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PDF_open_jpeg: Open JPEG image file. PDF_open_memory_image: Open a memory image file. PDF_place_image: Place the image at the specified location in the PDF file. PDF_put_image: Put an image into a PDF file. PDF_rect: Draw a rectangle. PDF_restore: Restore environment variables. PDF_rotate: rotation class. PDF_save: Save environment variables. PDF_scale: scaling class. PDF_setdash: Configure dash style. PDF_setflat: Configure smoothing value. PDF_setgray: Specify the color of the drawing as grayscale and fill it in. PDF_setgray_fill: Specify the filled color as grayscale. PDF_setgray_stroke: Specifies the color of the drawing to be grayscale. PDF_setlinecap: configure linecap parameters. PDF_setlinejoin: Configure connection parameters. PDF_setlinewidth: Configure line width. PDF_setmiterlimit: configure the hypotenuse limit. PDF_setrgbcolor: Specify the color of the drawing as color and fill it in. PDF_setrgbcolor_fill: Specify the filled color as color. PDF_setrgbcolor_stroke: Specifies the color of the drawing as color. PDF_set_char_spacing: Configure character spacing. PDF_set_duration: Configure the switching time between two pages. PDF_set_font: Configure the font and size used. PDF_set_horiz_scaling: Configure text horizontal spacing. PDF_set_info_author: Configuration file author. PDF_set_info_creator: Configure the file creator string. PDF_set_info_keywords: Configuration file keywords. PDF_set_info_subject: Configuration file subject. PDF_set_info_title: Configuration file title. PDF_set_leading: Configure leading. PDF_set_text_matrix: configure text matrix. PDF_set_text_pos: Configure text position. PDF_set_text_rendering: Configure text rendering. PDF_set_text_rise: Configure text height. PDF_set_transition: Configure page transition. PDF_set_word_spacing: Configure word spacing. PDF_show: Output strings to PDF files. PDF_show_xy: Output string to specified coordinates. PDF_stringwidth: Calculate the width of the string. PDF_stroke: Draw a line along a vector. PDF_translate: Move the origin. pfsockopen: Open the network Socket persistent connection. pg_Close: Close the PostgreSQL server connection. pg_cmdTuples: Get the number of data items affected by the SQL command. pg_Connect: Open a PostgreSQL server connection. pg_DBname: Get the current database name. pg_ErrorMessage: Return error message. pg_Exec: Execute query command. pg_Fetch_Array: Returns array data. pg_Fetch_Object: Returns class data. pg_Fetch_Row: Returns each field of a single column. pg_FieldIsNull: Check whether the field has data. pg_FieldName: Returns the name of the specified field. pg_FieldNum: Get the number of rows in the specified field. pg_FieldPrtLen: Calculates the listable length. pg_FieldSize: Calculate the length of the specified field. pg_FieldType: Get the type of the current field. pg_FreeResult: Release and return the occupied memory. pg_GetLastOid: Get the last class code. pg_Host: Get the name of the connected machine. pg_loclose: Close large classes. pg_locreate: Create large classes. pg_loopen: Open large classes. pg_loread: Read large classes. pg_loreadall: Read large classes and output them. pg_lounlink: Remove large classes. pg_lowrite: Read large classes. pg_NumFields: Get the number of fields returned. pg_NumRows: Get the number of returned columns. pg_Options: Get the connection machine options. pg_pConnect: Open a persistent connection to the PostgreSQL server. pg_Port: Get the port number of the connected machine. pg_Result: Get the result of query. pg_tty: Get the terminal of the connected machine. phpinfo: Returns all relevant information about PHP. phpversion: Returns PHP version information. pi: pi. popen: open a file. pos: Returns the current element of the array. pow: power. preg_match: String comparison analysis. preg_match_all: overall comparison analysis of strings. preg_replace: String comparison parsing and replacement. preg_split: Split the string according to the specified rules. prev: Move the internal pointer of the array forward. print: output string. printf: output formatted string. putenv: configure system environment variables. quoted_printable_decode: Convert qp encoded string into 8-bit string. QuoteMeta: Add quote symbols. rand: Get a random value. range: Create an array of integer ranges. rawurldecode: Convert URL-specific format string to normal string. rawurlencode: Encode a string into a URL-specific format. readdir: read directory handle. readfile: output file. readgzfile: Read compressed files. readlink: Returns a symbolic link object file. recode_file: Log a file or file request into a log. recode_string: Record the string into the record. register_shutdown_function: Defines the function to be executed after the PHP program execution is completed. rename: Change the file name. reset: Point the array pointer to the first element of the array. rewind: Reset the read and write position pointer of the open file. rewinddir: Reset directory handle. rmdir: delete directory. round: rounded. rsort: Sort the array values from large to small. sem_acquire: capture signal. sem_get: Get the signal code. sem_release: Release signal. serialize: Store data into the system. session_decode: Session data decoding. session_destroy: End session. session_encode: Session data encoding. session_id: access the current session code. session_is_registered: Check whether the variable is registered. session_module_name: access the current session module.session_name: access the current session name. session_register: Register new variables. session_save_path: access the current session path. session_start: initial session. session_unregister: Delete registered variables. setcookie: Send cookie information to the browser. setlocale: Configure localization information. settype: Configuration variable type. set_file_buffer: configure file buffer size. set_magic_quotes_runtime: Configure magic_quotes_runtime value. set_socket_blocking: Switch between shelving and no-shelving mode. set_time_limit: Configure the longest execution time of this page. shm_attach: Open the shared memory space. shm_detach: Abort the shared memory space link. shm_get_var: Get the variable specified in the memory space. shm_put_var: Add or update variables in the memory space. shm_remove: Clear memory space. shm_remove_var: Delete the specified variable in the memory space. shuffle: shuffle the order of an array. similar_text: Calculate string similarity. Sin: Sine calculation. sizeof: Get the size of the array. sleep: pause execution. snmpget: Get the specified class identification code. snmpwalk: Get all classes. snmpwalkoid: Get network ontology tree information. snmp_get_quick_print: Get the quick_print value in the UCD function library. snmp_set_quick_print: Configure the quick_print value in the UCD function library. solid_close: Close the solid link. solid_connect: Link to solid database. solid_exec: Execute SQL instructions. solid_fetchrow: Get and return a column. solid_fieldname: Get the field name. solid_fieldnum: Get the number of fields. solid_freeresult: Release the memory of the returned data. solid_numfields: Get the number of fields. solid_numrows: Get the number of returned columns. solid_result: Get the returned data. sort: Sort the array. soundex: Calculate the pronunciation value of a string split: Split the string according to the specified rules. sprintf: Format strings. sql_regcase: Returns uppercase and lowercase characters in the string verbatim. Sqrt: Square root. srand: Configure random number seed. stat: Get file-related information. strchr: Find the first occurrence of a character. strcmp: String comparison. strcspn: length of different strings. strftime: Format the server's time locally. StripSlashes: Strips backslash characters. strip_tags: Remove HTML and PHP tags. strlen: Get the length of the string. strpos: Find the first occurrence of a character in a string. strrchr: Get the string starting from the last occurrence of a character. strrev: Reverse a string. strrpos: Find the last occurrence of a character in a string. strspn: Find the number of times a string falls within the mask of another string. strstr: Returns the string from the beginning to the end of a string in the string. strtok: Cut a string. strtolower: Convert all strings to lowercase. strtoupper: Convert the string to all uppercase letters. strtr: Convert certain characters. strval: Convert the variable to string type. str_replace: String replacement. substr: Get part of the string. sybase_affected_rows: Get the number of columns affected by the last query. sybase_close: Close the connection to the database. sybase_connect: Connect to the database. sybase_data_seek: Move column pointer. sybase_fetch_array: returns array data. sybase_fetch_field: Get field information. sybase_fetch_object: returns class information. sybase_fetch_row: Returns each field of a single column. sybase_field_seek: Configure the pointer to a certain field of the return value. sybase_free_result: Release and return the occupied memory. sybase_num_fields: Get the number of fields returned. sybase_num_rows: Get the number of returned columns. sybase_pconnect: Open a persistent connection to the server. sybase_query: Send a query string. sybase_result: Get the results of the query. sybase_select_db: Select a database. symlink: Create a symbolic link. syslog: Log to system log. system: Execute external programs and display output data. Tan: Tangent calculation. tempnam: Create only one temporary file. time: Get the UNIX timestamp of the current time. touch: Configuration last modified time. trim: Trim the spaces at the beginning and end of the string. uasort: Sort an array according to a user-defined function. ucfirst: Change the first character of the string to uppercase. ucwords: Capitalize the first letter of each word in the string. uksort: Sorts array indices according to user-defined function. umask: Change the current file attribute mask umask. uniqid: Produces a value of only one. unlink: Delete the file. unpack: Unpack bit string data. unserialize: Remove system data. unset: delete the variable. urldecode: Restore URL encoded string. urlencode: URL-encode the string. usleep: Pause execution. usort: Sort the values of the array according to a user-defined function. utf8_decode: Convert UTF-8 code to ISO-8859-1 code. utf8_encode: Convert ISO-8859-1 code to UTF-8 code. virtual: Complete the sub-request (sub-request) of the apache server. vm_addalias: Add new aliases. vm_adduser: Add new users. vm_delalias: Delete aliases. vm_deluser: Delete the user. vm_passwd: Change user password. wddx_add_vars: Concatenate WDDX packets. wddx_deserialize: Deserialize WDDX packets. wddx_packet_end: End of WDDX packet. wddx_packet_start: Start a new WDDX packet. wddx_serialize_value: Serialize a single value. wddx_serialize_vars: Serialize multiple values.xml_error_string: Get XML error string. xml_get_current_byte_index: Get the current solution