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Redis series-php how to use redis through redis extension_PHP tutorial

2016-07-14 10:09:38828browse

[root@xsf002 tool]# git clone https://github.com/nicolasff/phpredis.git phpredis  
[root@xsf002 tool]# cd phpredis/  
[root@xsf002 phpredis]# /usr/local/php/bin/phpize   #假设 php目录:/usr/local/php  
[root@xsf002 phpredis]# ./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/php/bin/php-config  
[root@xsf002 phpredis]# make  
[root@xsf002 phpredis]# make install  
[root@xsf002 tool]# git clone https://github.com/nicolasff/phpredis.git phpredis
[root@xsf002 tool]# cd phpredis/
[root@xsf002 phpredis]# /usr/local/php/bin/phpize   #假设 php目录:/usr/local/php
[root@xsf002 phpredis]# ./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/php/bin/php-config
[root@xsf002 phpredis]# make
[root@xsf002 phpredis]# make install 如果顺利,将得到类似如下提示: 
Installing shared extensions:     /usr/local/php/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/  
Installing shared extensions:     /usr/local/php/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/ php扩展文件目录下,将有个redis.so文件。 
在php.ini 文件中,添加配置:
extension=redis.so重启web服务器,echo phpinfo() ,将看到大致如下显示:
1、实例化redis类   【new redis()】
2、调用redis类方法,连接redis服务器 【connect,pconnect】
5、关闭连接 【close】
$redis = new Redis(); #实例化redis类  
$redis->connect(''); #连接服务器  
$redis->set('key', 'hello '); #调用方法,设置string类型值  
$redis->append('key', 'world'); #修改string类型值  
echo $redis->get('key');  #获取redis key的值,并输出显示   
echo $redis->type('key'); #获取key 的数据类型  
echo $redis->echo('will close...');# 输出字符串  
$redis->close(); #关闭连接  
$redis = new Redis(); #实例化redis类
$redis->connect(''); #连接服务器
$redis->set('key', 'hello '); #调用方法,设置string类型值
$redis->append('key', 'world'); #修改string类型值
echo $redis->get('key');  #获取redis key的值,并输出显示 
echo $redis->type('key'); #获取key 的数据类型
echo $redis->echo('will close...');# 输出字符串
$redis->close(); #关闭连接  通过上面的代码,我们基本完成一个简单redis的存取操作。下面罗列一些Redis类的一些属性及方法 
a)连接redis server:
connect :连接server
pconnect :长连接
auth :权限验证
select :选择DB
close : 关闭连接
  setOption : 设置 client 选项
getOption : 获取client选项
ping : ping redis server
 echo : 输出 字符串
Note that if you operate redis frequently, continuous connect and close will consume a lot of performance. At this time, it is recommended to use pconnect to establish a long connection
b) String reading and writing functions
append: Append the value after the value
decr: Decrement the value of a key
incr: increment the value of a key
get: Get a value
set: Set a value
getSet: Set the value and return the old value
mGet: Get values ​​in batches
mSet: Set values ​​in batches
strlen: Get the value length
Note: If you can use batch operations, try to use batch operations to reduce the performance of frequent connections to the redis database
c) hash reading and writing function
hDel: Delete multiple domains
hExists: Determine whether a hash domain exists
hGet: Get the value of hash field
hGetAll: Get all domain values
hIncrBy: auto-increment the value of a hash int field
hKeys: Get hash of all domains
hLen: Get the number of domains
hMGet: Get domain values ​​in batches
hMSet: Set domain values ​​in batches
hSet: Set the value of the field
hVals: Get the values ​​of all fields
d) list reading and writing functions
lInsert: Insert element
lLen: list length
lPop: Remove and get the first color
lPush: Insert an element
lRem: remove element
lSet: Set element value
sAdd: Add one or more members
sIsMember: Whether to contain
sMembers: Get members
sMove: Move members
sPop: Remove members
sRandMember: Get a random member
sRem: Delete
f)sorted set
zAdd: Add one or more
zCard: Number of members
zIncrBy: Increment member score
zRange: Returns members within the index range
zRangeByScore: Returns members within the score range
zScore: Get member score
zRem: Remove one or more members

www.bkjia.comtruehttp: //www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/477640.htmlTechArticle1. Install php extension a) Install php extension phpredis: [plain] [root@xsf002 tool]# git clone https://github.com/nicolasff/phpredis.git phpredis [root@xsf002 tool]# cd phpredis/ [root@x...
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