Bangkejia ( tutorial The original package of CKEditor does not include the upload server-side processing file of the image. Another open source product of the company: CKFinder makes a good supplement. But it is much more convenient to download the source code and then configure it, but it is a bit overkill to use such a large system just to upload pictures. I spent an afternoon writing it myself using a PHP script. A script code for processing uploaded files without doing more security processing. I hope it will be useful to everyone.
First, add the following code to your config.js file:
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CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config )
config.filebrowserImageUploadUrl = './upload.php?type=img';
config.filebrowserFlashUploadUrl = './upload.php?type=flash';
The above configuration is the address of the uploaded file to be processed. You can modify it according to your own situation. The upload.php file is as follows:
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2009-11-15 16:47
$config['type']=array("flash","img"); //Upload allowed type values
$config['img']=array("jpg","bmp", "gif"); //img allows suffix
$config['flash']=array("flv","swf"); //flash allows suffix
$config['flash_size'] =200; //The upper limit unit for uploading flash size: KB
$config['img_size']=500; //The upper limit unit for uploading img size: KB
$config['message']="Upload Success"; //The message displayed after the upload is successful. If it is empty, it will not be displayed.
$config['name']=mktime(); //The file naming rules after uploading are based on unix timestamp. Naming
$config['flash_dir']="/ckeditor/upload/flash"; //The upload flash file address uses an absolute address for convenience. The upload.php file can be placed anywhere in the site without adding "/" after it.
$config['img_dir']="/ckeditor/upload/img"; //Upload the img file address using an absolute address. Using an absolute address is convenient. Place the upload.php file anywhere in the site without adding "/" at the end.
$config['site_url']=""; //The URL of the website is related to the address after the image is uploaded. Do not add "/" at the end and can leave it blank
//File upload
function uploadfile()
global $config;
//Determine whether it is an illegal call
if(empty($_GET['CKEditorFuncNum'] ))
mkhtml(1,"","Bad function call request");
if(!in_array($_GET['type'] ,$config['type']))
mkhtml(1,"","Bad file call request");
if(is_uploaded_file( $_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']))
//Determine whether uploading files is allowed
mkhtml($fn,"","Wrong file type! ");
//Judge whether the file size meets the requirements
mkhtml ($fn,"","The uploaded file cannot exceed ".$config[$type."_size"]."KB!");
//$filearr=explode(".",$_FILES[' upload']['name']);
$file_abso=$config[$type."_dir"]."/" .$config['name'].".".$filetype;
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload'] ['tmp_name'],$file_host))
mkhtml($fn,"","File upload failed, please check the upload directory settings and directory read and write permissions");
// Output js call
function mkhtml($fn,$fileurl,$message)
Author’s blog: // original package of LieHuo.Net tutorial CKEditor does not contain the upload server-side processing file of the image. Another open source product of the company: CKFinder makes a good complement. But to download...