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Detailed explanation of PHP script database function 2_PHP tutorial

2016-07-13 17:23:09871browse

(Author: Wang Kaibo) Using PHP to save files to the database The database is the center of data organization and storage. What will be processed may also be various data, including programs, files, reports, and even audio and video data. Because through the browser, individual users can only fill in a small part of their resume. Therefore, here we demonstrate the function of uploading a user's resume. Other types of data can follow this example. The first is the information collection page. Let the user select files to upload. The html code of this page is as follows:  〈!-- begin of post.htm--〉   p〉 〈/p〉   form method="POST" action="insert.php" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"〉 〈p〉〈b〉Resume submission〈/b〉〈/p〉 〈p〉Name: 〈br〉 〈input type="text" name="Name" size="20"〉〈/p〉 〈p〉 Personal profile: 〈br〉 〈textarea rows="2" name="Intro" cols="20"〉〈/textarea〉〈/p〉 〈p〉 Resume file: 〈br〉 〈input type="file" name= "ResuFile"〉〈/p〉   p〉〈input type="submit" value="submit" name="B1"〉〈/p〉   /form〉   !-End of post.htm--〉  Note, The ENCTYPE keyword must not be omitted, otherwise the file cannot be uploaded correctly. Here, we redesign the code for inserting records into the database:   ?   //begin of file insert.php   if($ResuFile != "none")   //Make sure the user has selected the file {   $Size = filesize($ResuFile) ; //Determine the file size $mFileData = addslashes(fread(fopen($ResuFile, "r"), $Size)); //Read the file and process the content unlink($ResuFile); //Delete the uploaded temporary file }  $LinkID=@mysql_connect("localhost", "root" , "") or die("Cannot connect to the database server! The database server may not be started, or the username and password are wrong!");  $DBID = @mysql_select_db ("ResumeDB",$LinkID) or die("Error selecting database, maybe the database you specified does not exist!"); $query = "insert into Resume(Name,Intro,ResuFile) values($Name, $Intro, $mFileData)";  $result = @mysql_query("$query",$LinkID); //Execute query and insert file into database if(! $result)  echo "Data insertion failed!";  else  echo "File uploaded successfully! "; @mysql_close($LinkID); //end of file insert.php With the above foundation, it should be very simple to write a program to read data from the database. What needs to be noted is the method in which the files are sent to the client. The server must send header information to the browser indicating that the data to be sent is a word document. If MSWord is installed on the user's computer, the browser will automatically call word to display the document. We can set up a hyperlink to download this Word file:   ?   //begin of file show.php   $LinkID=@mysql_connect("localhost", "root" , "") or die("Cannot connect to the database server! The database server may not be started, or the username and password are incorrect! "); $DBID = @mysql_select_db("ResumeDB",$LinkID) or die("Error selecting database, the database you specified may not exist!"); $query = "insert into Resume(Name,Intro,ResuFile) values($Name, $Intro, $mFileData)";  $result = @mysql_query("$query",$LinkID);  //Execute the query and insert the file into Database $query= "select ID,Name,Intro from Resume"; //Generate SQL statement $result = mysql_query($query,$LinkID); //Execute, the result set is saved to the variable $result $num= mysql_num_rows($ result); //Get the number of record rows returned by the query if($num == 0) { The next row of data is added to the array $row {    echo $row["ID"]." ".$row["Name"]." ".$row["Intro"]." "; echo "〈a href= "download.php?ID=".$row["ID"]."">View Word document〈/a〉〈br〉";  }   //end of file show.php   ?   Access the file show.php, user What you see is a list of personal brief information. Click "View Word Document" to see the detailed resume of the corresponding member.The following file is used to display the Word document:   ?    // begin of file download.php   $LinkID=@mysql_connect("localhost", "root" , "") or die("Cannot connect to the database server! It may be the database The server is not started, or the username and password are incorrect! "); $DBID = @mysql_select_db("ResumeDB",$LinkID) or die("Error selecting database, the database you specified may not exist!"); $query = "select ResuFile from Resume where ID=$ID"; //$ID is the variable passed by the call $result = @mysql_query("$query",$LinkID); //Execute the query and read the file content from the database if(mysql_num_rows ($result) 〈 1 ) { Content (data in Word file format) header("Content-type: application/msword"); //Send header information, indicating that the data to be sent is a word document echo $mFileData; //Send document data //end of file download .php  ?〉                         It should be noted that file uploading and database storage through PHP is a prominent technical problem. Many websites about PHP continue to have this kind of problem. These operations are highly dependent on the platform and environment settings. Different platform configurations may cause operation failure. The running platform and compilation parameters of the above program are attached at the end of this article for reference.

www.bkjia.comtruehttp: //www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/532260.htmlTechArticle (Author: Wang Kaibo) Use PHP to save files to the database. The database is the center of data organization and storage. What will be processed may also be various data, including programs, files, reports,...
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