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1. Yii
Yii是一个基于组件的高性能的PHP的框架,用于开发大规模Web应用。Yii采用严格的OOP编写,并有着完善的库引用以及全面的教程。从MVC,DAO/ActiveRecord,widgets,caching,等级式RBAC,Web服务,到主体化,I18N和L10N,Yii提供了今日Web 2.0应用开发所需要的几乎一切功能。而且这个框架的价格也并不太高。事实上,Yii是最有效率的PHP框架之一。
2. CodeIgniter
3. CakePHP
CakePHP是一个快速开发PHP的框架,其中使用了一些常见的设计模式如ActiveRecord,Association Data Mapping,Front Controller以及MVC。其主要目标在于提供一个令任意水平的PHP开发人员都能够快速开发web应用的框架,而且这个快速的实现并没有牺牲项目的弹性。
4. PHPDevShell
5. Akelos
Akelos PHP框架是一个基于MVC设计模式的web应用开发平台。基于良好的使用习惯,使用它可以完成如下任务:
你的Akelos应用可以在大多数共享主机服务供应方上运行,因为Akelos对服务器唯一的要求就是支持PHP。因此,Akelos PHP框架是理想的用于发布单独web应用的框架,因为它不需要非标准PHP配置便能运行。
6. Symfony
7. Prado
PRADO的灵感起源于Apache Tapestry。从04年开始,PRADO成为SourceForge上的开源项目之一。这个项目目前进展到了3.x版本。
8. Zend
As an extension of the art and spirit of PHP, the Zend Framework is based on simplicity, object-oriented best practices, an enterprise-friendly license agreement, and a fast and repeatedly tested code base. The Zend framework is designed to build more secure and reliable Web 2.0 applications and web services, and continues to absorb the best from the APIs of leading vendors (such as Google, Amazon, Yahoo, Flickr, StrikeIron, and ProgrammableWeb, etc.).
9. ZooP
Zoop PHP framework, which means Zoop object-oriented PHP framework.
This is a stable, scalable and portable framework. In the five years since its birth, it has been used in many product developments. Zoop is a fast, efficient and clean framework. It scales well and you can install only the features you need.
Developers who are not very familiar with code can quickly develop secure web applications through Zoop. Skilled developers can take full advantage of Zoop's flexibility.
Zoop recommends using display, logic and data layer (MVC) separately.
Zoop is composed of many components and projects, including smarty and prototype AJAX framework, PEAR module, etc. Efficient core components provide many functions that you would otherwise need to code yourself. Zoop's built-in error correction function can be configured to generate error logs in the production environment. This error log provides a lot of information and is highly readable, making it easier to find and eliminate errors.
A special feature of Zoop is its GuiControls, which is a quite innovative idea in PHP. It provides a complete collection of many form widgets and validations, and forms a framework that can easily create personalized GuiControls.
10. QPHP
QPHP, meaning Quick PHP, is an MVC framework similar to ASP.NET. Basically it goes like this:
◆Integrate the beauty of Java and C#
◆Removed Perl-style ambiguous language used in other PHP frameworks
◆A lot of concepts based on OOP
Original text: Top 10 PHP Frameworks by VictorDavtyan