How to remove the asterisk in required fields?
Let’s first analyze the code implementation:
public function labelEx($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions=array())
return CHtml::activeLabelEx($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions);
public static function activeLabelEx($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions=array())
self::resolveName($model,$attribute); // strip off square brackets if any
return self::activeLabel($model,$realAttribute,$htmlOptions);
When the attribute is required, it will render additional CSS class tags. Specifically, it calls CModel::isAttributeRequired to determine whether the attribute is required. If so, it will add a CSS class CHtml::requiredCss (public static $requiredCss='required';) to the label, with CHtml::beforeRequiredLabel (public static $beforeRequiredLabel='';) and CHtml::afterRequiredLabel (public static $afterRequiredLabel='*';) to decorate the label.
public function isAttributeRequired($attribute)
foreach($this->getValidators($attribute) as $validator)
if($validator instanceof CRequiredValidator) return true;
return false;
So if you want to remove the asterisk or change it to something else, you can directly redefine CHtml::requiredCss, CHtml::beforeRequiredLabel, and CHtml::afterRequiredLabel in the view
Just do this without showing the asterisk
labelEx($model,'email'); ?> // to remove the asterisk in required fields? Let’s first analyze the code implementation: public function labelEx($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions=array()) { return CHtml::activeLabelEx($model,$attribute,$...