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PHP and MySQL Web Development (Original Book 3rd Edition) Table of Contents_PHP Tutorial

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Part 1 Using PHP
Chapter 1 PHP Quick Start Tutorial 1
1.1 Using PHP 2
1.2 Create a sample application: Bob誷Auto Parts (Bob Auto Parts Store) 2
1.2.1 Create order form 2
1.2.2 Form processing 4
1.3 Embed PHP in HTML 4
1.3.1 Use PHP markup 5
1.3.2 PHP markup style 5
1.3 .3 PHP statement 6
1.3.4 Space 6
1.3.5 Comment 7
1.4 Add dynamic content 8
1.4.1 Call function 8
1.4.2 Use date() function 9
1.5 Accessing form variables 9
1.5.1 Form variables 9
1.5.2 String concatenation 11
1.5.3 Variables and text 12
1.6 Understanding identifiers 13
1.7 Create user-declared variables 13
1.8 Assign values ​​to variables 13
1.9 Check the type of variables 13
1.9.1 PHP data types 13
1.9.2 Type strength 14
1.9.3 Type Conversions 14
1.9.4 Mutable variables 14
1.10 Declare and use constants 15
1.11 Understanding the scope of variables 16
1.12 Using operators 16
1. 12.1 Arithmetic operators 17
1.12.2 String operator 17
1.12.3 Assignment operator 17
1.12.4 Comparison operator 19
1.12.5 Logical operator 20
1.12.6 Bit Operators 21
1.12.7 Other operators 21
1.13 Using operators: Calculating the total amount of the form 23
1.14 Understanding the precedence and associativity of operators: Expression evaluation 24
1.15 Using variable functions 25
1.15.1 Testing and setting variable types 26
1.15.2 Testing variable status 26
1.15.3 Reinterpretation of variables 27
1.16 Implementing control structures 27
1.17 Make judgments based on conditions 27
1.17.1 if statement 28
1.17.2 Code block 28
1.17.3 else statement 28
1.17.4 elseif statement 29
1.17.5 switch statement 30
1.17 .6 Compare different conditions 31
1.18 Repeat actions through iteration 32
1.18.1 while loop 33
1.18.2 for and foreach loop 34
1.18.3 do...while loop 35
1.19 Jump out of a control structure or script 35
1.20 Use alternative control structure syntax 36
1.21 Use declare 36
1.22 Next chapter: Saving customer orders 37
Chapter 2 Data storage and retrieval 38
2.1 Saving data for later use 38
2.2 Storing and retrieving Bob’s orders 38
2.3 File processing 39
2.4 Open the file 40
2.4.1 Select the file mode 40
2.4.2 Use fopen() to open the file 40
2.4.3 Open the file through FTP or HTTP 42
2.4.4 Solve the problem when opening the file Possible problems 42
2.5 Write file 44
2.5.1 Parameters of fwrite() 44
2.5.2 File format 45
2.6 Close file 45
2.7 Read file 47
2.7.1 Open the file in read-only mode: fopen() 48
2.7.2 Know when the file has been read: feof() 48
2.7.3 Read one line of data at a time: fgets(), fgetss () and fgetcsv() 49
2.7.4 Read the entire file: readfile(), fpassthru() and file() 49
2.7.5 Read one character: fgetc() 50
2.7. 6 Read any length: fread() 51
2.8 Use other useful file functions 51
2.8.1 Check whether the file exists: file_exists() 51
2.8.2 Determine the file size: filesize() 51
2.8.3 Deleting a file: unlink() 51
2.8.4 Locating in the file: rewind(), fseek() and ftell() 52
2.9 File locking 52
2.10 Better Method: Database management system 53
2.10.1 Several problems with using ordinary files 54
2.10.2 How RDBMS solves these problems 54
2.11 Further learning 54
2.12 Next chapter 55
Chapter 3 Using Arrays 56
3.1 What is an Array 56
3.2 Numeric Index Array 57
3.2.1 Initialization of Numeric Index Array 57
3.2.2 Accessing the Contents of an Array 57
3.2.3 Using loops to access arrays 58
3.3 Using arrays with different indexes 59
3.3.1 Initializing related arrays 59
3.3.2 Accessing array elements 59
3.3.3 Using loop statements 59
3.4 Array operators 60
3.5 Multidimensional arrays 61
3.6 Array sorting 64
3.6.1 Using the sort() function 64
3.6.2 Using the asort() function and ksort() function pair Related array sorting 64
3.6.3 Reverse sorting 65
3.7 Sorting of multi-dimensional arrays 65
3.7.1 User-defined sorting 65
3.7.2 Reverse user sorting 66
3.8 Pair of arrays Reorder 67
3.8.1 Use shuffle() function 67
3.8.2 Use array-reverse() function 68
3.9 Load array from file 69
3.10 Perform other array operations 71
3.10.1 Browsing in the array: each(), current(), reset(), end(), next(), pos() and prev() 71
3.10.2 For each element of the array Apply any function to elements: array_walk() 72
3.10.3 Count the number of array elements: count(), sizeof() and array_count_values(}73
3.10.4 Convert an array into a scalar variable: extract() 73
3.11 Further study 75
3.12 Next chapter 75
Chapter 4 String operations and regular expressions 76
4.1 Create a sample application: smart form email 76
4.2 String formatting 78
4.2.1 String sorting: chop(), ltrim() and trim() 78
4.2.2 Formatting strings for display 78
4.2.3 Formatting strings for storage: addslashes() and stripslashes() 81
4.3 Using string functions to concatenate and split strings 82
4.3.1 Using functions explode(), implode() and join() 82
4.3.2 Using strtok() function 83
4.3.3 Using substr() function 83
4.4 String comparison 84
4.4. 1 Sorting of strings: strcmp(), strcasecmp() and strnatcmp() 84
4.4.2 Use strlen() function to test the length of string 85
4.5 Use string functions to match and replace substrings 85
4.5.1 Find a string in a string: strstr(), strchr(), strrchr()strstr()85
4.5.2 Find the position of a substring: strpos(), strrpos() 86
4.5.3 Replace substrings: str_replace(), substr_replace() 87
4.6 Introduction to regular expressions 88
4.6.1 Basic knowledge 88
4.6.2 Character sets and classes 88
4.6.3 Repeating 89
4.6.4 Subexpression 89
4.6.5 Subexpression count 90
4.6.6 Positioning to the beginning or end of the string 90
4.6.7 Branch 90
4.6.8 Match special characters 90
4.6.9 List of special characters 91
4.6.10 Apply in smart forms 91
4.7 Use regular expressions to find substrings 92
4.8 Replace substrings with regular expressions 93
4.9 Split strings with regular expressions 93
4.10 Compare string functions and regular expression functions 93
4.11 Further learning 93
4.12 Next chapter 9 3
Chapter 5 Code Reuse and Function Writing 94
5.1 Code Reuse 94
5.1.1 Cost 94
5.1.2 Reliability 94
5.1.3 Consistency 95
5.2 Use require() and include() functions 95
5.2.1 require() function 95
5.2.2 File extensions and require() statements 96
5.2.3 PHP tags and require() statements 96
5.3 Use require() to create a website template 96
5.3.1 Use include() 100
5.3.2 Use require_once() and include_once() 100
5.3.3 Use auto_prepend_file and auto_append_ file 101
5.4 Using functions in PHP 101
5.4.1 Calling functions 101
5.4.2 Calling undefined functions 103
5.4.3 Understanding letter case and function names 103
5.5 understand why To define your own function 103
5.6 Understand the basic function structure 104
5.7 Using parameters 105
5.8 Understanding scope 107
5.9 Reference passing and value passing of parameters 109
5.10 Returning from the function 110
5.11 Returning a value from the function 1 11
5.12 ​​Implement recursion 113
5.13 Further Learning 114
5.14 Next Chapter 114
Chapter 6 Object-Oriented PHP 115
6.1 Object-Oriented Concepts 115
6.1.1 Classes and Objects 115
6.1. 2 Polymorphism 116
6.1.3 Inheritance 117
6.2 Creating classes, properties and operations in PHP 117
6.2.1 Class structure 117
6.2.2 Constructor 118
6.2 .3 Destructor 118
6.3 Instantiation of class 118
6.4 Using class attributes 119
6.5 Using private and public keywords to control access 121
6.6 Calling of class operations 1 21
6.7 Implementing inheritance in PHP 122
6.7.1 Control visibility through inheritance using private and protected access modifiers 123
6.7.2 Overloading 124
6.7.3 Use the final keyword to prohibit inheritance and overloading 125
6.7.4 Understanding Multiple Inheritance 126
6.7.5 Implementing Interfaces 126
6.8 Class Design 127
6.9 Writing Class Code 128
6.10 Understand the new advanced object-oriented features of PHP Functions 135
6.10.1 Tip: Comparison between PHP4 and PHP5 135
6.10.2 Use Per-Class constants 135
6.10.3 Implement static methods 135
6.10.4 Check the type and type hint of the class 136
6.10.5 Clone object 136
6.10.6 Use abstract class 137
6.10.7 Use __call() overload method 137
6.10.8 Use __autoload() method 138
6.10 . 9 Implementing iterators and iterations 138
6.10.10 Converting classes into strings 140
6.10.11 Using the Reflection API 140
6.11 Next chapter 141
Chapter 7 Exception handling 142
7.1 Concepts of exception treatment 142
7.2 Exception class 144
7.3 User custom exception 144
7.4 BOB's automotive component store application abnormalities 146
7.5 abnormalities and other errors of PHP and other errors of PHP Processing Mechanism 150
7.6 Further Learning 150
7.7 Next Chapter 150
Part 2 Using MySQL
Chapter 8 Designing Web Database 151
8.1 Concept of Relational Database 15 2
8.1. 1 Table 152
8.1.2 Column 152
8.1.3 Row 152
8.1.4 Value 152
8.1.5 Key 152
8 .1.6 Pattern 153
8.1.7 Relationship 153
8.2 How to design a Web database 154
8.2.1 Consider the actual objects to be modeled 154
8.2.2 Avoid saving redundant data 154
8.2.3 Use atomic column values ​​155
8.2.4 Choose meaningful keys 156
8.2.5 Consider the questions you need to ask the database 156
8.2. 6 Design to avoid multiple empty attributes 156
8.2.7 Summary of table types 157
8.3 Web database architecture 157
8.4 Further study 158
8.5 Next chapter 158
Chapter 9 Creation Web Database 159
9.1 Using MySQL Monitoring Program 160
9.2 Login to MySQL 160
9.3 Create Database and User 161
9.4 Set Users and Permissions 162
9.5 Introduction to MySQL permission system 162
9.5.1 Principle of least privilege 162
9.5.2 Create user: GRANT command 162
9.5.3 Types and levels of permissions 163
9.5.4 REVOKE command 165
9.5.5 Using GRANT and Examples of REVOKE 165
9.6 Create a Web user 166
9.7 Use the correct database 166
9.8 Create database tables 167
9.8.1 Understand the meaning of other keywords 168
9.8.2 Understand Column types 169
9.8.3 Use SHOW and DESCRIBE to view the database 170
9.8.4 Create indexes 171
9.8.5 Table type tips 171
9.9 Understanding MySQL identifiers 171
9.10 Select column data type 172
9.10.1 Number type 173
9.10.2 Date and time type 174
9.10.3 String type 174
9.11 Further study 176
9.12 Next Chapter 176
Chapter 10 Using MySQL database 177
10.1 What is SQL 177
10.2 Inserting data into the database 177
10.3 Getting data from the database 179
10.3.1 Obtaining specific conditions Data 181
10.3.2 Get data from multiple tables 182
10.3.3 Get data in a specific order 186
10.3.4 Group and total data 186
10.3.5 Select to return Rows 188
10.3.6 Use subquery 188
10.4 Update database records 190
10.5 Modify table after creation 191
10.6 Delete records in database 193
10.7 Table deletion 193
10.8 Delete the entire database 193
10.9 Further study 194
10.10 Next chapter 194
Chapter 11 Using PHP to access the MySQL database from the Web 195
11.1 How the Web database architecture works 195
11.2 Basic steps for querying databases from the Web 198
11.3 Checking and filtering user input data 198
11.4 Establishing a connection 199
11.5 Selecting the database to use 200
11.6 Querying the database 2 00
11.7 Retrieve query results 201
11.8 Disconnect from the database 202
11.9 Put new information into the database 202
11.10 Use Prepared statement 205
11.11 Use other interfaces for interacting with the database using PHP 206
11.12 Use regular Database interface: PEAR DB 206
11.13 Further study 209
11.14 Next chapter 209
Chapter 12 MySQL Advanced Management 210
12.1 In-depth understanding of the permission system 210
12.1.1 user table 211
12.1. 2 db table and host table 212
12.1.3 tables_priv table and columns_priv table 212
12.1.4 Access control: How MySQL uses the Grant table 213
12.1.5 Update permissions: when does the modification take effect 213
12.2 Improve the security of MySQL database 214
12.2.1 Protect MySQL from the operating system perspective 214
12.2.2 Password 214
12.2.3 User permissions 215
12.2.4 Web issues 215
12.3 Get more information about the database 216
12.3.1 Use SHOW to get information 216
12.3.2 Use DESCRIBE to get information about columns 218
12.3.3 Use EXPLAIN to understand the working process of query operations 218
12.4 Use indexes to improve query speed 221
12.5 Optimize database 221
12.5.1 Design optimization 222
12.5.2 Permissions 222
12.5.3 Table Optimization 222
12.5. 4 Use index 222
12.5.5 Use default value 222
12.5.6 Other tips 222
12.6 Back up MySQL database 222
12.7 Restore MySQL database 22 3
12.8 Realize replication 223
12.8 .1 Set up the master server 224
12.8.2 Perform initial data transfer 224
12.8.3 Set up one/more slave servers 225
12.9 Further learning 225
12.10 Next chapter 225
Chapter 13 MySQL Advanced Programming 226
13.1 LOAD DATA INFILE Statement 226
13.2 Storage Engine 226
13.3 Transaction 227
13.3.1 Understanding the Definition of Transaction 227
13.3.2 Using transactions through InnoDB 228
13.4 Foreign key 229
13.5 Stored procedure 230
13.5.1 Basic example 230
13.5.2 Local variable 232
13.5.3 Game Standards and control structures 233
13.6 Further study 236
13.7 Next Chapter 236
Part 3 E-commerce and Security
Chapter 14 Operating an e-commerce website 237
14.1 What goals do we want to achieve 237
14.2 Consider e-commerce website Types of 237
14.2.1 Use online instructions to publish information 238
14.2.2 Receive orders for products or services 240
14.2.3 Provide services and digital products 243
14.2.4 For products or services Value added 243
14.2.5 Reduce costs 243
14.3 Understand risks and threats 244
14.3.1 Cyber ​​hackers 244
14.3.2 Unable to attract enough business 245
14.3.3 Computer hardware Failure 245
14.3 .4 Electricity, Communication, Network or Transportation Fault 245
14.3.5 Wide Competition 245
14.3.6 Software error 245
14.3.7 The changing government policies and taxation 246
14.3.8 System capacity limit 246
14.4 Policy-based decision making 246
14.5 Next chapter 246
Chapter 15 E-commerce security issues 247
15.1 The importance of information 247
15.2 Security Threats 248
15.2.1 Leakage of Confidential Data 248
15.2.2 Data Loss and Data Destruction 249
15.2.3 Data Modification 250
15.2.4 Denial of Service 251
15.2 .5 Software Errors 251
15.2.6 Denial 252
15.3 Ease of use, performance, cost and security 253
15.4 Establishing a security policy 253
15.5 Authentication principles 254
15.6 Use authentication 254
15.7 Basics of encryption technology 255
15.8 Private key encryption 256
15.9 Public key encryption 256
15.10 Digital signature 256
15.11 Digital certificate 257
15.12 Secure Web Server 258
15.13 Auditing and logging 259
15.14 Firewall 259
15.15 Backing up data 259
15.15.1 Backing up regular files 260
15.15.2 Backing up and restoring MySQL database 260
15.16 Natural environment safety 260
15.17 Next Chapter 261
Chapter 16 Using PHP and MySQL to Authentication 262
16.1 Identifying Visitors 262
16.2 Implementing Access Control 263
16.2.1 Saving Passwords 265
16.2. 2 Encryption of passwords 267
16.2.3 Protecting multiple web pages 268
16.3 Using basic authentication 269
16.4 Using basic authentication in PHP 270
16.5 In Apache’s .htaccess file Use basic Authentication 271
16.6 Using basic authentication on IIS 274
16.7 Using mod_auth_mysql authentication 276
16.7.1 Installing mod_auth_mysql 276
16.7 .2 Check if it is working normally 276
16.7.3 Using mod_auth_mysql 277
16.8 Create custom authentication 277
16.9 Learn more 278
16.10 Next chapter 278
Chapter 17 Implementing secure transactions using PHP and MySQL 279
17.1 Provide secure transactions Processing 279
17.1.1 User machine 280
17.1.2 Internet 281
17.1.3 Our system 281
17.2 Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 282
17.3 Mask user input 284
17.4 Provide secure storage 284
17.5 Determine whether credit card numbers need to be stored 285
17.6 In PHP Encryption technology used in 286
17.6.1 Install GPG 286
17.6.2 Test GPG 288
17.7 Further Study 293
17.8 Next Chapter 293
Part 4 Advanced Technology of PHP
Chapter 18 and Interaction between file system and server 295
18.1 File upload 295
18.1.1 HTML for file upload 296
18.1.2 Tips on security 296
18.1.3 Writing PHP for file processing 297
18.1.4 Frequently Asked Questions 300
18.2 Using directory functions 300
18.2.1 Reading from the directory 300
18.2.2 Obtaining the information of the current directory 302
18.2.3 Create and delete directories 302
18.3 Interaction with the file system 302
18.3.1 Obtain file information 302
18.3.2 Change file attributes 304
18.3.3 Create, delete and move files 305
18. 4 Use program execution Functions 305
18.5 Interacting with environment variables: getenv() and putenv() 308
18.6 Further learning 308
18.7 Next chapter 308
Chapter 19 Using network functions and protocol functions 309
19.1 Understand the available protocols 309
19.2 Send and read email 309
19.3 Use other Web sites 310
19.4 Use network lookup functions 312
19.5 Use FTP 316
19.5.1 Use FTP to back up or mirror a file 316
19.5.2 Upload a file 321
19.5.3 Avoid timeouts 321
19.5.4 Use other FTP functions 322
19.6 Learn more 322
19.7 Next Chapter 323
Chapter 20 Date and time management 324
20.1 Obtaining date and time in PHP 324
20.1.1 Using the date() function 324
20.1.2 Using UNIX timestamp 325
20.1.3 Use the getdate() function 326
20.1.4 Check date validity 327
20.2 Convert between PHP date format and MySQL date format 327
20.3 Calculate date in PHP 329
20.4 Calculating dates in MySQL 329
20.5 Using microseconds 331
20.6 Using calendar functions 331
20.7 Further learning 332
20.8 Next chapter 332
Chapter 21 Creating Images 333
21.1 Setting up image support in PHP 333
21.2 Understanding image formats 334
21.2.1 JPEG 334
21.2.2 PNG 334
21.2.3 WBMP 335
21.2.4 GIF 335
21.3 Creating images 335
21.3.1 Create a background image 336
21.3.2 Draw or print text on the image 337
21.3.3 Export the final graphic 338
21.3.4 Cleanup 339
21.4 On other pages Use automatic Generated image 339
21.5 Create image using text and fonts 339
21.5.1 Create basic canvas 342
21.5.2 Fit text to button 342
21.5.3 Place text 345
21.5.4 Write text to the button 345
21.5.5 Complete 345
21.6 Draw images and graph data 346
21.7 Use other image functions 352
21.8 Further learning 352
21.9 Next Chapter 353
Chapter 22 Using Session Control in PHP 354
22.1 What is Session Control 354
22.2 Understanding the Basic Session Functions 354
22.2.1 What is a Cookie 354
22.2.2 Setting cookies through PHP 355
22.2.3 Using cookies in sessions 355
22.2.4 Storing session ID 356
22.3 Implementing simple sessions 356
22.3.1 Start a conversation 356
22.3.2 Register a session variable 356
22.3.3 Use session variables 357
22.3.4 Unregister variables and destroy sessions 357
22.4 Create a simple session example 357
22.5 Configuring session control 359
22.6 Authentication through session control 360
22.7 Further learning 365
22.8 Next chapter 365
Chapter 23 Other useful features 366
23.1 Using magic references 366
23.2 Use the eval() function to evaluate strings 367
23.3 Interrupt execution: die and exit 367
23.4 Serialize variables and objects 368
23.5 Get PHP environment information 369
23.5.1 Find the location Load PHP extensions 369
23.5.2 Identify the script owner 370
23.5.3 Determine the last modification time of the script 370
23.6 Dynamically load extensions 370
23.7 Temporarily change the runtime environment 370
23.8 Source code highlighting 371
23.9 Using PHP from the command line 372
23.10 Next chapter 372
Part 5 Creating practical PHP and MySQL projects
Chapter 24 Using PHP in large projects and MySQL 373
24.1 Applying Software Engineering to Web Development 374
24.2 Planning and Running Web Application Projects 374
24.3 Reusing Code 375
24.4 Writing Maintainable Code 375
24.4.1 Encoding Standards 375
24.4.2 Decompose code 378
24.4.3 Use standard directory structure 378
24.4.4 Document and share internal functions 378
24.5 Implement version control 379
24.6 Choose one Development environment 380
24.7 Project documentation 380
24.8 Build a prototype 381
24.9 Separate logic and content 381
24.10 Optimize code 382
24.10.1 Use simple optimization 382
24.10.2 Use Zend products 382
24.11 Test 383
24.12 Further Learning 383
24.13 Next Chapter 384
Chapter 25 Debugging 385
25.1 Programming Error 385
25.1.1 Syntax Error 385
25.1.2 Runtime error 386
25.1 .3 Logic errors 391
25.2 Use variables to help debugging 392
25.3 Error reporting level 393
25.4 Change error reporting settings 394
25.5 Trigger custom errors 39 5
25.6 Handle errors skillfully 396
25.7 Next Chapter 398
Chapter 26 Establishing User Authentication Mechanism and Personalization Settings 399
26.1 Problem 399
26.2 Solution 399
26.2.1 User Identify and personalize Settings 399
26.2.2 Save Bookmarks 400
26.2.3 Recommended Bookmarks 400
26.3 Solution Overview 400
26.4 Implement Database 402
26.5 Implement a basic website 403
26.6 Implement users Identity verification 405
26.6.1 Register 405
26.6.2 Login 410
26.6.3 Logout 413
26.6.4 Change password 414
26.6.5 Reset forgotten password 416
26.7 Implement bookmark storage and retrieval 420
26.7.1 Add bookmark 420
26.7.2 Display bookmark 422
26.7.3 Delete bookmark 422
26.8 Implementing bookmark recommendations 424
26.9 Package and possible extensions 427
26.10 Next Chapter 427
Chapter 27 Creating a Shopping Cart 428
27.1 The Problem 428
27.2 The Composition of the Solution 428
27.2.1 Create an online directory 428
27.2.2 Record purchase behavior when users purchase goods 429
27.2.3 Implement a payment system 429
27.2.4 Create a management interface 429
27.3 Solution overview 429
27.4 Implement database 432
27.5 Implement online catalog 434
27.5.1 List catalog 434
27.5.2 List all books in a catalog 437
27.5.3 Display book details         438
27.6 Implement the shopping cart 440
27.6.1 Use the show_cart.php script 440
27.6.2 Browse the shopping cart 442
27.6.3 Add items to the shopping library 444
27.6.4 After saving the update Shopping cart 446
27.6.5 Print title bar summary 447
27.6.6 Checkout 447
27.7 Make payment 452
27.8 Implementing a management interface 454
27.9 Extending the project 460
27.10 Using an existing system 461
27.11 Next chapter 461
Chapter 28 Creating a content management system 462
28.1 The problem 462
28.2 Solution requirements 462
28.3 Existing system 462
28.4 Edit content 463
28.4.1 Enter content into the system 463
28.4.2 Comparison of database and file storage 463
28.4.3 Document structure 464
28.5 Using metadata 464
28.6 Formatting output 465
28.7 Design/overview of the solution 465
28.8 Designing the database 466
28.9 Implementing CMS 467
28.9.1 Front Desk 467
28.9.2 Image Processing 471
28.9.3 Backend 473
28.9.4 Search 480
28.9.5 Edit Page 483
28.10 Expand the project 485
28.11 Next Chapter 485
Chapter 29 Creating a Web-based Email Service System 486
29.1 Problem 486
29.2 Solution 486
29.3 Solution Overview 488
29.4 Create a database 489
29.5 Understand the script structure 490
29.6 Log in and out 495
29.7 Create an account 498
29.7.1 Create a new account 499
29.7.2 Modify existing account 501
29.7.3 Delete account 501
29.8 Read email 502
29.8.1 Select account 502
29.8.2 View mailbox content 504
29.8.3 Read email messages 507
29.8. 4 View message title 509
29.8.5 Delete email 509
29.9 Send email 510
29.9.1 Send a new message 510
29.9.2 Reply or forward email 512
29.10 Expand this Project 514
29.11 Next Chapter 514
Chapter 30 Creating a Mailing List Manager 515
30.1 The Problem 515
30.2 The Components of the Solution 515
30.2.1 Create lists and subscribers Database 516
30.2.2 Using file upload 516
30.2.3 Send email with attachment 516
30.3 Solution overview 516
30.4 Build database 518
30.5 Define script architecture 520
30.6 Implementation of login 526
30.6.1 Creation of new account 527
30.6.2 Login 529
30.7 Implementation of user function 531
30.7.1 View list 531
30.7.2 View mailing list Information 535
30.7.3 View mailing list archives 536
30.7.4 Subscribe and unsubscribe 538
30.7.5 Change account settings 539
30.7.6 Change password 539
30.7.7 Log out 540
30.8 Implementation of management functions 541
30.8.1 Create a new mailing list 541
30.8 .2 Upload new news letter 543
30.8.3 Processing of multiple file uploads 545
30.8.4 Preview news letter 549
30.8.5 Send email 550
30.9 Expand this project 555
30.10 Next Chapter 555
Chapter 31 Creating a Web Forum 556
31.1 The Problem 556
31.2 The Composition of the Solution 556
31.3 Solution Overview 557
31.4 Database design 558
31.5 View the tree structure of the article 560
31.5.1 Expand and collapse 561
31.5.2 Display the article 564
31.5.3 Use the treenode class 564
31.6 View a single article 570
31.7 Add new article 572
31.8 Add extension 578
31.9 Use an existing system 578
31.10 Next chapter 578
Chapter 32 Generate personalized documents in PDF format 579
32.1 Question Location 579
32.2 Evaluation Document Format 579
32.2.1 Paper 580
32.2.2 ASCII 580
32.2.3 HTML 580
32.2.4 Word Processor Format 580
32.2. 5 RTF format 581
32.2.6 PostScript 581
32.2.7 Portable Document Format (PDF) 582
32.3 Solution composition 582
32.3.1 Question and answer system 583
32.3 .2 Document generation software 583
32.4 Solution overview 585
32.4.1 Question 585
32.4.2 Score the answer 587
32.4.3 Generate RTF certificate 589
32.4.4 From template Generate PDF certificate 591
32.4.5 Generate PDF document using PDFlib 595
32.4.6 Use a "Hello World" program of PDFlib 595
32.4.7 Generate certificate using PDFlib 598
32.5 Process the title of Questions 605
32.6 Extend the project 605
32.7 Learn more 606
32.8 Next chapter 606
Chapter 33 Using XML and SOAP to connect to Web services 607
33.1 The problem 607
33.2 Understanding XML 608
33.3 Understanding Web Services 611
33.3.1 SOAP 611
33.3.2 WSDL 612
33.4 Solution composition 612
33.4.1 Create Shopping Cart 613
33.4.2 Using Amazon’s Web Service Interface 613
33.4.3 XML Parsing 613
33.4.4 Using SOAP in PHP 614
33.4.5 Caching 614
33.5 Solution Overview 614
33.5.1 Core application 618
33.5.2 Displaying a specific kind of books 623
33.5.3 Obtaining an AmazonResultSet class 624
33.5.4 Using REST/XML over HTTP 631
33.5.5 Use SOAP 635
33.5.6 Cache data 636
33.5.7 Create shopping cart 639
33.5.8 Pay with Amazon 642
33.6 Install project code 6 42
33.7 Expand this project 643
33.8 Further Learning 643
Part 6 Appendix
Appendix A Installing PHP and MySQL 645
Appendix B Web Resources 664
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