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Let's take a look at the code of an encoding conversion program written in PHP, which can convert between gbk and utf-8.
function phpUnescape_no($source) {
$decodedStr = "";
$pos = 0;
$len = strlen ($source);
while ($pos < $len ) {
$charAt = substr ($source, $pos, 1);
if ($charAt == '%') {
$charAt = substr ($source, $pos, 1);
if ($charAt == 'u') { , $pos, 4);
$unicode = hexdec ($unicodeHexVal);
$unicode . ';';
$decodedStr .= utf8_encode ($entity); 🎜> $ pos += 4;
$decodedStr .= chr (hexdec ($hexVal));
Return $decodedStr;
////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////
function phpUnescape($escstr){
preg_match_all("/%u[0-9A-Za-z]{4}|%.{2}|*|[0-9a-zA-Z.+-_] +/",$escstr,$matches); //prt($matches);
$ar = &$matches[0];
$c = "";
foreach($ar as $ val){
if (substr($val,0,1)!="%") { //If it is an ascii code of alphanumeric +-_.
$c .=$val;
elseif (substr($val,1,1)!="u") { //If it is an ascii code of non-alphanumeric +-_.
$x = hexdec(substr($val,1, 2));$c .=chr($x);
} else { //If it is a code greater than 0xFF
$val = intval(substr($val,2), 16);
if($val < 0x7F){ // 0000-007F
$c .= chr($val);
}elseif($val < 0x800) { // 0080- 0800
$c .= chr(0xC0 | ($val / 64));
$c .= chr(0x80 | ($val % 64));
}else{ // 0800-FFFF
$c .= chr(0xE0 | (($val / 64) / 64));
$c .= chr(0x80 | (($val / 64) % 64));
$ c .= chr(0x80 | ($val % 64));
return UTFtoGBK($c);
function UTFtoGBK( $CS){
$CodeObj = new Chinese("UTF8","GBK");
return $CodeObj ->Convert($CS);
function phpEscape($str){
$returnStr = "";
if (@function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')){
$returnStr = phpEscape_yes($str);
$returnStr = phpEscape_no($str);
return $returnStr;
function phpEscape_yes($string, $encoding = 'GBK') {
$return = '';
for ($x = 0; $x < mb_strlen($string, $encoding); $x ++) {
$str = mb_substr($string, $x, 1, $encoding);
if (strlen($str) > 1) {
$return .= '%u' . strtoupper(bin2hex(mb_convert_encoding($str, 'UCS-2', $encoding)));
} else {
$return .= '%' . strtoupper(bin2hex($str));
return $return;
function phpEscape_no($str){
$ar = $newstr[0];
foreach($ar as $k=>$v){
if (!eregi("WIN",PHP_OS)){
$tmpString = substr($tmpString,2,2).substr($tmpString,0,2);
} else {
$reString.= rawurlencode($v);
return $reString;
function GBKtoUCS2($CS){
$CodeObj = new Chinese("GBK","UTF8");
return utf8ToUnicode($CodeObj ->Convert($CS));
function utf8ToUnicode($str,$order="big")
$ucs2string ="";
for ($i=0;$i<$n ;$i++ ) {
$v = $str[$i];
$ord = ord($v);
if( $ord<=0x7F){ // 0xxxxxxx
if ($order=="little") {
$ucs2string .= $v.chr(0);
else {
$ucs2string .= chr(0).$v;
elseif ($ord<0xE0 && ord($str[$i+1])>=0x80) { //110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
$a = (ord($str[$i]) & 0x3F )<<6;
$b = ord($str[$i+1]) & 0x3F ;
$ucsCode = dechex($a+$b); //echot($ucsCode);
$h = intval(substr($ucsCode,0,2),16);
$l = intval(substr($ucsCode,2,2),16);
if ($order=="little") {
$ucs2string .= chr($l).chr($h);
else {
$ucs2string .= chr($h).chr($l);
}elseif ($ord<0xF0 && ord($str[$i+1])>=0x80 && ord($str[$i+2])>=0x80) { //1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
$a = (ord($str[$i]) & 0x1F)<<12;
$b = (ord($str[$i+1]) & 0x3F )<<6;
$c = ord($str[$i+2]) & 0x3F ;
$ucsCode = dechex($a+$b+$c); //echot($ucsCode);
$h = intval(substr($ucsCode,0,2),16);
$l = intval(substr($ucsCode,2,2),16);
if ($order=="little") {
$ucs2string .= chr($l).chr($h);
else {
$ucs2string .= chr($h).chr($l);
$i +=2;
return $ucs2string;
function unescapeFuncMake($Txt){
if ($Txt[2]!="*") return $Txt;
$ETxt = "";
$MTxt = "egy+nb@QwXvCWjKPRxVzDl/h7EOMtSa9f6*FpNr81i_0kqdG2LBcuZIAJYo34m-sT%5.UH3SYZ0hzt/y@qDTNECf1BpujiO.X6ks+oIR8GPVg9wbm%xJvKLWrn*F4HAe-QladM27Uc5_";
$TTxtnum = substr($Txt,0,2);
$TTxt = substr((substr($MTxt,70).substr($MTxt,70)),$TTxtnum);
for ($ii=3; $ii
$k = strpos($TTxt,$Txt[$ii],$w)-$w;
$ETxt .= $MTxt[$k];
return phpUnescape($ETxt);
function escapeFuncMake($Txt){
if ($Txt=="" || $Txt[2]=="*") return $Txt;
$MTxt = "egy+nb@QwXvCWjKPRxVzDl /h7EOMtSa9f6*FpNr81i_0kqdG2LBcuZIAJYo34m-sT%5.UH3SYZ0hzt/y@qDTNECf1BpujiO.X6ks+oIR8GPVg9wbm%xJvKLWrn*F4HAe-QladM27Uc5_";
$BTxt = phpEscape($T xt);
$TTxt = floor(mt_rand(0, 50));
$ETxt = $TTxt.($TTxt>9?"*":"**");
for ($ii=0; $ii
$ETxtstr = substr((substr($MTxt,70).substr($MTxt, 70)),$TTxt);
$ETxt .= $ETxtstr[$k];
return $ETxt;