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==========Character processing function=============
SQL statement reserved character escape
long get_magic_quotes_gpc(void)
string addslashes ( string str )
string stripslashes(string str)
ASCII code of character
int ord(string string) decimal
string chr(ascii) decimal octal (0) hexadecimal (0x )
string base_convert(string $number,int $frombase,int $tobase)
Clean string spaces
string trim(string,charlist) charlist, optional
string rtrim(string,charlist)
string ltrim(string,charlist)
Change letter case
string strtolower(string $str)
string strtoupper(string $str)
string ucfirst(string $str)
string ucwords(string $str)
Intercept string
array explode(separator,string,limit) limit, optional, the maximum number of array elements returned
string substr(string,start,length)
int strlen(string)
string strstr(string,search) case sensitive
string stristr(string,search)
string str_repeat(string,repeat)
String search
int strpos(string,find,start) start, optional
int substr_count(string,substring,start,length) start,length, optional
string str_replace(find,replace,string,count) count, optional .
string strrev(string $string) character flip, limited to one byte character
html processing
string htmlspecialchars(string,quotestyle,character-set) quotestyle, character-set, optional.
I love you
php set time zone
1. Generation fragment declaration
date_default_timezone_set (PRC);
2.php.ini definition
date.timezone = "PRC"
double time(void)
float microtime(get_as_float) get_as_float, optional
string date(format,timestamp) timestamp, optional
array getdate(timestamp)
double mktime(hour, minute, second, month, day, year, is_dst)
array gettimeofday(return_float) return_float, optional, returns an array of time information such as seconds and microseconds
URL processing
array parse_url(string $url(,int $component = -1])
string urlencode(string $str)
string urldecode(string $str)
Get PHP environment extension and enable function library
array get_loaded_extensions([bool $zend_extensions = false])
array get_extension_funcs(string $module_name)
PREC regular expression
int preg_match ( string $pattern , string $subject [, array &$matches [, int $flags = 0 [, int $offset = 0 ]]] )
int preg_match_all ( string pattern, string subject, array matches [, int flags] )
mixed preg_replace ( mixed pattern, mixed replacement, mixed subject [, int limit] )
mysqli related classes
--mysqli class Connection between PHP and MySQL database
---prepare(sql) sql:insert into table values(?,?)
--mysqli result class
--mysqli stmt class
---close( )
---field_count select statistical attribute