* 1. This program is based on the div+css tutorial new architecture php probe , free and open source free software, with powerful functions, clear structure and easy to use. 1. Support windows, linux, unix, freebsd, sun solar system 2. Support ie6, ie7, firefox, google chrome and other browsers. 2. Main uses and applicable objects: 1. Amateurs and professional developers who are familiar with PHP programming. 2. The computer room manager configures the linux (windows) + php + mysql tutorial + zend system environment and checks whether the system is configured successfully. 3. For users who purchase virtual hosts, it is used to test server performance. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ */ ////////////////////The following two variables can be modified and configured //If you are using this probe for verification, you can Enter relevant information in the variables below (will be displayed at the bottom of the page header("content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); error_reporting(e_error | e_warning | e_parse); ob_start (); $valint = (false == empty($_post['pint']))?$_post['pint']:"Not tested"; $valfloat = (false = = empty($_post['pfloat']))?$_post['pfloat']:"Not tested"; $valio = (false == empty($_post['pio']))?$_post ['pio']:"Not tested"; $mysqlreshow = "none"; $mailreshow = "none"; $funreshow = "none"; $opreshow = "none" ; $sysreshow = "none"; //============ Define constants to replace template output variables ============== ========= //define("yes", "yes "); //define("no", "no "); define("yes", "√ "); define("no", "× ");
//================================================ ==================== define("icon", "2 "); $phps tutorial elf = $_server[php_self] ? $_server[php_self] : $_server[script_name]; define("phpself", preg_replace("/(.{0,}?/+)/ ", "", $phpself)); if ($_get['act'] == "phpinfo") { phpinfo(); exit(); } elseif($_post['act'] == "integer test") { $valint = test_int(); } elseif($_post[' act'] == "Floating point test") { $valfloat = test_float(); } elseif($_post['act'] == "io test") { $valio = test_io(); > $ Mysqlre = "MySQL connection test results:"; $ mysqlre. = (False! == @mysql_connect ($ _ post ['mysqlhost'], $ _post ['mysqluser'], $ _post ['mysqlpas sword '] ; ; $mysqlre .= (false != @mysql_select_db($_post['mysqldb']))?"Connection OK": "Connection failed"; } elseif($_post['act' ] == "sendmail") $mailreshow = mail($_post["mailreceiver"], "uenuprobe mail server test.", "this email is sent by uenuprobe.rnrnrnrnrncopyright uenucomrnhttp://www.uenu.com"))?"Complete":"Failed"; } elseif($_post['act'] == "function_check") { $funreshow = "show"; $funre = "function".$_post ['funname']." Support status detection results: ".isfun($_post['funname']); } elseif($_post['act'] == "configuration_check ") { $opreshow = "show"; $opre = "Configuration parameters".$_post['opname']." Detection result: ". getcon($_post['opname']); } //=========================== ============================================= //================================================ ========================= switch (php_os) { case "linux": $sysreshow = (false != ($sysinfo = sys_linux()))?"show":"none"; break; case "freebsd": $sysreshow = (false != ($sysinfo = sys_freebsd ()))?"show":"none";
break; case "windows": //$sysreshow = (false != ($sysinfo = sys_windows()))?"show ":"none"; $sysinfo['uptime'] ="Sorry, windows system does not support"; break; default: break; } //================================================ ========================
case '':
服务器特征 服务器时间 (格林威治标准时间) (北京时间) 服务器域名 $_server[server_name]"); ?> 服务器ip地址 服务器操作系统 if ($os[0] =="windows") {echo "主机名称:".$os[2];} else {echo "内核版本:".$os[2];}?> 服务器运行时间 服务器操作系统文字编码 服务器解译引擎 web服务端口 服务器管理员 本文件路径 服务端剩余空间 系统当前用户名
m, 已使用 m, 空闲 m, 使用率 %
共m, 已使用 m, 空闲 m, 使用率 %
case 'phpinfo':
php基本特征 php版本 php运行方式 支持zend编译运行 () 运行于安全模式 自动定义全局变量 register_globals 允许使用url打开文件allow_url_fopen 允许动态加载链接库enable_dl 显示错误信息 display_errors 短标记<? ?>支持 标记<% %>支持 cookie支持 session支持 浮点运算有效数字显示位数 强制y2k兼容 被禁用的函数disable_functions if($disused =="1") {echo ' ">'."more".'';} else {echo "none";}?> 程序最长运行时间max_execution_time The maximum amount of memory a program is allowed to use memory_limit Maximum number of bytes in post post_max_size Maximum uploaded files allowed upload_max_filesize php information phpinfo phpinfo"?> < ;/tr> html error display Debugger address/port smtp support smtp address
case 'otherinfo':
php component support status Spell check aspell library High Precision mathematical operations bcmath < tr> Calendar operation calendar < td>Graphics processing gd library Class/Object Support String type detection support < /tr> iconv encoding support < ;/td> mcrypt encryption processing support Hash calculation mhash openssl support prel compatible syntax pcre 正则扩展(兼容perl)支持 socket支持 流媒体支持 tokenizer支持 url支持 wddx支持(web distributed data exchange) 压缩文件支持(zlib) xml解析 ftp 目录存取协议(ldap)支持 yellow page系统支持 php和java综合支持 imap电子邮件系统支持 snmp网络管理协议支持 vmailmgr邮件处理支持 pdf文档支持 fdf表单资料格式支持
case 'dbinfo':
数据库支持状况 mysql数据库支持 mysql数据库持续连接 mysql最大连接数 odbc数据库连接 sql server数据库支持 msql数据库支持 postgre sql数据库支持 oracle数据库支持 oracle 8 数据库支持 dbase数据库支持 sybase数据库支持 dba数据库支持 dbm数据库支持 dbx数据库支持 db++数据库支持 frontbase数据库支持 filepro数据库支持 informix数据库支持 lotus notes数据库支持 interbase数据库支持 ingres数据库支持 hyperwave数据库支持 ovrimos sql数据库连接支持 sesam数据库连接支持 sqlite数据库连接支持 adabas d数据库连接支持
case 'testinfo':
$ismysql = (false !== function_exists("mysql_query"))?"":" disabled";
$ismail = (false !== function_exists("mail"))?"":" disabled";
break; }?>
/*==================== =========================================== Function library ================================================== ============*/
/*------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ------------- Detection function support -------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------*/ function isfun($funname) { Return (false !== function_exists($funname))?yes:no; } /*------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Detect php setting parameters ---- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------*/ function getcon($varname) { switch($res = get_cfg_var($varname)) { case 0: return no ; break; case 1: return yes; break; default: return $res; break; } /*-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------- Integer arithmetic ability test ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------*/ function test_int() { $timestart = gettimeofday(); $timeend = gettimeofday(); $time = ($timeend["usec"]-$timestart["usec"])/1000000+$timeend["sec"]-$timestart["sec"]; $time = round($time, 6)."seconds"; -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Floating point computing ability test -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------*/ function test_float() { $t = pi(); $timestart = gettimeofday(); for ($i = 0; $i < 3000000; $i++); sqrt($t); } $timeend = gettimeofday(); $timeend["usec"]-$timestart["usec"])/1000000+$timeend["sec"]-$timestart["sec"]; $time = round($time, 6)." Seconds"; return $time; } /*---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- Data io ability test --------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------*/ function test_io() { $fp = @fopen(phpself, "r"); $timestart = gettimeofday(); for($i = 0; $i < ; 10000; $i++) since} $timeend = gettimeofday(); @fclose($fp); $time = ($timeend["usec"]-$timestart["usec"])/1000000+$timeend[ "sec"]-$timestart["sec"]; $time = round($time, 6)."seconds"; -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------- Proportional bar ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------*/ function bar($percent) { echo '
'; } /*--------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- Obtain cpu related information according to different systems -------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --*/ switch(php_os) { case "linux": $sysreshow = (false !== ($sysinfo = sys_linux()))?"show":"none"; break; case "freebsd": $sysreshow = (false !== ($sysinfo = sys_freebsd()))?"show":"none"; break; case "winnt": $sysreshow = (false !== ($sysinfo = sys_windows()))?"show":"none"; break; default: break; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 系统参数探测 linux --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function sys_linux() { // cpu if (false === ($str = @file("/proc/cpuinfo"))) return false; $str = implode("", $str); @preg_match_all("/models+names{0,}:+s{0,}([ws)(.]+)[rn]+/", $str, $model); //@preg_match_all("/cpus+mhzs{0,}:+s{0,}([d.]+)[rn]+/", $str, $mhz); @preg_match_all("/caches+sizes{0,}:+s{0,}([d.]+s{0,}[a-z]+[rn]+)/", $str, $cache); if (false !== is_array($model[1])) { $res['cpu']['num'] = sizeof($model[1]); for($i = 0; $i < $res['cpu']['num']; $i++) { $res['cpu']['detail'][] = "类型:".$model[1][$i]." 缓存:".$cache[1][$i]; } if (false !== is_array($res['cpu']['detail'])) $res['cpu']['detail'] = implode(" ", $res['cpu']['detail']); } // uptime if (false === ($str = @file("/proc/uptime"))) return false; $str = explode(" ", implode("", $str)); $str = trim($str[0]); $min = $str / 60; $hours = $min / 60; $days = floor($hours / 24); $hours = floor($hours - ($days * 24)); $min = floor($min - ($days * 60 * 24) - ($hours * 60)); if ($days != 0) {$res['uptime'] = $days."天";} if ($hours != 0) {$res['uptime'] .= $hours."小时";} $res['uptime'] .= $min."分钟"; // memory if (false === ($str = @file("/proc/meminfo"))) return false; $str = implode("", $str); preg_match_all("/memtotals{0,}:+s{0,}([d.]+).+?memfrees{0,}:+s{0,}([d.]+).+?swaptotals{0,}:+s{0,}([d.]+).+?swapfrees{0,}:+s{0,}([d.]+)/s", $str, $buf); $res['memtotal'] = round($buf[1][0]/1024, 2); $res['memfree'] = round($buf[2][0]/1024, 2); $res['memused'] = ($res['memtotal']-$res['memfree']); $res['mempercent'] = (floatval($res['memtotal'])!=0)?round($res['memused']/$res['memtotal']*100,2):0; $res['swaptotal'] = round($buf[3][0]/1024, 2); $res['swapfree'] = round($buf[4][0]/1024, 2); $res['swapused'] = ($res['swaptotal']-$res['swapfree']); $res['swappercent'] = (floatval($res['swaptotal'])!=0)?round($res['swapused']/$res['swaptotal']*100,2):0; // load avg if (false === ($str = @file("/proc/loadavg"))) return false; $str = explode(" ", implode("", $str)); $str = array_chunk($str, 3); $res['loadavg'] = implode(" ", $str[0]); return $res; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 系统参数探测 freebsd --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function sys_freebsd() { //cpu if (false === ($res['cpu']['num'] = get_key("hw.ncpu"))) return false; $res['cpu']['detail'] = get_key("hw.model"); //load avg if (false === ($res['loadavg'] = get_key("vm.loadavg"))) return false; $res['loadavg'] = str_replace("{", "", $res['loadavg']); $res['loadavg'] = str_replace("}", "", $res['loadavg']); //uptime if (false === ($buf = get_key("kern.boottime"))) return false; $buf = explode(' ', $buf); $sys_ticks = time() - intval($buf[3]); $min = $sys_ticks / 60; $hours = $min / 60; $days = floor($hours / 24); $hours = floor($hours - ($days * 24)); $min = floor($min - ($days * 60 * 24) - ($hours * 60)); if ($days != 0) $res['uptime'] = $days."天"; if ($hours != 0) $res['uptime'] .= $hours."小时"; $res['uptime'] .= $min."分钟"; //memory if (false === ($buf = get_key("hw.physmem"))) return false; $res['memtotal'] = round($buf/1024/1024, 2); $buf = explode("n", do_command("vmstat", "")); $buf = explode(" ", trim($buf[2])); $res['memfree'] = round($buf[5]/1024, 2); $res['memused'] = ($res['memtotal']-$res['memfree']); $res['mempercent'] = (floatval($res['memtotal'])!=0)?round($res['memused']/$res['memtotal']*100,2):0; $buf = explode("n", do_command("swapinfo", "-k")); $buf = $buf[1]; preg_match_all("/([0-9]+)s+([0-9]+)s+([0-9]+)/", $buf, $bufarr); $res['swaptotal'] = round($bufarr[1][0]/1024, 2); $res['swapused'] = round($bufarr[2][0]/1024, 2); $res['swapfree'] = round($bufarr[3][0]/1024, 2); $res['swappercent'] = (floatval($res['swaptotal'])!=0)?round($res['swapused']/$res['swaptotal']*100,2):0; return $res; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 取得参数值 freebsd --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function get_key($keyname) { return do_command('sysctl', "-n $keyname"); } /*--------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Determine the location of the executable file freebsd --- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------*/ function find_command($commandname) { $path = array('/bin', '/sbin', '/usr/bin', '/usr /sbin', '/usr/local/bin', '/usr/local/sbin'); foreach($path as $p) { if (@is_executable("$p/ $commandname")) return "$p/$commandname"; } return false; -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- Execution system Command freebsd ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ---------------*/ function do_command($commandname, $args) { $buffer = ""; if (false == = ($command = find_command($commandname))) return false; if ($fp = @popen("$command $args", 'r')) { while (!@feof ($fp)) { $buffer .= @fgets($fp, 4096); } return trim($buffer); } return false; } /*------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- System parameter detection windows
-------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------*/ function sys_windows() { //$phpos=php_os; $sysinfo['uptime'] ="Sorry, windows system does not support"; } ?>