function imageWaterMark($groundImage,$waterPos=0,$waterImage="",$waterText="",$textFont=5,$textColor="#FF0000")
$isWaterImage = FALSE;
$formatMsg = "This file format is not supported yet. Please use image processing software to convert the image to GIF, JPG, or PNG format.";
//Read watermark file
if(!empty($waterImage) && file_exists($waterImage))
$isWaterImage = TRUE;
$water_info = getimagesize($ waterImage); //What is obtained is an array
$water_w = $water_info[0];//Get the width of the watermark image
$water_h = $water_info[1];//Get the height of the watermark image
switch($water_info[2])//Get the format of the watermark image
case 1:$water_im = imagecreatefromgif($waterImage);break; //Convert the image into an encoding process that can be recognized by PHP
case 2:$water_im = imagecreatefromjpeg($waterImage);break; //Convert the image into an encoding process that can be recognized by PHP
case 3:$water_im = imagecreatefrompng($waterImage);break; //Convert the image Encoding process recognized by PHP
//Read background image
if(!empty($groundImage) && file_exists($ groundImage))
$ground_info = getimagesize($groundImage);
$ground_w = $ground_info[0];//Get the width of the background image
$ground_h = $ground_info[1]; //Get the height of the background image
switch($ground_info[2])//Get the format of the background image
case 1:$ground_im = imagecreatefromgif($groundImage);break;
case 2:$ground_im = imagecreatefromjpeg($groundImage);break;
case 3:$ground_im = imagecreatefrompng($groundImage);break;
die("The picture that needs to be watermarked does not exist! ");
//Watermark position
if($isWaterImage)//Picture watermark
$w = $water_w;
$h = $water_h;
$label = "Picture";
else//Text watermark
$temp = imagettfbbox(ceil($textFont*2.5),0,"c:/windows/fonts /stcaiyun.ttf",$waterText);//Get the range of text using TrueType font
$w = $temp[2] - $temp[6];
$h = $temp[3] - $temp[7];
$label = "text area";
if( ($ground_w<$w) || ($ground_h<$h ) )
echo "The length or width of the image that needs to be watermarked is smaller than the watermark ".$label.", so the watermark cannot be generated! ";
case 0://random
$posX = rand(0,($ground_w - $w)) ;
$posY = rand(0,($ground_h - $h));
case 1://1 is top left
$posX = 0;
$posY = 0;
case 2://2 is top-centered
$posX = ($ground_w - $w) / 2;
$posY = 0;
case 3://3 is the top right
$posX = $ground_w - $w;
$posY = 0;
case 4://4 is the middle left
$posX = 0;
$posY = ($ground_h - $h) / 2;
case 5://5 is centered in the middle
$posX = ($ground_w - $w) / 2;
$posY = ($ground_h - $h) / 2;
case 6://6 is middle right
$posX = $ground_w - $ w;
$posY = ($ground_h - $h) / 2;
case 7://7 is bottom left
$posX = 0;
$posY = $ground_h - $h;
case 8://8 is bottom centered
$posX = ($ground_w - $w) / 2;
$posY = $ground_h - $ h;
case 9://9 is bottom right
$posX = $ground_w - $w;
$posY = $ground_h - $h;
$posX = rand(0,($ground_w - $w));
$posY = rand(0,($ground_h - $h));
break ;
//Set the color mixing mode of the image
imagealphablending($ground_im, true);
if($isWaterImage)//Image watermark
imagecopy($ground_im , $water_im, $posX, $posY, 0, 0, $water_w,$water_h);//Copy watermark to target file
else//Text watermark
if( ! empty($textColor) && (strlen($textColor)==7) )
$R = hexdec(substr($textColor,1,2));
$G = hexdec(substr( $textColor,3,2));
$B = hexdec(substr($textColor,5));
die("The watermark text color format is incorrect !");
imagestring ( $ground_im, $textFont, $posX, $posY, $waterText, imagecolorallocate($ground_im, $R, $G, $B));
//Generate watermarked image
switch($ground_info[2])//Get the format of the background image
case 1:imagegif($ground_im, $groundImage);break; //Create a picture in gif format
case 2:imagejpeg($ground_im,$groundImage);break; //Create a picture in jpeg format
case 3:imagepng($ground_im,$groundImage );break; //Create a picture in png format
//Release memory
if(isset($water_info)) unset($water_info);
if(isset($water_im)) imagedestroy($water_im);
< ?php
for ($i=0;$i
$upfile="./img/" .($i+1).".png";//Change the path here to yours
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'][$i],$upfile)) {
imageWaterMark($upfile,9,"./shuiyin.png","Made By Chenduan",5,"#FF0000");
* Function: Image watermark (watermark supports images or text)
* imageWaterMark($groundImage,$waterPos=0,$waterImage="",$waterText="",$textFont=5,$textColor="#FF0000")
* Parameters:
* $groundImage background image, that is, the image that needs to be watermarked, currently only supports GIF, JPG, and PNG formats;
* $waterPos watermark position, there are 10 states, 0 is a random position;
* 1 is the top On the left, 2 means top-centered, 3 means top-centered;
* 4 means middle-centered, 5 means middle-centered, 6 means middle-right;
* 7 means bottom-centered, 8 means bottom-centered, 9 To the bottom and right;
* $waterImage image watermark, that is, the image used as a watermark, currently only supports GIF, JPG, PNG formats;
* $waterText text watermark, that is, text as a watermark, supports ASCII code , does not support Chinese;
* $textFont text size, the value is 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, the default is 5;
* $textColor text color, the value is a hexadecimal color value, the default is #FF0000(red);
echo "
echo "th".($i+ 1)."The picture operation was successful
echo "No.".($i+1)."The picture could not be uploaded