Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >How to use PHP as a function for line graph_PHP Tutorial
I'm glad that everyone has such a soft spot for PHP!
The following is an introduction to PHP's function for making line graphs:
Function description
$data: y-axis data (array)
$graphdata: y-axis data--percentage ( Array)
$label:x-axis data (array)
$height:image height
$width:image width
$font:font size
$dot: the size of the decision point
$bg: Background color
$line: Line color
$text: Text color
$dotcolor: Dot color
$file: Output image file name
function qximage( $data ,
$label ,
$width ,
$line ,
$fontwidth= imagefontwidth ($font);
$ fontheight=imagefontheight($font);
$image= imagecreate ($width,$height+20);
$bg= imagecolorallocate($image ,$bg[0],$bg[1],$bg [2]);
$line=imagecolorallocate($image ,$line[0],$line[1],$line[2]);
$text=imagecolorallocate($image ,$text[0 ],$text[1],$text[2]);
$dotcolor=imagecolorallocate($image ,$dotcolor[0],$dotcolor[1],$$dotcolor[2]);
imageline ($image,0,0,0,$height,$line);
for ($i=1; $i<11;$i++)
imagedashedline($image,0,$height - $jc*$i*10 ,$width ,$height -$jc*$i*10 ,$line ) ;
imagestring ($image,$font,0,$height-$jc*$i*10,$i*10,$text);
for ($i=0;$i {
#echo $tmp."
#echo $x1 ."
$y2=$y1+$graphdata[$i]* $jc;
#echo $y1."
imagestring($image,$font,$x1,$y1-2*$fontheight,$graphdata[$i]."%(" .$data[$i].")",$text);
imagearc ($image,$x1 ,$y1,$dot,$dot,0,360,$dotcolor);
imagefilltoborder ($image, $x1,$y1,$dotcolor,$dotcolor);
imagestring ($image,$font,$x1,$y2,$label[$i],$text);
if ($i>0 )
imagegif ($image,$file);