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adodbzip class_PHP tutorial

2016-07-13 17:06:571119browse

adodbzip class
* AdodbZip 1.1
* Author:
* Z(QQ number 602000 QQ group 5193883)
* Code example:
* include_once 'AdodbZip.php';
* $db = AdodbZip::init(NewADOConnection('mysql tutorialt'));
* echo $db->GetOne('SELECT NOW()');
* Process description:
* 1. If the Adodb program file in $extract_dir exists and $zip_file does not exist; use the Adodb program file in $extract_dir.
* 2. If the Adodb program file in $extract_dir exists, and $zip_file exists; compare the modification time, and the Adodb program file in $extract_dir is updated to the newer one.
* 3. If the Adodb program file in $extract_dir does not exist and $zip_file exists; then the Adodb program file in $extract_dir is decompressed from $zip_file.
* 4. If the Adodb program file in $extract_dir does not exist and $zip_file does not exist; download the Adodb Zip file from $zip_url and decompress the Adodb program file.
* Other instructions:
* 1. $extract_dir can be customized. If you completely extract the Adodb Zip package to this directory, you can ignore the $zip_url and $zip_file settings, which is the same as using Adodb traditionally.
* 2. $zip_file can be customized. If $zip_file exists, $zip_url can be ignored, so that $zip_file can be used uniformly throughout the site.
* 3. $zip_url can be customized. The Adobe version can be modified at any time. At this time, it is best to use the default values ​​​​for $zip_file and $extract_dir, so that the versions do not interfere with each other.
* 4. $server, $user, $pwd, $db can be customized. The default is the mysql default value. This item only takes effect after calling the AdodbZip::init method.
* 5. $charset can be customized. By default, the encoding is not changed. This item only takes effect after calling the AdodbZip::init method.
* 6. Adodb initialization value can be added in AdodbZip::init method.

* AdodbZip startup item
//Set parameters
AdodbZip::$zip_url = 'http://c.net tutorial works-kr-1.dl.sourceforge.net/project/adodb/adodb-php5-only/adodb-509-for-php5/adodb509.zip'; //[Setting Item] Adobe’s Zip file download address. If the file is large, it is recommended to download or decompress it first
AdodbZip::$zip_file = sys_get_temp_dir () . preg_replace ( '/^.*/(adodb.*?.zip)$/i', 'adodb/$1', AdodbZip::$zip_url ); //[Setting item] Adodb’s Zip file cache location
AdodbZip::$entry_dir = 'adodb5';
AdodbZip::$extract_dir = sys_get_temp_dir () . 'adodb/' . AdodbZip::$entry_dir; //[Setting item] Adodb program file cache location
AdodbZip::$server = 'localhost'; //[Setting item] Server
AdodbZip::$user = 'root'; //[Setting item] Username
AdodbZip::$pwd = ''; //[Setting item] Password
AdodbZip::$db = 'test'; //[Setting Item] Database Tutorial
AdodbZip::$charset = ''; //[Setting item] encoding

//Registration Agreement
if (! in_array ( 'AdodbZip', stream_get_wrappers () )) {
stream_wrapper_register ( 'AdodbZip', 'AdodbZip' );
//Define constants
if (! defined ( 'ADODB_DIR' )) {
define ( 'ADODB_DIR', 'AdodbZip://' );
// Contains program
require_once (ADODB_DIR . '/adodb.inc.php');
// $db = AdodbZip::init(NewADOConnection('mysqlt')); // [Select] reference is defined $db
// return AdodbZip::init(NewADOConnection('mysqlt')); // [Selection] reference will return $db. Note that it can only be referenced once.

*AdodbZip class definition
class AdodbZip {
* Adodb variable
 public static $zip_url;
 public static $zip_file;
 public static $entry_dir;
 public static $extract_dir;
 public static $server;
 public static $user;
 public static $pwd;
 public static $db;
 public static $charset;
* Stream variable
 private $handle;
 public $context;
* Adodb function group
  * init
  * @param adodb &$adodb
  * @return adodb
 public static function init(&$adodb) {
  $adodb->Connect ( self::$server, self::$user, self::$pwd, self::$db );
   $adodb->Execute('SET NAMES '.self::$charset.';');
  return $adodb;
* Stream function group
  * __construct
 public function __construct() {
  * stream_cast
  * @param int $cast_as
  * @return resource
 public function stream_cast($cast_as) {
  return false;
  * stream_close
 public function stream_close() {
  fclose ( $this->handle );
  * stream_eof
  * @return bool
 public function stream_eof() {
  return feof ( $this->handle );
  * stream_flush
  * @return bool
 public function stream_flush() {
  return fflush ( $this->handle );
  * stream_lock
  * @param mode $options
  * @return bool
 public function stream_lock($options) {
  return flock ( $this->handle, $options );
  * stream_open
  * @param string $path
  * @param string $mode
  * @param int $options
  * @param string &$opend_path
  * @return bool
 public function stream_open($path, $mode, $options, &$opend_path) {
  // 验证文件地址
  if (! preg_match ( '/^.*?://(.*)$/', $path, $matches )) {
   return false;
  $tmp_file = self::$extract_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $matches [1];
  $entry_file = self::$entry_dir . '/' . str_replace ( '', '/', $matches [1] );
  $zip_file = self::$zip_file;
  // 验证程序文件
  if (! file_exists ( $tmp_file ) || file_exists ( $zip_file ) && filectime ( $tmp_file )    // 下载文件
   if (! file_exists ( $zip_file )) {
    // 目录处理
    if (! is_dir ( dirname ( self::$zip_file ) )) {
     if (mkdir ( dirname ( self::$zip_file ), 0777, true ) === false) {
      header ( 'Content-type: text/html;charset=utf-8' );
      die ( '请创建目录 ' . $zip_dir );
    // 下载文件
    if (! file_exists ( self::$zip_file )) {
     $break = true;
     do {
      $url_arr = parse_url ( self::$zip_url );
      $fp = fsockopen ( $url_arr ['host'], isset ( $url_arr ['port'] ) ? ( int ) $url_arr ['port'] : 80, $errno, $errstr, 10 );
      if ($fp === false) {
      $out = "GET " . $url_arr ['path'] . " HTTP/1.0rnHost: " . $url_arr ['host'] . " rnConnection: closernrn";
      fputs ( $fp, $out );
      if (feof ( $fp )) {
      $buffer = fgets ( $fp, 1024 );
      if (! preg_match ( '/^HTTP/1.d 200 /i', $buffer )) {
      $content_length = false;
      $content_start = false;
      while ( ! feof ( $fp ) ) {
       $buffer = fgets ( $fp, 1024 );
       if ($buffer === "rn") {
        $content_start = true;
       if (preg_match ( '/^Content-Length:s*(d+)/i', $buffer, $matches )) {
        $content_length = ( int ) $matches [1];
      if ($content_length === false || $content_start === false) {
      $content = stream_get_contents ( $fp );
      if ($content === false) {
      $result = file_put_contents ( self::$zip_file, $content );
      unset ( $content );
      if ($result === false) {
      fclose ( $fp );
     } while ( $break = false );
     if ($break) {
      header ( 'Content-type: text/html;charset=utf-8' );
      die ( '请下载文件 ' . self::$zip_url . '.zip 保存为 ' . self::$zip_file );
   // 创建目录
   $tmp_dir = dirname ( $tmp_file );
   if (! is_dir ( $tmp_dir )) {
    if (mkdir ( $tmp_dir, 0777, true ) === false) {
     header ( 'Content-type: text/html;charset=utf-8' );
     die ( '请创建目录 ' . $tmp_dir );
   // 打开压缩文件
   $zip = zip_open ( $zip_file );
   if (! is_resource ( $zip )) {
    return false;
   // 寻找解压文件
   do {
    $entry = zip_read ( $zip );
    if (! is_resource ( $entry )) {
     return false;
    if (zip_entry_name ( $entry ) == $entry_file) {
   } while ( true );
   // 转存压缩文件
   zip_entry_open ( $zip, $entry );
   file_put_contents ( $tmp_file, zip_entry_read ( $entry, zip_entry_filesize ( $entry ) ) );
   zip_entry_close ( $entry );
   zip_close ( $zip );
  // 打开文件
  $this->handle = fopen ( $tmp_file, $mode );
  if (! is_resource ( $this->handle )) {
   return false;
  return true;
  * stream_read
  * @param int $count
  * @return string
 public function stream_read($count) {
  return fread ( $this->handle, $count );
  * stream_seek
  * @param int $offset
  * @param int $whence=SEEK_SET
  * @return bool
 public function stream_seek($offset, $whence = SEEK_SET) {
  return fseek ( $this->handle, $offset, $whence );
  * stream_set_option
  * @param int $option
  * @param int $arg1
  * @param int $arg2
  * @return bool
 public function stream_set_option($option, $arg1, $arg2) {
  return false;
  * stream_stat
  * @return array
 public function stream_stat() {
  return fstat ( $this->handle );
  * stream_tell
  * @return int
 public function stream_tell() {
  return ftell ( $this->handle );
  * stream_write
  * @param string $data
  * @return int
 public function stream_write($data) {
  return fwrite ( $this->handle, $data );
  * url_stat
  * @param string $path
  * @param int $flag
  * @return array
 public function url_stat($path, $flag) {
  if (! preg_match ( '/^.*?://(.*)$/', $path, $matches )) {
   return false;
  $tmp_file = self::$extract_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $matches [1];
  if (file_exists ( $tmp_file )) {
   if ($flag & STREAM_URL_STAT_LINK) {
    return lstat ( $tmp_file );
   } else {
    return stat ( $tmp_file );
  if ($flag & STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET) {
   $arr = array ('dev' => 0, 'ino' => 0, 'mode' => 0, 'nlink' => 0, 'uid' => 0, 'gid' => 0, 'rdev' => 0, 'size' => 0, 'atime' => 0, 'mtime' => 0, 'ctime' => 0, 'blksize' => 0, 'blocks' => 0 );
   return array_merge ( array_values ( $arr ), $arr );
  return false;
直接样例view sourceprint?1

2 include_once 'AdodbZip.php'; 

3 $db = AdodbZip::init(NewADOConnection('mysqlt')); 

4 echo $db->GetOne('SELECT NOW()'); 

5 ?>
1. 包含AdodbZip.php文件
2. AdodbZip::init(...)函数对adodb连接类进行初始化。

www.bkjia.comtruehttp://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/630590.htmlTechArticleadodbzip 类 ?php教程 /** * AdodbZip 1.1 * * 作者: * Z(QQ号602000 QQ群5193883) * * 代码示例: * include_once 'AdodbZip.php'; * $db = AdodbZip::init(NewADOConnection('m...
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