Similarly, not only the where parameter, the set in update can also be in this form (see the complete source code for details)

Copy code The code is as follows :

$set = array('username = "123"', 'type = 1', 'lastlogindt = now()');
$where = array('tbid = 1 ');
$db->update(1, 0, 'tb_member', $set, $where);

 ③ Customizable sql statement

Yes Sometimes, sql is too complex, making it impossible to use the methods provided in the class to assemble sql statements. At this time, a function is needed, which is to directly pass in the sql statement I have assembled to execute and return information. Now, this function is also available

Copy code The code is as follows:

$db->query('select username, password from tb_member');
$rs = $db->fetchAll();

Is it very similar to the original writing method of pdo?

 ④ Support the creation of multiple database connections

The original method does not support multiple database connections because it is just a database operation method. In implementation, you need to copy 2 identical files and modify some variables. The operation is really complicated. This problem is now solved.

Copy code The code is as follows:

$db_hoorayos_config = array(
'dsn'=>' mysql:host=localhost;dbname=hoorayos',
$db = new HRDB( $db_hoorayos_config);

$db_hoorayos_config2 = array(
$db2 = new HRDB($db_hoorayos_config2);

In this way, 2 database connections can be created at the same time for easy processing Database-to-database interaction.

There are roughly so many new features. The entire code is not much. Welcome to read and understand. The following is the test code I wrote when writing, and it is also provided for everyone to learn.

Copy code The code is as follows:

require_once(' inc/setting.inc.php');

$db = new HRDB($db_hoorayos_config);

echo '
select test< ;hr>';
echo 'Normal mode, pass the string directly in
$rs = $db->select(1, 0, 'tb_member', 'username, password' , 'and type = 1 and username like "%os%"');
echo '
Array mode, you can pass in an array
$fields = array('username' , 'password');
$where = array('type = 1', 'username like "%os%"');
$rs = $db->select(1, 0, 'tb_member ', $fields, $where);

echo '
insert test
echo 'Normal mode, direct string transfer Enter
$db->insert(1, 0, 'tb_member', 'username = "test", type = 1, lastlogindt = now()');
echo '< ;br>Array mode, you can pass in an array
$set = array('username = "test"', 'type = 1', 'lastlogindt = now()');
$db->insert(1, 0, 'tb_member', $set);

echo '
update test
echo 'Normal mode, pass the string directly
$db->update(1, 0, 'tb_member', 'username = "123", type = 1, lastlogindt = now( )', 'and tbid = 7');
echo '
Array mode, you can pass in an array
$set = array('username = "123"', ' type = 1', 'lastlogindt = now()');
$where = array('tbid = 1');
$db->update(1, 0, 'tb_member', $set, $where);

echo '
delete test
echo 'Normal mode, pass the string directly in
$db->delete(1, 0, 'tb_member', 'and tbid = 1 and username = "hooray"');
echo '
Array mode, you can pass in an array
$where = array(
'tbid = 1',
'username = "hooray"'
$db->delete(1, 0, 'tb_member', $where);

echo '
custom sql
$db->query(' select username, password from tb_member');
$rs = $db->fetchAll();


Author: Hu Yirui

www.bkjia.comtruehttp: //www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/325810.htmlTechArticleCopy the code as follows: /*** Author: Hu Rui * Date: 2012/07/21 * Email: hooray0905@foxmail.com*/ class HRDB{ protected $pdo; protected $res; protected $config; /*Constructor...
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