Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >Practical mysql database connection class_PHP tutorial
This is a mysql database connection file code in php. If you are looking for code with such functions, you can come in and take a look. It is a very complete file.
This is a mysql tutorial database tutorial connection file in php tutorial. Code, if you are looking for code with such functions, you can come in and take a look, it is a very complete file. */
class mysql {
private $db_host; //Host address
private $db_user; //Username
private $db_pass; //Connection password
private $db_name; //Name
private $db_charset; //Encodingprivate $conn;
private $query_id; //Used to determine whether the sql statement is executed successfully
private $result; //Result set
private $num_rows; //The number of rows in the result set, only valid for select
private $insert_id; //The id generated by the previous insert operation//Constructor/Destructor
function __construct ($db_host,$db_user,$db_pass,$db_name,$db_charset,$conn) {
$this->db_host = $db_host ;
$this->db_user = $db_user ;
$this->db_pass = $db_pass ;
$this->db_name = $db_name ;
$this->db_charset = $db_charset ;
$this->conn = $conn ;
}function __destruct () {
}//Connect/select database
public function connect () {
if ($this->conn == 'pconn') {
@$this->conn = mysql_pconnect($this->db_host,$this->db_user,$this->db_pass);
} else {
@$this->conn = mysql_connect($this->db_host,$this->db_user,$this->db_pass);
if (!$this->conn) {
$this->show_error('Database-Connection failed: wrong username or password!');
if (!@mysql_select_db($this->db_name,$this->conn)) {
$this->show_error("Database-selection failed: Database $this->db_name is not available");
mysql_query("set names $this->db_charset");
return $this->conn;
}//query method
public function query ($sql) {
if ($this->query_id) $this->free_result();
$this->query_id = @mysql_query($sql,$this->conn);
if (!$this->query_id) $this->show_error("SQL statement "$sql" encountered an error during execution");
return $this->query_id;
}// Query all
public function findall ($table_name) {
$this->query("select * from $table_name");
}// mysql_fetch_array
public function fetch_array () {
if ($this->query_id) {
$this->result = mysql_fetch_array($this->query_id);
return $this->result;
public function fetch_assoc () {
if ($this->query_id) {
$this->result = mysql_fetch_assoc($this->query_id);
return $this->result;
}public function fetch_row () {
if ($this->query_id) {
$this->result = mysql_fetch_row($this->query_id);
return $this->result;
}public function fetch_object () {
if ($this->query_id) {
$this->result = mysql_fetch_object($this->query_id);
return $this->result;
}//Get num_rows
public function num_rows () {
if ($this->query_id) {
$this->num_rows = mysql_num_rows($this->query_id);
Return $this->num_rows;
}// Get insert_id
public function insert_id () {
return $this->insert_id = mysql_insert_id();
}//Show how many tables there are
public function show_tables () {
$this->query("show tables");
if ($this->query_id) {
echo "Database $this->db_name has ".$this->num_rows($this->query_id)." tables
$i = 1;
while ($row = $this->fetch_array($this->query_id)){
echo "$i -- $row[0]
$i ++;
}//Show how many databases there are in total
public function show_dbs(){
$this->query("show databases");
if ($this->query_id) {
echo "There are total databases ".$this->num_rows($this->query_id)."
$i = 1;
while ($this->row = $this->fetch_array($this->query_id)){
echo "$i -- ".$this->row[database]."
$i ++;
}//Delete database: return deletion result
public function drop_db ($db_name='') {
if ($db_name == '') {
$db_name = $this->db_name;//Delete the current database by default
$this->query("drop database $db_name");
}else {
$this->query("drop database $db_name");
if ($this->query_id) {
Return "Database $db_name deleted successfully";
}else {
$this->show_error("Database $db_name deletion failed");
}//Delete data table: return deletion result
public function drop_table ($table_name) {
$this->query("drop table $table_name");
if ($this->query_id) {
Return "Data table $table_name deleted successfully";
}else {
$this->show_error("Failed to delete data table $table_name");
//Create database
public function create_db ($db_name) {
$this->query("create database $db_name");
Return "Database $db_name created successfully";
}else {
$this->show_error("Database $db_name creation failed");
}//Get database version
public function get_info(){
echo mysql_get_server_info();
}//Display error message
public function show_error ($msg) {
$errinfo = mysql_error();
echo "Error: $msg
Return: $errinfo";
}// Release memory
public function free_result () {
if ( @mysql_free_result($this->query_id) )
unset ($this->result);
$this->query_id = 0;
}} // end class