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Okay, let’s take a look at the picture first. This is an ajax message board. It has a waterfall effect, haha
1. Today I learned jquery’s ajax and can directly code
[php] / JavaScript Document
$(document).ready(function(e) {
LoadHiglight();//Load highlight effects
$("#submit").click(function() { //"Message" button click event
//Get user name
var strUsetName = $("#userName").val();
//Get the input message content
var strContent = $("#content").val();
//Get input email address
var strEmail = $("#email").val();
//Start sending data
url: 'index.php?m=index&a=add',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
userName: strUsetName,
content: strContent,
Email: strEmail
Success: function(json, textStatus, xhr) {
If (json.state=='ok') {
alert('Operation prompt, message successful!');
var data=json.data[0];
var strTag=createTag(data.userName,data.content,data.time);
$(strTag).prependTo('div #liuyan');
//$("Hello World!").prependTo("p");
alert('Operation prompt, message failed! Error message:'+json.error);
//Dynamic loading of messages
//Monitor scroll bar scrolling
$(window).scroll(function() {
// When scrolling to 100 pixels above the bottom, load new content
If ($(document).height() - $(this).scrollTop() - $(this).height()
fy = 0;
function loadMore() {
$.getJSON("index.php?m=index&a=data&page=" + fy + "&rand=" + Math.random(), function(json) {
for (var i = 0; i
//content = '
// JavaScript Document
$(document).ready(function(e) {
$("#submit").click(function() { //“留言”按钮单击事件
var strUsetName = $("#userName").val();
var strContent = $("#content").val();
var strEmail = $("#email").val();
url: 'index.php?m=index&a=add',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
userName: strUsetName,
content: strContent,
email: strEmail
success: function(json, textStatus, xhr) {
if (json.state=='ok') {
var data=json.data[0];
var strTag=createTag(data.userName,data.content,data.time);
$(strTag).prependTo('div #liuyan');
//$("Hello World!").prependTo("p");
$(window).scroll(function() {
// 当滚动到最底部以上100像素时, 加载新内容
if ($(document).height() - $(this).scrollTop() - $(this).height()
fy = 0;
function loadMore() {
$.getJSON("index.php?m=index&a=data&page=" + fy + "&rand=" + Math.random(), function(json) {
for (var i = 0; i
//content = '
function loadHiglight() {//为了ajax后重载特效
$user = $("div .user");
$text = $("div .text");
$("div .content").each(function(index) {
$(this).mousemove(function() {
$user.eq(index).css("color", "#0A8CD2");
// $user.eq(index).css("background","#FFE6AD");
// $text.eq(index).css("background","#FFFDF6");
}).mouseout(function() {
$user.eq(index).css("color", "#000");
// $user.eq(index).css("background","#E6F0F9");
// $text.eq(index).css("background","#F8FBFD");
function createTag(usetName, content, time) {
var strTag = '
[php] function data()
//Introducing paging class
Include "page.class.php";
//Get the number of data in the data table
$rows = $this->db->count('select * from data');
//Create paging object
$page = new Page($rows, 5, "");
->order('id DESC')
echo "
";<br> var_dump($list);<br> echo "";
function data()
//Introduce paging class
Include "page.class.php";
//Get the number of data in the data table
$rows = $this->db->count('select * from data');
//Create paging object
$page = new Page($rows, 5, "");
->order('id DESC')
echo "
";<br> var_dump($list);<br> echo "";
[php] function add(){
//After adding, return the number of affected items. If it is greater than 0, it means the addition is successful
If (empty($_POST['userName'])) {
$json['error']='No username entered';
$json['error']='No message content entered';
$json['error']='No email entered';
echo "Added successfully";
// echo "<script>location.reload()</script>";//Prevent repeated submission of the refreshed form
Header("HTTP/1.1 303 See Other");
Header("Location: "); //Redirect to the root directory
//die($this->db->error());//Add failure output error message
echo json_encode($json);
function add(){
If (empty($_POST['userName'])) {
$json['error']='No username entered';
echo "Added successfully";
//echo "<script>location.reload()</script>";//Prevent repeated submission of the refreshed form
Header("HTTP/1.1 303 See Other");
Header("Location: "); //Redirect to the root directory
}else {
//die($this->db->error());//Add failure output error message
echo json_encode($json);
}This is the code for the message part, haha, so that you can see the effect directly on the page after leaving a message without refreshing the browser. The effect is much more beautiful. jquery+ajax is awesome. Haha
[php] json_encode();
JSON form of value< ;/P>
empty() If the value is empty, return True, returns false if there is a value,
time() Get timestamp
mysql_insert_id() returns the last operation increment Field id
json_encode(); Description string json_encode ( mixed $value [, int $options = 0 ] ) returns the JSON form of value empty() If the value is empty, it returns true, if there is a value, it returns false,
time() gets timestamp
mysql_insert_id() returns the id of the incremented field in the last operation
3. The javascript function we learned today, this function is used to convert timestamps.
[javascript] function getLocalTime(nS) {
Return new Date(parseInt(nS) * 1000).toLocaleString().replace(/:d{1,2}$/, ' ');
jquery's append() is used to load the last HTML
in the tag
prependTo() loads HTML code to the front of the tag
function getLocalTime(nS) {
return new Date(parseInt(nS) * 1000).toLocaleString().replace(/:d{1,2}$/, ' ');
jquery's append() is used to load the last HTML
prependTo() loads HTML code to the front of the tag
4. The experience gained today is that after ajax loads a web page tag, the jquery special effects will disappear. Therefore, after ajax loads a web page tag, jquery events and functions must be re-bound. Otherwise, the special effects will be lost.
<PRE class=javascript name="code">