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要 搞清楚编译器为什么会报告某一行上存在错误,首先必须明确编译器解析PHP代码的机制。我并不打算在本文中对此进行详细论述,但是,我们将会讨论一些更易于引发错误的简单概念。
编译器首先求出语句右半部分的值(即等号右边的所有内容)。在一些编程书籍中,将此表示为语句的 RHS (右半部分)。恰恰正是语句的这一部分常常会引发错误。如果使用的语法不正确,就会出现解析错误。
Parse error:解析错误,unexpected T_WHILE in c:program filesapache groupapachehtdocsscript.php on line 19
预定义的字词包括 while、function等,如果PHP使用 uses to evaluate your code. 您不能使用这些预定义字词来命名变量,而且如果您非要这样做的话,PHP就会报出更多的错误,这是您无法忍受。
关于这个问题,下面的示例可能会对您有所帮助。请咨询阅读一下下面所示的PHP 代码:
if($b == "somevalue"){
print "Hello world!";
错误位于"$b ="一行(在语句的末端缺少分号),所以错误应该是"解析错误:第3行缺少分号"对吧?而不应该依据解析器判定的:
在第4行,if() 语句的语法是正确的。那么,编译器是被什么给搞糊涂了呢?线索就是"unexpected T_IF" 部分。出现 "unexpected T_???"错误时,它所表示的含义为:编译器发现在预定义字不应该出现的位置出现。T_IF 代表 if(), T_WHILE 代表 while(), T_FOR 代表 for()等。
The most common error I see is when not using braces ( } ) to end a function or a loop. This is probably the most common and most annoying. mistake. The specific code is as follows:
for($i < 0; $i < 10; $i++){
?> ;
will generate the following error:
Since the function UselessFunction does not end with a brace ( } ), the PHP compiler keeps looking for the closing brace until it reaches the end of the file. Because the compiler doesn't find a matching brace, it reports an end-of-file error.
If the hierarchy of the code is correctly reflected, error messages will become very obvious. If the hierarchical structure of the code is not marked, it will be almost impossible to find out what has been forgotten in the end. So, remember, be sure to indicate the hierarchy of your code. The Tab key makes this easy. It will also be easier for subsequent developers to grasp the code framework and modify it.
MySQL Error
Another extremely annoying error message is the most common MySQL error, which often gives PHP novices a headache:
The wrong line reported above may be:
The parameter $result is not a valid resource. In English it means that mysql_fetch_array cannot be processed because the query failed. The syntax of either query is invalid (you should copy-paste the query into the MySQL console reference to test), or the connection to the database failed (in which case you should double-check the username, password, etc.).
Prevent errors from occurring
In the first step, the smart coder can take the following steps to eliminate the following errors:
· At the end of each statement, do not consider Add semicolons – this should become a habit.
· Always indicate the hierarchy of your code whenever possible. This will allow you to see if you forgot to add braces at places like if calls or at the end of functions.
· Please use an editor with syntax highlighting (such as HTML-Kit). With the help of such an editor, you can determine if you forgot to add a quote, if you are missing a semicolon, etc.
In this article we have a certain understanding of some seemingly meaningless errors that the PHP compiler can report. We need to apply what we learn to how to avoid mistakes and how to correct them when they occur. Debugging is one of the most important parts of a developer's job. Improving debugging efficiency can greatly speed up the progress of the entire work and shorten the time it takes to complete a project. It can also significantly reduce the mental pressure caused by code failure.