Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >A brief discussion of PHP syntax (2)_PHP tutorial
The previous article only talked about the data types of PHP. The so-called "sharpening the knife does not waste time cutting firewood". Only by laying a good foundation in PHP can you learn PHP programming better.
│ 符 号 │ 运算符 │ 范 例 │
│ + │ 加法 │ $a+$b │
│ - │ 减法 │ $a-$b │
│ * │ 乘法 │ $a*$b │
│ / │ 除法 │ $a/$b │
│ % │ 取余数 │ $a%$b │
│ ++ │ 递增 │ $a++或++$a │
│ -- │ 递减 │ $a--或--$a │
│ == │ 等于 │ $a==10 │
│ === │ 绝等于 │ $a===10 │
│ != │ 不等于 │ $a!=10 │
│ < │ 小于 │ $a<9 │
│ > │ 大于 │ $a>8 │
│ <= │ 小于等于 │ $a<=10 │
│ >= │ 大于等于 │ $a>=1 │
│ = │ 相等赋值运算符 │ $a=0 │
│ += │ 加法指定运算符 │ $a+=5 │
│ -= │ 减法指定运算符 │ $a-=1 │
│ *= │ 乘法指定运算符 │ $a*=2 │
│ /= │ 除法指定运算符 │ $a/=5 │
│ %= │ 余数指定运算符 │ $a%=7 │
│ .= │ 字符串指定运算符│ $a.="hello" │
│ & │ 与 │ $a&$b │
│ | │ 或 │ $a|$b │
│ ^ │ Xor │ $a^$b │
│ ~ │ 非 │~$a(取1的补码 )│
│ << │ 向左移位 │ $a<<$b │
│ >> │ 向右移位 │ $a>>$b │
│and或&& │ 与 │$a and $b或$a&&$b │
│or或|| │ 或 │$a or $b或$a||$b │
│xor │ Xor │ $a xor $b │
│ ! │ 非 │ !$a │
│符号 │ 意义说明 │
│ $ │变量 │
│ & │变量的指针(加在变量前)│
│-> │对象的方法或属性 │
│=> │Element value of array│
│? : │Ternary operator│
└─── ┴─────────────┘
Let’s compare it with C language. There is just one more "." operator. Its function is to connect two strings, as in the following example, the displayed result is hello, my baby.
$b="my baby. ";
echo $a.$b;
There is another symbol that also makes PHP powerful. This is "$". It is used before a variable, indicating that this is a variable, such as $A, $b, etc. So what is its powerful function? This is the variable of variables.
echo $a;
echo $$a;
echo $go;
The displayed result is:
In fact, adding a "$" before a variable means that the variable The content is used as a new variable name. This is unique to PHP and can sometimes simplify the program.