Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >RedHat6.2 + apache1.3.12 + gd1.8.3 + php4.04 + tom_PHP tutorial
Complete guide to installing apache1.3.12+gd1.8.3+php4.04+tomcat+sybase11.9.2+oracle8.1.6+mysql on RedHat6.2
Read many netizens on the Internet Regarding the installation experience of php, jsp, sybase, oracle, apache, etc., I found that many of them are repetitive and not comprehensive enough. Based on my long-term summary of the above various things and reference to relevant documents and articles from netizens, and through my own personal In practice, I will now dedicate all the installation and configuration of apache1.3.12+gd1.8.3+php4.04+tomcat+sybase11.9.2+oracle8.1.6+mysql3.22.27 under RedHat6.2 to everyone. I hope it can be helpful to everyone;
Operating environment: PⅢ550+256M+20G+530TX Lan+sis6326 8M+RedHat Linux6.2
Installation plan: Sybase is installed in the /sybase directory< ;br>
oracle is installed in the /home/oracle directory
gd is installed in the /usr/local directory
apache is installed in the /www directory
tomcat Installed in the /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat directory
jdk is installed in the /usr/local/jdk122 directory
1. Data preparation
1. apache_1312.tar.gz
2. php-404.tar.gz
3. jakarta-tomcat.tar.gz
4 , sybase11.9.2 package:
sybase-monserver-1192 -1i386.rpm
sybase-chinese-1192-1i386 .rpm
5. oracle8.1.6.tar
6. mysql3.22.27 package:
mysql-3.22.27-1.i386.rpm < br>
7. jdk1_2_2-linux -i386.tar.gz
8. mod-jserv.so
9. gd183.tar.gz
2. Environment configuration
1. System installation
When installing the Linux system, create the directories /www, /sybase and /home and allocate them to their respective larger spaces for storing database information and web page files. ;
2. Environment variables
Configure the java running environment variables for running oracle, tomcat and java
Log in to the system as the root user
#vi /etc/profile
Add the following lines