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Talk about PHP drawing (1)_PHP tutorial

2016-07-13 17:35:591033browse



    /* (1) */

        /* (2) */
          /* (3) */

/* (4) */


(1) 这里要注意的是 valign="bottom",是为了让单元格的内容底部对齐。为什么加在里
(2) 注意,最关键的东西在这里!

    可以考虑将他们缩小25倍,即 height=""
(3) 提一下这一行里的 bgcolor="#xxxxxx",这是柱体的颜色(RGB)。其实,真正的柱状图应该
(4) 在这里以与柱体相同的颜色显示真实的数据。当然,你也可以选择把这个数字放在柱体的顶
除此以外,还可以用 background="(图片)" ,图片是带花纹的,于是柱状图的柱体就有了花纹。


    sadly 的PHP4中文手册里,说GD函数库里有44个函数,但我看最新版的英文PHP4手册里,


Header("Content-type: image/png");
// 这是发送一个HTTP头,告诉浏览器:“你听着,这是一个图象,可别当成文字来显示呀!”
// 由于我个人的喜好,用了PNG,当然你也可以用 Header("Content-type: image/gif");
// 或者 Header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
$im = ImageCreate (50, 100);
// 创建图象。注意,图象在创建的时候还没有被指定图象格式。
// ImageCreate函数,两个参数,无庸质疑,这是创建的图象的宽度和高度。
// 它的返回值是一个int数值,这个数值相当重要,你继续绘制这个图象、
// 直到你输出这个图象之前,无处不用到这个数值,我们暂且称之为图象的ID。
// 因为使用的频率相当高,所以,我们把它赋给一个名字比较短的变量。

// 现在我们先画一条线吧。画线的函数是这样的:
// imageline (int im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int col);
// 第一个参数im,就是图象的ID,后面的 x1,y1,x2,y2,不用说了,
// 是起点(x1,y1) 终点(x2,y2)的坐标呀!(图象的左上角坐标是 (0,0) )
// 最后一个参数是什么呀?是颜色!GD要求针对图象定义颜色,用定义的这些颜色来作图。
// 为什么要针对图象定义颜色?我猜测,是为了GIF、PNG等图象用之做“调色板”的。
// 这牵扯到图象本身的知识,这里不赘述了。
// 所以,画线之前,我们还要先定义颜色(真麻烦)。

// $col_red = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255,192,192);
// This function has four parameters, the first $im... Do I still need to say it every time? I won’t say it next time!
// The next three parameters are the red (R), green (G), and blue (B) components of the color to be defined, between 0 and 255.
// This again involves physics-optics knowledge. The different light components of the three primary colors of red, green and blue,
// produce ever-changing colors. The color I defined above is 255 red, 192 green, and 192 blue.
// If I'm not mistaken, this is a brighter red. Let's try to draw a line in a moment.
// Why wait a while? Because if a picture has only one color, nothing can be seen!
// Let’s make the background black first!
// Although it is not clearly stated in the manual, I found that the color defined first will be used as the background by default.

$col_black = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0,0,0);
// Defines a color. There is no red light, green light, or blue light. Natural black - black.
// Then define the color for drawing the line:
$col_red = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255,192,192);

// Now you can start drawing the red line:
imageline ($im , 10, 20, 45, 85, $col_red);
// Don’t worry, you won’t be able to see the image after finishing this sentence.

// This sentence outputs an image. ImagePNG() outputs a png image, ImageJPEG outputs a jpeg image,
// ImageGIF outputs a gif image... …
// Don’t forget there is a parameter here. If it is displayed on the screen instead of saved as a file,
// then omit this parameter - the saved file name. If you want to save it as a file here,
// You should write it like this: ImagePNG($im, "test.png");
// If you don’t specify a path, this file will be saved in your web page. in the directory.
// If it is JPEG, there is one more parameter, which is JPEG quality (0~100).
// If you want to display it on the screen, then ImageJPEG($im,"",80);
// If you want to save it, then ImageJPEG($im,"test.jpg",80);
// Note that if you want to save this image as a file,
// you cannot use Header("Content-type: image/png"); to send the HTTP header that means the image,
// Because once this happens, it means you will output the image.

// Destroy the image in memory to free up memory space.
// That’s it: the simplest GD drawing is done.

// Through testing, it was found that the PNG format used to generate this image file only has 131 bytes.
// And the JPEG format, even with the worst quality (0), requires 855 bytes, the image quality is too bad to watch.
// The highest JPEG quality requires 2360 bytes, but the colors are still not as vivid as when using PNG.
// It can be seen that for this kind of image with a small number of colors, using PNG is much more cost-effective than JPEG.

This time I will stop here and I will try to continue writing as soon as possible.

www.bkjia.comtruehttp: //www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/508283.htmlTechArticleI really don’t dare to say that I am “talking” about the GD library here, because I have only used GD once or twice. Most of the functions have not been touched yet. But Sanbanzhu Xiaodiao enthusiastically asked me for a manuscript, so I had no choice but to...
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