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就在最近,php(做为现在的主流开发语言)商业化公司Zend又 获得了2000万美元的投资,投资人包括Intel Capital和SAP Ventures。IBM也将与Zend合作,把php(做为现在的主流开发语言)引入到IBM的中级服务器平台,以支持访问DB2数据库,这笔交易价值数百万美元。而Zend的下 一步很有可能是进行首次公开募股(IPO)。
在今天,全球已有2000万个网站使用php(做为现在的主流开发语言),包括最流行的雅虎、Google、百度、YouTube、Digg,也包括像汉莎航空电子订票系 统、德意志银行的网上银行、华尔街在线的金融信息发布系统,甚至军队系统这类五花八门和苛刻的环境。php(做为现在的主流开发语言)究竟是怎样炼成的?
作为目前全球最流行的网站应用软件编 程语言,php(做为现在的主流开发语言)的成长历程和Linux有异曲同工之妙。1994年,它由Rasmus Lerdorf最早创建,Lerdorf只是想记录自己的在线简历,后来许多人都向他要程序的拷贝。1995年6月,Lerdorf在加入了一些介绍文档 之后,在Usenet新闻组发布出去,这就成了最早的php(做为现在的主流开发语言) 1.0。
这期间,两位大学生Zeev Suraski和Andi Gutmans需要能做一个基于Web的软件项目,需要能很好地支持Linux,但当时的ASP并不完善,jsp(SUN企业级应用的首选)又比较复杂,所以就选择了php(做为现在的主流开发语言)。其后他们在工作中发现php(做为现在的主流开发语言)还有些不足,便自愿加入php(做为现在的主流开发语言)语言开发工作组,并重新编写了底层的解析引擎。1998年6月,有着历史意义的php(做为现在的主流开发语言) 3.0发布,用户数开始飞涨。1999年,他们两人又创建了Zend公司,开发了Zend Engine,大大提高了php(做为现在的主流开发语言)的性能。
雅虎是php(做为现在的主流开发语言)语言最早的使用者之一,随着雅虎的兴起,大量的站点开始学习雅虎背后的语言—php(做为现在的主流开发语言)。此时,软件开始从传统模式向基于Web模式转变,几大势力一一长成:Linux操作系统、apache(Unix平台最流行的WEB服务器平台)网络服务器、MySQL(和PHP搭配之最佳组合)服务器,以及以php(做为现在的主流开发语言)语言为代表的“P”族语言(php(做为现在的主流开发语言)、Perl、Python),一本德国计算机杂志把它们共同称为LAMP(明 灯),也由此与J2EE架构(以Java为编程语言,Sun公司主导)、.Net架构(微软公司主导)形成了三足鼎立之势。在Evans Data公司的一份统计资料中,php(做为现在的主流开发语言)使用者比Java及.Net的使用者稍有差距,但预计2007年的增长率将达37%,超过Java的16%和. Net的27%,这场草原上燃烧的星火正越来越旺。
php(as the current mainstream development language)The two secrets of success, the first is simplicity. php(as the current mainstream development language)is so simple that it makes programmers who like to show off their skills feel ashamed, but it makes those who are eager to enter web development(occupies a large proportion in current program development )Beginners in the field rejoice. php(as the current mainstream development language) is like a catfish, seamlessly integrated with xml(standardization is getting closer) and Web Services. Even with successive version upgrades, there is no need to worry that php (as the current mainstream development language) will lose this simple feature. Undoubtedly, this feature brings great convenience to the Web2.0 trend that requires rapid development and interactive applications. More than half of ajax(dynamic website static)-enabled and Web2.0 sites choose php(as the current mainstream development language).
The second secret of php (as the current mainstream development language) is "Community (powerful community)". Dai Zhikang, the 25-year-old CEO of Kangsheng Chuangxiang Company, the developer of Discuz! software, is a beneficiary of this feature. He said that unlike other developers who need to start from scratch, a large number of PHP (as the current mainstream development language) programs have open source codes for learning, and future generations stand on the shoulders of their predecessors. improve it and return the results of this knowledge accumulation to the community. This has been compared to "the cathedral and the bazaar". In the bazaar, knowledge is maximized, efficiency is improved, errors are reduced, and costs are reduced. And Cathedral can only build higher and higher, constantly delaying the release date.
Now, there are 4.5 million php(as the current mainstream development language) development engineers in the world, known as "php(as the current mainstream development language) er”, they became one of the most influential communities in the software world. Interestingly, after several years of development, the open source trend has already reached its peak. Whether it is Intel, IBM, Oracle(large website database platform), or even Microsoft, they have become forces advocating and even leading open source. . In early November, Microsoft and Zend reached a long-term partnership to jointly promote the development of PHP (as the current mainstream development language) language.