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Classic summary of Web testing for software testing_PHP tutorial

2016-07-13 17:36:07850browse

基于Web的系统测试在基于Web的系统开发中,如果缺乏严格的过程,我们在开发、发布、实施和维护Web的过程中,可能就会碰到一些严重的问题,失败的可能性很大。而且,随着基于Web的系统变得越来越复杂,一个项目的失败将可能导致很多问题。当这种情况发生时,我们对Web和 Internet的信心可能会无法挽救地动摇,从而引起Web危机。并且,Web危机可能会比软件开发人员所面对的软件危机更加严重、更加广泛。



一、 功能测试



3、Cookies测试 Cookies通常用来存储用户信息和用户在某应用系统的操作,当一个用户使用Cookies访问了某一个应用系统时,Web服务器将发送关于用户的信息,把该信息以Cookies的形式存储在客户端计算机上,这可用来创建动态和自定义页面或者存储登陆等信息。如果Web应用系统使用了Cookies,就必须检查Cookies是否能正常工作。测试的内容可包括Cookies是否起作用,是否按预定的时间进行保存,刷新对Cookies有什么影响等。

4、设计语言测试 Web设计语言版本的差异可以引起客户端或服务器端严重的问题,例如使用哪种版本的HTML等。当在分布式环境中开发时,开发人员都不在一起,这个问题就显得尤为重要。除了HTML的版本问题外,不同的脚本语言,例如Java、JavaScript、 ActiveX、VBScript或Perl等也要进行验证。


二、 性能测试






负载测试应该安排在Web系统发布以后,在实际的网络环境中进行测试。因为一个企业内部员工,特别是项目组人员总是有限的,而一个Web系统能同时处理的请求数量将远远超出这个限度,所以,只有放在Internet上,接受负载测试,其结果才是正确可信的。进行压力测试是指实际破坏一个Web应用系统,测试系统的反映。压力测试是测试系统的限制和故障恢复能力,也就是测试Web应用系统会不会崩溃,在什么情况下会崩溃。黑客常常提供错误的数据负载,直到Web应用系统崩溃,接着当系统重新启动时获得存取权。 压力测试的区域包括表单、登陆和其他信息传输页面等。

三、 可用性测试

1、导航测试导航描述了用户在一个页面内操作的方式,在不同的用户接口控制之间,例如按钮、对话框、列表和窗口等;或在不同的连接页面之间。通过考虑下列问题,可以决定一个Web应用系统是否易于导航:导航是否直观?Web系统的主要部分是否可通过主页存取?Web系统是否需要站点地图、搜索引擎或其他的导航帮助?在一个页面上放太多的信息往往起到与预期相反的效果。 Web应用系统的用户趋向于目的驱动,很快地扫描一个Web应用系统,看是否有满足自己需要的信息,如果没有,就会很快地离开。很少有用户愿意花时间去熟悉Web应用系统的结构,因此,Web应用系统导航帮助要尽可能地准确。导航的另一个重要方面是Web应用系统的页面结构、导航、菜单、连接的风格是否一致。确保用户凭直觉就知道Web应用系统里面是否还有内容,内容在什么地方。 Web应用系统的层次一旦决定,就要着手测试用户导航功能,让最终用户参与这种测试,效果将更加明显。









内容测试用来检验Web应用系统提供信息的正确性、准确性和相关性。信息的正确性是指信息是可靠的还是误传的。例如,在商品价格列表中,错误的价格可能引起财政问题甚至导致法律纠纷;信息的准确性是指是否有语法或拼写错误。这种测试通常使用一些文字处理软件来进行,例如使用Microsoft Word的"拼音与语法检查"功能;信息的相关性是指是否在当前页面可以找到与当前浏览信息相关的信息列表或入口,也就是一般Web站点中的所谓"相关文章列表"。


The overall interface refers to the page structure design of the entire Web application system, which gives users a sense of integrity. For example: Do users feel comfortable when browsing the Web application system? Do they intuitively know where the information they are looking for is? Is the design style of the entire Web application system consistent? The testing process of the overall interface is actually a test for the end user. The process of investigation. Generally, Web application systems take the form of a questionnaire on the homepage to obtain feedback from end users. For all usability testing, there is a need for the participation of external people (people who have no or little contact with Web application system development), preferably end users.

4. Client compatibility test

1. Platform test

There are many different operating system types on the market, the most common ones are Windows, Unix, Macintosh, Linux, etc. Which operating system the end user of the web application system uses depends on the configuration of the user system. In this way, compatibility issues may occur. The same application may run normally under some operating systems, but may fail to run under other operating systems. Therefore, before the Web system is released, the Web system needs to be tested for compatibility under various operating systems.

2. Browser test

The browser is the core component of the Web client. Browsers from different manufacturers have different support for Java, JavaScript, ActiveX, plug-ins or different HTML specifications. For example, ActiveX is a product of Microsoft and is designed for Internet Explorer, JavaScript is a product of Netscape, Java is a product of Sun, and so on. Additionally, frame and hierarchy styles appear differently in different browsers, or not at all. Different browsers have different settings for security and Java. One way to test browser compatibility is to create a compatibility matrix. In this matrix, the adaptability of browsers from different manufacturers and different versions to certain components and settings is tested.

5. Security Test

The security testing areas of web application systems mainly include:

(1) Today’s web application systems basically adopt the method of registering first and then logging in. Therefore, it is necessary to test valid and invalid usernames and passwords, pay attention to whether they are case-sensitive, limit how many attempts can be made, whether it is possible to browse a page directly without logging in, etc.

(2) Whether the web application system has a timeout limit, that is, if the user does not click on any page within a certain period of time (for example, 15 minutes) after logging in, does he need to log in again to use it normally.

(3) In order to ensure the security of the web application system, log files are crucial. It is necessary to test whether the relevant information is written into the log file and whether it can be traced.

(4) When using secure sockets,

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