Program 2: addforum.php(as the current mainstream development language) Post a message < /head> <br><!-- <BR> var submitcount=0; <BR> function checkSubmit() { <BR> if (submitcount == 0) <BR> { <BR> submitcount++; <BR> return true; <BR> } <BR> else { <BR> if (submitcount>0 ){ <br> alert("The post has been submitted successfully, please do not post again! nDont submit the form twice, please."); return false; <br> } <br> } <br> } <br> function check_com( ){ <br> if (document.form.username.value.length == 0){ <br> submitcount--; <br> alert("Please enter your online name!nPlease input your user name."); <br> return false; nYou must supply a subject."); <br> return false; "The post content cannot be empty! nYou must supply a message."); <br> ;/SCRIPT> <br><br><? <BR> include (""); <BR>?> <br><br><br><? <BR>if ( empty($theme_id)) { <BR> $theme_id = 0; <BR> } <BR>?> <br><br><table width="750" border="0"> <br> < ;tr> <br> <? <BR> if ($theme_id == 0 ) { <BR> print <td class="text">Current location: Homepage - Forum - Post Forum</td> ; ; 🎜> ?> <br> <td> </td> <br> <br><br><br><br><br><br><br>true<br><br>http: //<br><br>TechArticle<br><br>Program 2: addforum.php (as the current mainstream development language) html head link rel="STYLESHEET" type ="text/css" href="fp_zhangcg.css" meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;...<br><br><br><br> <br></p>