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ajax php multiple file upload code_PHP tutorial

2016-07-13 17:07:431011browse

ajax php教程多文件上传代码
<script><br> (function(){<br>  <br> var d = document, w = window;</p> <p>/**<br>  * get element by id<br>  */ <br> function get(element){<br>  if (typeof element == "string")<br>   element = d.getelementbyid(element);<br>  return element;<br> }</p> <p>/**<br>  * attaches event to a dom element<br>  */<br> function addevent(el, type, fn){<br>  if (w.addeventlistener){<br>   el.addeventlistener(type, fn, false);<br>  } else if (w.attachevent){<br>   var f = function(){<br>     fn.call(el, w.event);<br>   };   <br>   el.attachevent('on' + type, f)<br>  }<br> }</p> <p><br> /**<br>  * creates and returns element from html chunk<br>  */<br> var toelement = function(){<br>  var div = d.createelement('div');<br>  return function(html){<br>   div.innerhtml = html;<br>   var el = div.childnodes[0];<br>   div.removechild(el);<br>   return el;<br>  }<br> }();</p> <p>function hasclass(ele,cls){<br>  return ele.classname.match(new regexp('(s|^)'+cls+'(s|$)'));<br> }<br> function addclass(ele,cls) {<br>  if (!hasclass(ele,cls)) ele.classname += " "+cls;<br> }<br> function removeclass(ele,cls) {<br>  var reg = new regexp('(s|^)'+cls+'(s|$)');<br>  ele.classname=ele.classname.replace(reg,' ');<br> }</p> <p>// getoffset function copied from jquery lib (http://jquery.com/)<br> if (document.documentelement["getboundingclientrect"]){<br>  // get offset using getboundingclientrect<br>  // http://ejohn.org/blog/getboundingclientrect-is-awesome/<br>  var getoffset = function(el){<br>   var box = el.getboundingclientrect(),<br>   doc = el.ownerdocument,<br>   body = doc.body,<br>   docelem = doc.documentelement,<br>   <br>   // for ie <br>   clienttop = docelem.clienttop || body.clienttop || 0,<br>   clientleft = docelem.clientleft || body.clientleft || 0,<br>   <br>   // in internet explorer 7 getboundingclientrect property is treated as physical,<br>   // while others are logical. make all logical, like in ie8.  <br>   <br>   zoom = 1;<br>   <br>   if (body.getboundingclientrect) {<br>    var bound = body.getboundingclientrect();<br>    zoom = (bound.right - bound.left)/body.clientwidth;<br>   }<br>   <br>   if (zoom > 1){<br>    clienttop = 0;<br>    clientleft = 0;<br>   }<br>   <br>   var top = box.top/zoom + (window.pageyoffset || docelem && docelem.scrolltop/zoom || body.scrolltop/zoom) - clienttop,<br>   left = box.left/zoom + (window.pagexoffset|| docelem && docelem.scrollleft/zoom || body.scrollleft/zoom) - clientleft;<br>     <br>   return {<br>    top: top,<br>    left: left<br>   };<br>  }<br>  <br> } else {<br>  // get offset adding all offsets <br>  var getoffset = function(el){<br>   if (w.jquery){<br>    return jquery(el).offset();<br>   }  <br>    <br>   var top = 0, left = 0;<br>   do {<br>    top += el.offsettop || 0;<br>    left += el.offsetleft || 0;<br>   }<br>   while (el = el.offsetparent);<br>   <br>   return {<br>    left: left,<br>    top: top<br>   };<br>  }<br> }</p> <p>function getbox(el){<br>  var left, right, top, bottom; <br>  var offset = getoffset(el);<br>  left = offset.left;<br>  top = offset.top;<br>       <br>  right = left + el.offsetwidth;<br>  bottom = top + el.offsetheight;  <br>   <br>  return {<br>   left: left,<br>   right: right,<br>   top: top,<br>   bottom: bottom<br>  };<br> }</p> <p>/**<br>  * crossbrowser mouse coordinates<br>  */<br> function getmousecoords(e){  <br>  // pagex/y is not supported in ie<br>  // http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/w3c_css教程om.html   <br>  if (!e.pagex && e.clientx){<br>   // in internet explorer 7 some properties (mouse coordinates) are treated as physical,<br>   // while others are logical (offset).<br>   var zoom = 1; <br>   var body = document.body;<br>   <br>   if (body.getboundingclientrect) {<br>    var bound = body.getboundingclientrect();<br>    zoom = (bound.right - bound.left)/body.clientwidth;<br>   }</p> <p>  return {<br>    x: e.clientx / zoom + d.body.scrollleft + d.documentelement.scrollleft,<br>    y: e.clienty / zoom + d.body.scrolltop + d.documentelement.scrolltop<br>   };<br>  }<br>  <br>  return {<br>   x: e.pagex,<br>   y: e.pagey<br>  };  </p> <p>}<br> /**<br>  * function generates unique id<br>  */  <br> var getuid = function(){<br>  var id = 0;<br>  return function(){<br>   return 'valumsajaxupload' + id++;<br>  }<br> }();</p> <p>function filefrompath(file){<br>  return file.replace(/.*(/|)/, "");   <br> }</p> <p>function getext(file){<br>  return (/[.]/.exec(file)) ? /[^.]+$/.exec(file.tolowercase()) : '';<br> }   </p> <p>/**<br>  * cross-browser way to get xhr object  <br>  */<br> var getxhr = function(){<br>  var xhr;<br>  <br>  return function(){<br>   if (xhr) return xhr;<br>     <br>   if (typeof xmlhttprequest !== 'undefined') {<br>    xhr = new xmlhttprequest();<br>   } else {<br>    var v = [<br>     "microsoft.xmlhttp",<br>     "msxml2.xmlhttp.5.0",<br>     "msxml2.xmlhttp.4.0",<br>     "msxml2.xmlhttp.3.0",<br>     "msxml2.xmlhttp.2.0"     <br>    ];<br>    <br>    for (var i=0; i < v.length; i++){<br />     try {<br />      xhr = new activexobject(v[i]);<br />      break;<br />     } catch (e){}<br />    }<br />   }    </p> <p>  return xhr;<br />  }<br /> }();</p><p>// please use ajaxupload , ajax_upload will be removed in the next version<br /> ajax_upload = ajaxupload = function(button, options){<br />  if (button.jquery){<br />   // jquery object was passed<br />   button = button[0];<br />  } else if (typeof button == "string" && /^#.*/.test(button)){     <br />   button = button.slice(1);    <br />  }<br />  button = get(button); <br />  <br />  this._input = null;<br />  this._button = button;<br />  this._disabled = false;<br />  this._submitting = false;<br />  // variable changes to true if the button was clicked<br />  // 3 seconds ago (requred to fix safari on mac error)<br />  this._justclicked = false;<br />  this._parentdialog = d.body;<br />   <br />  if (window.jquery && jquery.ui && jquery.ui.dialog){<br />   var parentdialog = jquery(this._button).parents('.ui-dialog');<br />   if (parentdialog.length){<br />    this._parentdialog = parentdialog[0];<br />   }<br />  }   <br />      <br />  this._settings = {<br />   // location of the server-side upload script<br />   action: 'upload.php',   <br />   // file upload name<br />   name: 'userfile',<br />   // additional data to send<br />   data: {},<br />   // submit file as soon as it's selected<br />   autosubmit: true,<br />   // the type of data that you're expecting back from the server.<br />   // html and xml are detected automatically.<br />   // only useful when you are using json data as a response.<br />   // set to "json" in that case. <br />   responsetype: false,<br />   // location of the server-side script that fixes safari <br />   // hanging problem returning "connection: close" header<br />   closeconnection: '',<br />   // class applied to button when mouse is hovered<br />   hoverclass: 'hover',  <br />   // when user selects a file, useful with autosubmit disabled   <br />   onchange: function(file, extension){},     <br />   // callback to fire before file is uploaded<br />   // you can return false to cancel upload<br />   onsubmit: function(file, extension){},<br />   // fired when file upload is completed<br />   // warning! do not use "false" string as a response!<br />   oncomplete: function(file, response) {}<br />  };</p><p> // merge the users options with our defaults<br />  for (var i in options) {<br />   this._settings[i] = options[i];<br />  }<br />  <br />  this._createinput();<br />  this._rerouteclicks();<br /> }<br />    <br /> // assigning methods to our class<br /> ajaxupload.prototype = {<br />  setdata : function(data){<br />   this._settings.data = data;<br />  },<br />  disable : function(){<br />   this._disabled = true;<br />  },<br />  enable : function(){<br />   this._disabled = false;<br />  },<br />  // removes instance<br />  destroy : function(){<br />   if(this._input){<br />    if(this._input.parentnode){<br />     this._input.parentnode.removechild(this._input);<br />    }<br />    this._input = null;<br />   }<br />  },    <br />  /**<br />   * creates invisible file input above the button <br />  */<br />  _createinput : function(){<br />   var self = this;<br />   var input = d.createelement("input");<br />   input.setattribute('type', 'file');<br />   input.setattribute('name', this._settings.name);<br />   var styles = {<br />    'position' : 'absolute'<br />    ,'margin': '-5px 0 0 -175px'<br />    ,'padding': 0<br />    ,'width': '220px'<br />    ,'height': '30px'<br />    ,'fontsize': '14px'        <br />    ,'opacity': 0<br />    ,'cursor': 'pointer'<br />    ,'display' : 'none'<br />    ,'zindex' :  2147483583 //max zindex supported by opera 9.0-9.2x <br />    // strange, i expected 2147483647<br />    // doesn't work in ie :(<br />    //,'direction' : 'ltr'   <br />   };<br />   for (var i in styles){<br />    input.style[i] = styles[i];<br />   }<br />   <br />   // make sure that element opacity exists<br />   // (ie uses filter instead)<br />   if ( ! (input.style.opacity === "0")){<br />    input.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=0)";<br />   }<br />        <br />   this._parentdialog.appendchild(input);</p><p>  addevent(input, 'change', function(){<br />    // get filename from input<br />    var file = filefrompath(this.value); <br />    if(self._settings.onchange.call(self, file, getext(file)) == false ){<br />     return;    <br />    }              <br />    // submit form when value is changed<br />    if (self._settings.autosubmit){<br />     self.submit();      <br />    }      <br />   });<br />   <br />   // fixing problem with safari<br />   // the problem is that if you leave input before the file select dialog opens<br />   // it does not upload the file.<br />   // as dialog opens slowly (it is a sheet dialog which takes some time to open)<br />   // there is some time while you can leave the button.<br />   // so we should not change display to none immediately<br />   addevent(input, 'click', function(){<br />    self.justclicked = true;<br />    settimeout(function(){<br />     // we will wait 3 seconds for dialog to open<br />     self.justclicked = false;<br />    }, 2500);   <br />   });  <br />   <br />   this._input = input;<br />  },<br />  _rerouteclicks : function (){<br />   var self = this;<br />  <br />   // ie displays 'access denied' error when using this method<br />   // other browsers just ignore click()<br />   // addevent(this._button, 'click', function(e){<br />   //   self._input.click();<br />   // });<br />     <br />   var box, dialogoffset = {top:0, left:0}, over = false;<br />          <br />   addevent(self._button, 'mouseo教程ver', function(e){<br />    if (!self._input || over) return;<br />    <br />    over = true;<br />    box = getbox(self._button);<br />      <br />    if (self._parentdialog != d.body){<br />     dialogoffset = getoffset(self._parentdialog);<br />    } <br />   });<br />   <br />  <br />   // we can't use mouseout on the button,<br />   // because invisible input is over it<br />   addevent(document, 'mousemove', function(e){<br />    var input = self._input;   <br />    if (!input || !over) return;<br />    <br />    if (self._disabled){<br />     removeclass(self._button, self._settings.hoverclass);<br />     input.style.display = 'none';<br />     return;<br />    } <br />           <br />    var c = getmousecoords(e);</p> <p>   if ((c.x >= box.left) && (c.x <= box.right) && <br />    (c.y >= box.top) && (c.y <= box.bottom)){<br />        <br />     input.style.top = c.y - dialogoffset.top + 'px';<br />     input.style.left = c.x - dialogoffset.left + 'px';<br />     input.style.display = 'block';<br />     addclass(self._button, self._settings.hoverclass);<br />         <br />    } else {  <br />     // mouse left the button<br />     over = false;<br />    <br />     var check = setinterval(function(){<br />      // if input was just clicked do not hide it<br />      // to prevent safari bug<br />       <br />      if (self.justclicked){<br />       return;<br />      }<br />      <br />      if ( !over ){<br />       input.style.display = 'none'; <br />      }      <br />     <br />      clearinterval(check);<br />     <br />     }, 25);<br />      </p><p>    removeclass(self._button, self._settings.hoverclass);<br />    }   <br />   });   <br />    <br />  },<br />  /**<br />   * creates iframe with unique name<br />  */<br />  _createiframe : function(){<br />   // unique name<br />   // we cannot use gettime, because it sometimes return<br />   // same value in safari :(<br />   var id = getuid();<br />   <br />   // remove ie6 "this page contains both secure and nonsecure items" prompt <br />   // http://tinyurl.com/77w9wh<br />   var iframe = toelement('<iframe src="网页特效:false;" name="' + id + '" />');<br>   iframe.id = id;<br>   iframe.style.display = 'none';<br>   d.body.appendchild(iframe);   <br>   return iframe;      <br>  },<br>  /**<br>   * upload file without refreshing the page<br>  */<br>  submit : function(){<br>   var self = this, settings = this._settings; <br>      <br>   if (this._input.value === ''){<br>    // there is no file<br>    return;<br>   }<br>           <br>   // get filename from input<br>   var file = filefrompath(this._input.value);   </p> <p>  // execute user event<br>   if (! (settings.onsubmit.call(this, file, getext(file)) == false)) {<br>    // create new iframe for this submission<br>    var iframe = this._createiframe();<br>    <br>    // do not submit if user function returns false          <br>    var form = this._createform(iframe);<br>    form.appendchild(this._input);</p> <p>   // a pretty little hack to make uploads not hang in safari. just call this<br>    // immediately before the upload is submitted. this does an ajax call to<br>    // the server, which returns an empty document with the "connection: close"<br>    // header, telling safari to close the active connection.<br>    // http://blog.airbladesoftware.com/2007/8/17/note-to-self-prevent-uploads-hanging-in-safari<br>    if (settings.closeconnection && /applewebkit|msie/.test(navigator.useragent)){<br>     var xhr = getxhr();<br>     // open synhronous connection<br>     xhr.open('get', settings.closeconnection, false);<br>     xhr.send('');<br>    }<br>    <br>    form.submit();<br>    <br>    d.body.removechild(form);    <br>    form = null;<br>    this._input = null;<br>    <br>    // create new input<br>    this._createinput();<br>    <br>    var todeleteflag = false;<br>    <br>    addevent(iframe, 'load', function(e){<br>      <br>     if (// for safari<br>      iframe.src == "javascript:'%3chtml%3e%3c/html%3e';" ||<br>      // for ff, ie<br>      iframe.src == "javascript:'<html></html>';"){      <br>      <br>      // first time around, do not delete.<br>      if( todeleteflag ){<br>       // fix busy state in ff3<br>       settimeout( function() {<br>        d.body.removechild(iframe);<br>       }, 0);<br>      }<br>      return;<br>     }    <br>     <br>     var doc = iframe.contentdocument ? iframe.contentdocument : frames[iframe.id].document;</p> <p>    // fixing opera 9.26<br>     if (doc.readystate && doc.readystate != 'complete'){<br>      // opera fires load event multiple times<br>      // even when the dom is not ready yet<br>      // this fix should not affect other browsers<br>      return;<br>     }<br>     <br>     // fixing opera 9.64<br>     if (doc.body && doc.body.innerhtml == "false"){<br>      // in opera 9.64 event was fired second time<br>      // when body.innerhtml changed from false <br>      // to server response approx. after 1 sec<br>      return;    <br>     }<br>     <br>     var response;<br>          <br>     if (doc.xmldocument){<br>      // response is a xml document ie property<br>      response = doc.xmldocument;<br>     } else if (doc.body){<br>      // response is html document or plain text<br>      response = doc.body.innerhtml;<br>      if (settings.responsetype && settings.responsetype.tolowercase() == 'json'){<br>       // if the document was sent as 'application/javascript' or<br>       // 'text/javascript', then the browser wraps教程 the text in a <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><br>       // tag and performs html encoding on the contents.  in this case,<br>       // we need to pull the original text content from the text node's<br>       // nodevalue property to retrieve the unmangled content.<br>       // note that ie6 only understands text/html<br>       if (doc.body.firstchild && doc.body.firstchild.nodename.touppercase() == 'pre'){<br>        response = doc.body.firstchild.firstchild.nodevalue;<br>       }<br>       if (response) {<br>        response = window["eval"]("(" + response + ")");<br>       } else {<br>        response = {};<br>       }<br>      }<br>     } else {<br>      // response is a xml document<br>      var response = doc;<br>     }<br>                    <br>     settings.oncomplete.call(self, file, response);<br>       <br>     // reload blank page, so that reloading main page<br>     // does not re-submit the post. also, remember to<br>     // delete the frame<br>     todeleteflag = true;<br>     <br>     // fix ie mixed content issue<br>     iframe.src = "javascript:'<html></html>';";           <br>    });<br>  <br>   } else {<br>    // clear input to allow user to select same file<br>    // doesn't work in ie6<br>    // this._input.value = '';<br>    d.body.removechild(this._input);    <br>    this._input = null;<br>    <br>    // create new input<br>    this._createinput();      <br>   }<br>  },  <br>  /**<br>   * creates form, that will be submitted to iframe<br>  */<br>  _createform : function(iframe){<br>   var settings = this._settings;<br>   <br>   // method, enctype must be specified here<br>   // because changing this attr on the fly is not allowed in ie 6/7  <br>   var form = toelement('<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"></form>');<br>   form.style.display = 'none';<br>  form.action = settings.action;<br>   form.target = iframe.name;<br>   d.body.appendchild(form);<br>   <br>   // create hidden input element for each data key<br>   for (var prop in settings.data){<br>    var el = d.createelement("input");<br>    el.type = 'hidden';<br>    el.name = prop;<br>    el.value = settings.data[prop];<br>    form.appendchild(el);<br>   }   <br>   return form;<br>  } <br> };<br> })();<br> </script>

     $file_path = '../../../uploads/';
     $file_up = $file_path.basename($_files['upload']['name']);
      echo 'success'; 
      echo 'fail'; 

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