I took a look at CI's paging class and there is no content about AJAX. I also saw pagination class extensions written by several other experts on the forum. I feel that it is actually unnecessary.
It can still be achieved by making some small changes on the existing basis.
Let’s get to the point:
CI’s native paging class has a parameter $config[anchor_class]
This parameter is used to set the style of paging links. , so we can set it like this:
$config[anchor_class] = "class=ajax_fpage";
Then in the view part, we use the method of disabling the default action of a sticky note to obtain the AJAX call Get the effect.
The code is as follows:
When When ajax_fpage is clicked, it disables the default action of the a tag and obtains the href information. Then it uses the get method to obtain the href content and updates the dom.
Such a complete ajax paging is realized. There is no need to extend the original class.
function ContentList( $id,$p=0)
$config[base_url] = site_url(qyadmin/ContentList/.$id./. $p);
$config[total_rows] = $this->admin->content_list($id,$p,1);
$config[per_page] = 5;
$config[ uri_segment] = 5;
$config[first_link] = FALSE;
$config[last_link] = FALSE;
$config[full_tag_open] =
$config[full_tag_close] =
$config[display_pages] = FALSE;
$skin_url = base_url().APPPATH . "views/templates ";
$config[next_link] =

$config[next_tag_open] =
$config[next_tag_close] = ;
$config[prev_link] =

$config [prev_tag_open] =
$config[prev_tag_close] = ;
$config[anchor_class] = class="ajax_fpage";
$this ->pagination->initialize($config);
$content = $this->admin->content_list($id,$p,0,$config[per_page],$this->uri ->segment(5));
$fpage = $this->pagination->create_links();