Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >CentOS 6.2 uses yum to install LAMP and phpMyadmin in detail_PHP tutorial
Introducing how to use YUM configuration to install the LAMP environment under CentOs6.2. Some brothers also like to use the compiled installation method. I personally think that if you are not customizing the server, using yum to install is stable and simple, why bother to download&make&make install.
Step1. Configure rpmforge and epel sources for centos. The official source of centos is actually sufficient, but some extensions of php such as php-mcrypt are not available in the official source.
The rpmforge source can be downloaded and installed at http://pkgs.repoforge.org/rpmforge-release/, named rpmforge- release-*.i686.rpm or rpmforge-release-*.x86_64.rpm, Find the latest version
The epel source can be found at http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/Fedora/epel/6/. The 32-bit system is in the i386 folder, and the 64-bit version is in the x86_64 folder. For epel-release-6-*.noarch.rpm, find the latest version
Here is a 32-bit system as an example,
#If it prompts The requested URL returned error: 404 , please change to the latest version
rpm -ivh http://pkgs.repoforge.org/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el6.rf.i686.rpm
rpm - ivh http://download.Fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-5.noarch.rpm
Step 2. Install php/mysql/httpd
#Install apache
yum -y install httpd httpd-devel
#Install mysql
yum -y install mysql mysql-devel mysql-server mysql-libs
#Install php
yum -y install php
#Install php extension
yum -y install php-mysql php-gd php-imap php-ldap php-odbc php-mbstring php-devel php-soap php-cli php-pdo
yum -y install php-mcrypt php-tidy php-xml php-xmlrpc php-pear
#Other uncommon php extensions, www.linuxidc.com do not need to be installed
yum -y install php-pecl-memcache php- eaccelerator
#Install phpmyadmin
yum -y install phpmyadmin
#After the installation is completed, start
service httpd start
service mysqld start
Step 3. Configure httpd and mysqld to start automatically at boot
chkconfig mysqld on
chkconfig httpd on
Step 4. Configure phpmyadmin
#Modify the abcde text here to your own characters, you can arbitrarily
$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = 'abcde';
1. phpmyadmin prompts that php-mcrypt is not enabled. This is because the php-mrcrpt extension is not installed. There is no php-mrcrpt extension in the official source, please install the epel source and then yum install php-mcrypt
2. phpmyadmin cannot access
phpmyadmin can only use http://localhost/phpmyadmin by default To access, you can modify the corresponding part in /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf to
Order Deny,Allow
# Deny from all
Allow from All
However, this is strongly not supported and exposes phpmyadmin to unsafe
apache parses php, modifies the httpd.conf file, and adds
Addtype application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml
Addtype application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
myql can log in remotely
Set mysql password
mysql>; USE mysql;
mysql>; UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('newpassword') WHERE user='root';
1.2.3 Allow remote login
mysql -u root -p
Enter Password:
After completion, you can use mysql-front to remotely manage mysql.
Set to start at boot
chkconfig mysqld on