This is a php+ajax non-refresh upload source code that can upload 10 files at the same time, and it also has an upload progress bar. Okay, without further ado, download it if you like it.
This is a php+ajax non-refresh upload source code that can upload 10 files at the same time, and it also has an upload progress bar. Okay, without further ado, download it if you like it.
The php source code uploaded by file.php file.
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$sort=12; $f_type=strtolower("swf,jpg,rar,zip,7z,iso,gif");//Set the uploadable file type $file_size_max=200*1024* 1024;//Limit the maximum capacity of a single file upload $overwrite = 0;//Whether it is allowed to overwrite the same file, 1: allowed, 0: not allowed $f_input="Files";//Set the upload domain name foreach($_FILES[$f_input]["error"] as $key => $error){ $up_error="no"; if ($error == UPLOAD_ERR_OK){ $f_name=$_FILES[$f_input]['name'][$key];//Get the upload source file name > $ tmp_type = Substr (Strrchr ($ f_name, "."), 1); // Get the file extension $ tmp_type = strtolower ($ tmp_type); if (! Stristr ($ f_typee ,$tmp_type)){ echo "<script>alert('Sorry, the file in the ".$tmp_type." format cannot be uploaded, ".$f_name." The file upload failed!')</script>"; $up_error="yes"; echo "<script>alert('Sorry, the file you uploaded ".$f_name." has a capacity of ".round($_FILES[$f_input]<br>['size'][$key]/1024)."Kb , greater than the specified ".($file_size_max/1024)."Kb, upload failed!')</script>"; $up_error="yes"; if ( file_exists($uploadfile)&&!$overwrite){ echo "<script>alert('Sorry, the file ".$f_name." already exists, upload failed!')</script>"; $ up_error = "yes"; } $ String = 'abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz0123456789'; $ rand = ''; ; $ x ++) $rand .= substr($string,mt_rand(0,strlen($string)-1),1); $t=date("ymdHis").substr($gettime[0],2,6 ).$rand; $attdir="./file/"; if(!is_dir($attdir)) { mkdir($attdir);} $uploadfile=$attdir. $t.".".$tmp_type; if(($up_error!="yes") and (move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$f_input]['tmp_name']
http: // is a php+ajax non-refresh upload source code that can upload 10 files at the same time, and it also comes with There is an upload progress bar. Okay, I won’t say too much. If you like it, just download it. This is a...
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