First, create a program on the server side to generate an XML file to return to the client, (getfolder.asp) "&chr(13) response.write ""&chr(13) folders=request("folder" ) if folders="/" then folders="" end if dim count count=0 folders=replace(folders,"..","") basefolder="../media/"base folder path newfolder=basefolder&folders Set fso =server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set f=fso.getfolder(server.mappath(newfolder)) set sf=f.subfolders for each fd in sf returns a list of folders under the specified path response.write " "&chr(13) response.write "folder"&chr(13) response.write ""&""&chr(13) response.write ""&chr(13) count=count+1 next set sf=nothing set ff=f.Files for each fi in ff if instr("asf,wma,wmv",lcase(mid(fname,instrrev (fname,".")+1)))>0 then set the file types allowed to be returned to prevent source code leakage response.write ""&chr(13) response.write "file" &chr(13) response.write ""&fname&""&chr(13) response.write ""&chr(13) count=count+1 end if next If there is no file in the directory, then Send an empty element if count=0 then response.write ""&chr(13) response.write "empty"&chr(13) response.write "0"&chr (13) response.write ""&chr(13) end if response.write "" set ff=nothing set f=nothing set fso=nothing %> The following is the work of the client's JS (selectfile. asp) quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
Select video file Search range (I): File type (T): There is also a small file blank.htm inside to define the style of displaying files and folders quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> New Document When calling, use the following function to achieve the effect of selecting files on the server side that looks just like the real thing: function selectfile() { var arr = showModalDialog("selectfile.asp?temp="+Math.random(), "", " dialogWidth:453px; dialogHeight:252px; status:0;help:1"); if (arr != null) { return arr } } The last thing returned by this function is the selected file name. Here are some pictures used in the function. I caught it myself from the file selection box:) It is estimated that you may encounter various unknown BUGs during use. Welcome everyone to communicate with me: E_mail: // create a program on the server side to generate an XML file to return to the client, (getfolder.asp) quot ; quot;folder) if folders=/ then folders= end if dim count count=0 fo...
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