Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >Detailed explanation of Javascript template engine mustache.js_javascript techniques
This article summarizes its usage methods and some usage experience. The content is not very advanced, it is purely introductory content, just take a look. However, if you have not used this kind of JavaScript engine library, then this article is still worth reading. I believe that after you understand its powerful functions and simple usage, you will be eager to use it in your work.
1. Let’s start with a simple and real need
Currently, the company has built a unified development platform. The backend encapsulates the MVC interface and the interface for data addition, deletion, modification, and query. On the front end, I used bootstrap + handwritten various components to create a development framework; CAS was integrated. Based on CAS, we first built a unified authority management system. This system is the first subsystem of our development platform. It is used to manage and configure the menus and authorizations of all subsystems and manage the organizational structure and users of the entire company. Later, We have successively developed business system A and business system B. Since these three subsystems correspond to three java projects, during the final deployment, three applications were deployed in tomcat. Now there is a requirement:
The requirements are actually quite simple. The prototype probably looks like this:
The function is implemented by calling the interface to obtain the system list after each subsystem is logged in, and using js to render a drop-down menu. The format returned by the interface is:
data: [ { "sortOrder": 1, "isCurrent": true, "systemHttpUrl": "http://xxxx:8080/permission", "systemName": "统一权限管理系统" }, { "sortOrder": 2, "isCurrent": false, "systemHttpUrl": "http://xxxx:8080/systemA", "systemName": "业务系统A" }, { "sortOrder": 3, "isCurrent": false, "systemHttpUrl": "http://xxxx:8080/systemB", "systemName": "业务系统B" } ]
If we do not use a template engine, the traditional way to parse this data and convert it into an html string is usually:
function data2Html(data) { data = data || []; var html = ['<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-left nav-system">', ' <li class="dropdown">', ' <a href="javascript:;" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" title="切换系统">'], l = data.length; if(l < 2) { l == 1 && html.push(data[0].systemName || ''); html.push('</a></li></ul>'); return html.join(''); } var curSysAry = data.filter(function(s){ return s.isCurrent; }); html.push(curSysAry[0].systemName + ' <i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></a><ul class="dropdown-menu">'); data.sort(function(a, b){ return a.sortOrder - b.sortOrder;}); for(var i = 0; i < l; i++) { i && html.push('<li role="separator" class="divider"></li>'); html.push('<li><a href="' + data[i].systemHttpUrl + '" target="_self">' + data[i].systemName + '</a></li>'); } html.push('</ul></li></ul>'); return html.join(''); }
This method of splicing strings has many disadvantages:
The tool that can simplify this scenario is the template engine. The technical background of the template engine is the first. If you have used jsp, you must know that jsp is a template, used to parse and present data. Other background template engines also have There are velocity, freemarker and so on. There are many front-end template engines, and mustache.js is a relatively popular one, with more than 8,000 likes on git. If we use mustache.js to solve this problem, it can become like this:
//通过一些根据属性名称对应的标记定义模板 var _template = [ '<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-left nav-system">', ' <li class="dropdown">', ' <a href="javascript:;" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" title="切换系统">', ' {{curSystemName}} {{#multiple}}<i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i>{{/multiple}}', ' </a>', ' {{#multiple}}<ul class="dropdown-menu">', ' {{#systems}}', ' {{^first}}<li role="separator" class="divider"></li>{{/first}}', ' <li>', ' <a href="{{{systemHttpUrl}}}" target="_self">{{systemName}}</a>', ' </li>', ' {{/systems}}', ' </ul>{{/multiple}}', ' </li>', '</ul>' ].join(''); //初始化这个模板 Mustache.parse(_template); function data2Html(data) { data = data || []; var curSysAry = data.filter(function(s){ return s.isCurrent; }); data.sort(function(a, b){ return a.sortOrder - b.sortOrder;}); data = data.map(function(s, i){s.first = i == 0; return s}); //模板渲染成字符串 return Mustache.render(_template, { curSystemName: curSysAry.length ? curSysAry[0].systemName : '', multiple: !!data.length, systems: data }); }
Comparing the two codes, you will find that the latter code has the following advantages over the previous one:
Through this example, you should be able to get a general understanding of template engines. This type of tool is becoming more and more common in front-end development, especially in applications that separate front-end and back-end. It is already the basis of such applications. The content of the architecture. mustache.js is a very simple and easy-to-use engine implementation. The following content will introduce the commonly used template configurations of this tool one by one with practical examples. I hope you will like this tool more:)
2. How to use mustache
The use of mustache is very simple. First introduce its js file through the script tag, and then follow the steps below:
1) Define template string
There are two ways to define a template. The first way is as seen in the previous part. It is directly defined in the js code using [...].join(''). The second way is to directly add the template to The content is defined in html using script:
<script id="tpl" type="text/html"> Hello {{name}}! </script>
Then before compiling the template, define the original template string by getting the innerHTML of tpl:
var tpl = document.getElementById('tpl').innerHTML.trim();
var htmlAfterRendered = Mustache.render(tpl1, obj);
3. mustache的思想
4. {{prop}}标签
<script id="tpl1" type="text/html"> -{{prop}}- </script> <script> var tpl1 = document.getElementById('tpl1').innerHTML.trim(); Mustache.parse(tpl1); //测试falsy值 console.log(Mustache.render(tpl1, {prop: ''}));//-- console.log(Mustache.render(tpl1, {prop: 0}));//-0- console.log(Mustache.render(tpl1, {prop: null}));//-- console.log(Mustache.render(tpl1, {prop: undefined}));//-- console.log(Mustache.render(tpl1, {prop: false}));//-false- console.log(Mustache.render(tpl1, {prop: NaN}));//-NaN- //测试简单对象 console.log(Mustache.render(tpl1, {prop: {name: 'jason'}}));//-[object Object]- //测试数组 console.log(Mustache.render(tpl1, {prop: [{name: 'jason'}, {name: 'frank'}]}));//-[object Object],[object Object]- //测试日期对象 console.log(Mustache.render(tpl1, {prop: new Date()}));//-Mon Jan 18 2016 15:38:46 GMT+0800 (中国标准时间)- //测试自定义toString的简单对象 var obj1 = {name: 'jason'}; obj1.toString = function () { return this.name; }; console.log(Mustache.render(tpl1, {prop: obj1}));//-jason- //测试boolean number string console.log(Mustache.render(tpl1, {prop: true}));//-true- console.log(Mustache.render(tpl1, {prop: 1.2}));//-1.2- console.log(Mustache.render(tpl1, {prop: 'yes'}));//-yes- //测试function console.log(Mustache.render(tpl1, { prop: function () { } }));//-- console.log(Mustache.render(tpl1, { prop: function () { return 'it\'s a fun' } }));//-it's a fun- console.log(Mustache.render(tpl1, { prop: function () { return false; } }));//-false- console.log(Mustache.render(tpl1, { prop: function(){ return function (text, render) { return "<b>" + render(text) + "</b>" }; } })); //-function (text, render) { // return "<b>" + render(text) + "</b>" //}- </script>
console.log(Mustache.render(tpl1, { prop: function () { return 'it\'s a fun' } }));//-it's a fun-
<script id="tpl1" type="text/html"> -{{{prop}}}- </script> console.log(Mustache.render(tpl1, { prop: function () { return 'it\'s a fun' } }));//-it's a fun-
5. {{#prop}}{{/prop}}标签
1) if-else渲染
只有prop属性在数据源对象上存在,并且不为falsy值(javascript 6个falsy值:null,undefined,NaN,0,false,空字符串),并且不为空数组的情况下,标签之间的内容才会被渲染,否则都不会被渲染:
<script id="tpl2" type="text/html"> -{{#prop}}content{{/prop}}- </script> <script> var tpl2 = document.getElementById('tpl2').innerHTML.trim(); Mustache.parse(tpl2); //测试falsy值 console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, {prop: ''}));//-- console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, {prop: 0}));//-- console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, {prop: null}));//-- console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, {prop: undefined}));//-- console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, {prop: false}));//-- console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, {prop: NaN}));//-- //测试空数组 console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, {prop: []}));//-- //测试不存在的属性 console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, {prop2: true }));//-- //测试function console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, { prop: function () { } }));//-- console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, { prop: function () { return false; } }));//-- console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, { prop: function() { return []; } }));//-- //测试简单对象 console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, {prop: {name: 'jason'}}));//-content- //测试日期对象 console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, {prop: new Date()}));//-content- //测试boolean number string console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, {prop: true}));//-content- console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, {prop: 1.2}));//-content- console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, {prop: 'yes'}));//-content- //测试返回非falsy,非空数组的function console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, { prop: function () { return 'it\'s a fun' } }));//-content- </script>
<script id="tpl2" type="text/html"> -{{#prop}}{{name}},{{/prop}}- </script> <script> var tpl2 = document.getElementById('tpl2').innerHTML.trim(); Mustache.parse(tpl2); console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, {prop: [{name: 'jason'}, {name: 'frank'}]}));//-jason,frank,- </script>
<script id="tpl2" type="text/html"> -{{#prop}}{{name}},{{/prop}}- </script> <script> var tpl2 = document.getElementById('tpl2').innerHTML.trim(); Mustache.parse(tpl2); console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, { prop: function(){ return [{name: 'jason'}, {name: 'frank'}]; } }));//-jason,frank,- </script>
3) 动态渲染
<script id="tpl2" type="text/html"> -{{#prop}}content{{/prop}}- </script> <script> var tpl2 = document.getElementById('tpl2').innerHTML.trim(); Mustache.parse(tpl2); console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, { prop: function(){ return function (text, render) { return "<b>" + render(text) + "</b>" }; } }));//-<b>content</b>- </script>
6. {{^prop}}{{/prop}}标签
<script id="tpl2" type="text/html"> -{{^prop}}content{{/prop}}- </script> <script> var tpl2 = document.getElementById('tpl2').innerHTML.trim(); Mustache.parse(tpl2); //测试falsy值 console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, {prop: ''}));//-content- console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, {prop: 0}));//-content- console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, {prop: null}));//-content- console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, {prop: undefined}));//-content- console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, {prop: false}));//-content- console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, {prop: NaN}));//-content- // 测试空数组 console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, {prop: []}));//-content- // 测试不存在的属性 console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, {prop2: true}));//-content- //测试function console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, { prop: function () { } }));//-content- console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, { prop: function () { return false; } }));//-content- console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, { prop: function () { return []; } }));//-content- //测试简单对象 console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, {prop: {name: 'jason'}}));//-- //测试日期对象 console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, {prop: new Date()}));//-- // 测试非空数组 console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, {prop: [{name: 'jason'},{name: 'tom'}]}));//-- //测试boolean number string console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, {prop: true}));//-- console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, {prop: 1.2}));//-- console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, {prop: 'yes'}));//-- //测试返回非falsy,非空数组的function console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, { prop: function () { return 'it\'s a fun' } }));//-- //测试返回function的function console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, { prop: function () { return function(text,render){ return '<b>' + render(text) +'</b>' } } }));//-- </script>
7. 渲染上下文
mustache有一个渲染上下文栈的概念,在模板渲染的开始的时候,把数据源对象作为当前的渲染上下文 ,并压入上下文栈。在遇到{{#prop}}标签的时候,如果prop引用的是一个对象或者是一个非空的对象数组,或者prop引用的是一个函数,并且这个函数返回的是一个对象或者是一个非空的对象数组,就会把这个对象或者数组的元素作为当前渲染上下文,并压入上下文栈,当这个标签渲染完毕的时候,才会把该上下文弹出,恢复上一层标签所使用的上下文。由于{{#prop}}标签可以多层嵌套,所以在有的模板渲染的时候,会有多层上下文存在。mustache在解析标签时,根据标签名称查找当前上下文对象是否存在该属性,如果不存在就会到上层上下文对象中查找,只要在某一层找到,就会用该层上下文对象的值来渲染。
<script id="tpl2" type="text/html"> -{{#person}}{{#student}}{{#address}}address: {{home}},age: {{age}}{{/address}}{{/student}}{{/person}}- </script> <script> var tpl2 = document.getElementById('tpl2').innerHTML.trim(); var obj2 = { age: 20, person: { student: { address: { home: 'xxxxx' } } } }; console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, obj2));//-address: xxxxx,age: 20- </script>
<script id="tpl2" type="text/html"> -address: {{person.student.address.home}},age: {{age}}- </script> <script> var tpl2 = document.getElementById('tpl2').innerHTML.trim(); var obj2 = { age: 20, person: { student: { address: { home: 'xxxxx' } } } }; console.log(Mustache.render(tpl2, obj2));//-address: xxxxx,age: 20- </script>